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Buffalo vs. Boston (11/23/2011), 7:00pm


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Well that might have been the best period of hockey we've played this year. See what happens when you actually TRY?


Loved two fights, two goals, Gerbe and Regher throwing the body, and Hecht and Stafford with wheels.


I also forgot how much I love Hecht throwing the puck at the net from anywhere.

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Lets try sticking with the proper context. I was referring to Boston backing down, a point you made. You claimed they'd think twice before getting nasty. You are fooling yourself if you think Buffalo is teaching Boston a lesson about nasty.


As for the game, of course Buffalo needed to come out with a high level of intensity and physicality. It was the only way they were going to look good.

And you said Boston was happy the game was getting more physical. Are they? Is this going better for them?


It's amazing what a difference it makes when you finish all your checks. Yes, there are no Sabres who can beat up Milan Lucic, but that doesn't mean we can't make them as miserable as they make us.

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Not much else to add, what an unbelievable start to this game!!!! Still two periods to go but what a perfect response. Goose didn't throw many but someone had to drop the gloves with Lucic. To me though, the physical contact that whole period is making me believe that they do give a s$it. Gerbe is a beast out there and I love Guastad's game too. Ehrhoff....that's the shot we all saw in the preseason, stick to it!!!!!!!

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