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Leino's comments in Buffalo News!


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There is exactly one team "where you go to win championships", they share a lake with our Sabres, but they are the only one. There was another, but they play such a boring form of hockey, that they needed to violate the CBA to try and bring in a big time UFA, and they haven't been a contender for nearly a decade.


Didn't know Cleveland had a team.

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Much prettier this way:



Heyyyyy, that really is pretty. :flirt:


why? i know what your name is. i thought spinach was a funny alternative.

Gotta admit, I still see "spinach n cheeze" when I read it...
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For me, the bigger picture of this is yet another player has come out and publicly criticized his coach, pro athletes do not make it a habit of publicly denouncing their coach and as rare as that is, it's even more rare that a number of players on the same team do it. In no way am I a fan of Lindy Ruff, so what these players had to say doesn't make me any less of a Ruff fan, but what does make me mad is that Pegula and Black haven't even taken time to look into this and possibly talk to players, instead they seem to be thumbing their noses at the players and the fans while quickly coming out with the Lindy aint going nowhere stance. I can't imagine any big Free Agents wanting to come here when there's seemingly turmoil between the players and coach, especially if they talk to the players.

Off the subject, but the Sabres should win some kind of Bad Timing Award for raising season ticket prices and banning smoking outside the arena so soon after another season missing the playoffs. I don't think people will be camping out to get in line to be new season ticket holders.

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Again, I ask, Where in his comment is he coming out and directly criticizing the coach? I never once see him directly say anything about Ruff. I think the anti Ruff group again is trying to read deeper into this to find anything that can be spun into making this look bad for Ruff.


I doubt this looks any worse to the rest of the players in the league, and I doubt that other teams haven't had some player make similar comments about their own team after missing the playoffs.

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Again, I ask, Where in his comment is he coming out and directly criticizing the coach? I never once see him directly say anything about Ruff. I think the anti Ruff group again is trying to read deeper into this to find anything that can be spun into making this look bad for Ruff.



Who do you think he's talking about ? The trainer ? The lady in the concession stand ? The guy taking tickets ? Maybe the beer vendor ? I don't think any of those people are in charge of the things that he's criticizing. I've said it throughout the season, my opinion is that the majority of the players do not want to buy into what Ruff is selling, nor are they willing to go out and bust their ###### for him. The improvement at the end of the season was more likely brought on by the players pride more so than anything Lindy did. As far as being part of a anti Ruff group, if I could be the president of it, I'd be honored.

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Who do you think he's talking about ? The trainer ? The lady in the concession stand ? The guy taking tickets ? Maybe the beer vendor ? I don't think any of those people are in charge of the things that he's criticizing. I've said it throughout the season, my opinion is that the majority of the players do not want to buy into what Ruff is selling, nor are they willing to go out and bust their ###### for him. The improvement at the end of the season was more likely brought on by the players pride more so than anything Lindy did. As far as being part of a anti Ruff group, if I could be the president of it, I'd be honored.


Think about that for a minute. Do you not see the irony in that?



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Who do you think he's talking about ? The trainer ? The lady in the concession stand ? The guy taking tickets ? Maybe the beer vendor ? I don't think any of those people are in charge of the things that he's criticizing. I've said it throughout the season, my opinion is that the majority of the players do not want to buy into what Ruff is selling, nor are they willing to go out and bust their ###### for him. The improvement at the end of the season was more likely brought on by the players pride more so than anything Lindy did. As far as being part of a anti Ruff group, if I could be the president of it, I'd be honored.

But what were the criticizms in the quote? Some pieces were out of place, like himself, the guy who came here saying he would play C? He signed here himself because he agreed when negotiating a contract with Regier that he could play C. Who else was playing out of place? Ennis? Who here thought he could play C? Otherwise he talks about how they didn't have chemistry early on. Its the coaches responsibility to immediatly make these guys mesh together? It takes time to build chemistry and its something he said over time happened.


I have still yet to see any serious negative comments made about the coaches in his comments. in fact, he seems to take more of a shot at Regier and praise the coaches a little with the comment about having to work with what they are given.


But of course anything negative/bad has to be the fault of the coach, and anything good had nothing to do with the coach, its either a fluke or the players did it themselves. So the players decided that their pride was more important late in the season, rather then when tehy couldn't buy a win on the road in december/January and dropped down to last?

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