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Harrington is right! - Really


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The dog appears to be winning the debate.


I hope it forces the Buffalo News to actually look at who they are hiring and if they actually write well thought out articles.  Vogl and Hoppe are better reads then Harrington every day of the week.


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Pathetic is the flip flopping constant negative take on everything either team does year in and year out. 

Wonder why...


I hope it forces the Buffalo News to actually look at who they are hiring and if they actually write well thought out articles.  Vogl and Hoppe are better reads then Harrington every day of the week. 

Those guy are beat reporters and Mike has the role of analyst and commentator, although the lines are certainly blurred at times. Vogl and Hoppe are milquetoast, so if that's your thing, enjoy.


Does MH think it's a savvy career move, as a local sportswriter, to call the owner of the 2 major pro sports teams in his town "pathetic?"

Why? Because the Pegulas could ensure "you never write in this town again"? I'm missing your point. I'd say after seven years of these bumpkins, people might just be up for seeing some pointed criticism. I mean, the thrill of the donut shop downtown has to be wearing off somewhat.

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Is it?


I think it's a decidedly open question whether that sort of thing portends good or ill for her preparedness and capacity to serve as president of the teams and the overall conglomerate. 


If, as people are saying, that's her daughters' account, then her reply is even a bit more ... well, more of whatever it otherwise would be.


I'll grant her this: She's apparently going to do things her way.


I'm not a fan of that sort of thing, for my own part.

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Wonder why...


Those guy are beat reporters and Mike has the role of analyst and commentator, although the lines are certainly blurred at times. Vogl and Hoppe are milquetoast, so if that's your thing, enjoy.


Why? Because the Pegulas could ensure "you never write in this town again"? I'm missing your point. I'd say after seven years of these bumpkins, people might just be up for seeing some pointed criticism. I mean, the thrill of the donut shop downtown has to be wearing off somewhat.

My thing is less reporter opinion/bias and more facts and quotes so I will enjoy. Thanks! 


Harrington wrote a piece a month or two ago with good pointed criticism. 1 article out of 20 being good isn't good enough for me but my milk and toast are ready so I gotta go. 

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I think it's a decidedly open question whether that sort of thing portends good or ill for her preparedness and capacity to serve as president of the teams and the overall conglomerate.


If, as people are saying, that's her daughters' account, then her reply is even a bit more ... well, more of whatever it otherwise would be.


I'll grant her this: She's apparently going to do things her way.


I'm not a fan of that sort of thing, for my own part.

Crapping on the media is very popular right now. And given how unpopular Harrington is, this kind of thing definitely hurts him more than anyone. He already has pretty much everyone blocked on Twitter because he's such a dope. Not surprised the Pegulas themselves are completely unafraid of him. That doesn't bode well for the career of someone who is paid to be taken seriously.

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Kim Pegula is taking a potshot at reporters whose content does not suit her purposes, you say?


Hmm. Does that forecast what sort of president she is apt to be?

Sure* would be nice if a reporter had gotten an interview with her to ask her some of these questions. 

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Kim Pegula is taking a potshot at reporters whose content does not suit her purposes, you say?


Hmm. Does that forecast what sort of president she is apt to be?

I couldn't even begin to try to extrapolate. But I would venture that PSE in general is not going to be super friendly with the schmucks in our local media. I can't say I blame them either.

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I couldn't even begin to try to extrapolate. But I would venture that PSE in general is not going to be super friendly with the schmucks in our local media. I can't say I blame them either.


A lot of them are shmucks, as you say.


But that's slippery business -- cutting off local reporters who are critical of what you do (while also being shmucks, yes, true for many of them) and eliciting coverage from (national) reporters who will, how you say, work with you a bit more.

I couldn't even begin to try to extrapolate. 


By my italics I was alluding to another prominent president who is not shy about decrying members of the free press.

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A lot of them are shmucks, as you say.


But that's slippery business -- cutting off local reporters who are critical of what you do (while also being shmucks, yes, true for many of them) and eliciting coverage from (national) reporters who will, how you say, work with you a bit more.



By my italics I was alluding to another prominent president who is not shy about decrying members of the free press.

I caught the reference, just didn't want to get into a politics thing. But I understand your point.


That said, this is what the media is up against now. Access is not guaranteed. Write your think pieces and hope people are reading them.


But no one is reading Harrington because he has everyone blocked.

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I caught the reference, just didn't want to get into a politics thing. But I understand your point.


That said, this is what the media is up against now. Access is not guaranteed. Write your think pieces and hope people are reading them.


But no one is reading Harrington because he has everyone blocked.


As a consumer of media, I take shots at Harrington and generally avoid him.


It concerns me, however, when a prominent public figure would act likewise.

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As a consumer of media, I take shots at Harrington and generally avoid him.


It concerns me, however, when a prominent public figure would act likewise.

Hasn't it always been this way? Aren't prominent people always at odds with the media?


Let's see if Harrington rises to the challenge. He's being called out as a toothless fraud. The ball is in his court.

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Why? Because the Pegulas could ensure "you never write in this town again"? I'm missing your point. I'd say after seven years of these bumpkins, people might just be up for seeing some pointed criticism. I mean, the thrill of the donut shop downtown has to be wearing off somewhat.


No -- because it's in MH's interest to cultivate good relationships with the teams and their owners so he can get interviews, inside info, hear their side of the story, etc.  This would help him present himself as a prominent and respected voice, instead of a low-rent loser who throws tantrums at press conferences, has widely respected NHL writers publiclyl disavowing him and continually gets into public spats online.

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Perhaps more likely that she'd just turn to social media platforms to communicate directly with the public. 


Okay - I'll stop.

She could but most people don't just start answering questions they haven't been asked on social media. I think it was a big mistake for the Pegula's not to have a press conference after Kim become president.

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I'm not so sure. Recent events have made me especially leery of billionaires lampooning ©hump journalists.

Sure, but what if they're right to do it? 


I'm not going to say I agree with our esteemed executive leader, but I think he was at least half right with all of his railing against the media. I consume liberal media, because I'm a liberal guy, and let me tell ya: a lot of it is miserable. A lot of it is crap. The liberal media has not risen to the challenge thus far. 


So I think Kim challenging someone like Harrington is a good thing for the local media. Because either he's going to hit back with a big, really good story some day, or he's going to be rendered obsolete and be replaced by someone from my generation who knows how to exist as a journalist in the late first quarter of this century. 


Maybe the Pegulas live to regret it? I have my doubts about that...

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She could but most people don't just start answering questions they haven't been asked on social media. I think it was a big mistake for the Pegula's not to have a press conference after Kim become president.


They don't want to answer questions about Brandon.

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