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The 2016 Stanley Cup Finals


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San Jose....isn't very good. Jones put dem on his back doh.

And of course the broadcast says it's the right call. Of course. Who would want to see a breakaway?

On CBC they said- "it was just a split second decision, so not a penalty." Wait, what?

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31-13 shots. This is Drago-Rocky.

Classic case of matchups, I think. San Jose was playing great all playoffs...but they are just not built to deal with Pittsburgh's speed.


It's why I never agreed with those that said the West was way ahead. The East can compete too. Speed kills.


Crazy to me it could be 3-2 after today. Should be 5-0.

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31-13 shots. This is Drago-Rocky.


It's why I never agreed with those that said the West was way ahead. The East can compete too. Speed kills.


Crazy to me it could be 3-2 after today. Should be 5-0.


It probably should have been a sweep. 



Who has 31 shots? In guessing Pitt just by watching this 2nd period


If you watched the other 4 games, then you didn't even have to see the 2nd to guess Pittsburgh.

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It probably should have been a sweep. 





If you watched the other 4 games, then you didn't even have to see the 2nd to guess Pittsburgh.

Ya, 5 games to nothing, it should be, haha.


Can the Sharks win this series? Jones is standing on his head.

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I think he was referring to how tightly they clench their collective butt cheeks whenever Pittsburgh has the puck. They're at defclench 1.

Stage 5 Klingons.


Is there a force-field on the Sharks goal line?


I want this series done. Pittsburgh must feel how teams playing Hasek felt.


I would say the Sharks are going Alamo but they've been there the whole series.

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Watching Burns *Literally* punch Sid in the back twice in a row is horse ######. Get that crap out of here.



This is a joke now in 2016 that what is a penalty every time in regular season is overlooked in the playoffs. League deserves the garage league mantra.



Not interference on Pavelski lol


See above. Every time in the regular season that's a call innit?



Jones should never have to pay for a team dinner again. Or drinks in San Jose.



Best player by far on their team. I've been really impressed with him. At the same time though, I want to say he also overplays himself out of position like that Linus Ulmark or Johnson does.

But I will tip my hat to him as he is the man without a doubt and HE has been the highlight of the finals.

Oh and as an aside to something I heard on Hockey Hotline some day this week I think about the Cup being in the building and the superstition about that. I say screw that. Show the Cup at center ice at every finals game during the anthem and have the singer next to it. Showcase the most glorious trophy in all of sport!

Then have it leave the ice on one of those hover board drone things. Screw superstition. Well except for the most dangerous lead in hockey 2-0 that is no freaking joke right there.

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still ain't over


this reminds me of the 94' Final, NYR dominated the first 4 games took a 3-1 series lead back to MSG, lost games 5 and 6, winning game 7 on home ice.

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Unreal that this series is going to a game 6. Talk about a Corsi imbalance, or, as PA would have it, tilted ice.


Now watch the proverbial small sample size send this thing back to Pittsburgh.


Of course, the fact that a Hasek 2.0 is playing for the Sharks has something to do with this going as far as it has too.

Edited by That Aud Smell
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