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Things I LIKE About this Series

Stormin Norman

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Lots of fan frustration boiling over so I thought I would lighten our collective spirits by calling out a few things I really like so far. The list of concerns may be longer, but here goes anyway:


1. I wanted Tyler Myers to drop 'em and start slugging the sh___ out of Pronger! Did you see the kid jawing away and not backing down when they confronted each other near the crease? And Myers gave NO size disadvantage. That might be my favorite "hidden" moment within the passions of this series. (And I don't care what the story is with Pronger's hand... Myers was IN HIS FACE!). Loved it.

2. Sabres fighting like dogs for the most part, despite maybe being a few arrows short in the quiver vs. Philly. Not having as much talent is understandable. Not fighting to the ends of the earth to win is not.

3. Ennis and Gerbe having fun and playing like giants (at least in the heart area) throughout the series. Zero intimidation has affected them.

4. Thomas Vanek trying to shoulder the scoring load. He can make some lazy plays on defense, but he's not someone about which we're all complaining, "Where the hell is Vanek?"

5. Miller when he is "ON."

6. Beating Philly at home when Kate Smith sings America the Beautiful. Back in the day, that was the automatic death knell. Now, I relish it as the harbinger of a road win!

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Lots of fan frustration boiling over so I thought I would lighten our collective spirits by calling out a few things I really like so far. The list of concerns may be longer, but here goes anyway:


1. I wanted Tyler Myers to drop 'em and start slugging the sh___ out of Pronger! Did you see the kid jawing away and not backing down when they confronted each other near the crease? And Myers gave NO size disadvantage. That might be my favorite "hidden" moment within the passions of this series. (And I don't care what the story is with Pronger's hand... Myers was IN HIS FACE!). Loved it.

2. Sabres fighting like dogs for the most part, despite maybe being a few arrows short in the quiver vs. Philly. Not having as much talent is understandable. Not fighting to the ends of the earth to win is not.

3. Ennis and Gerbe having fun and playing like giants (at least in the heart area) throughout the series. Zero intimidation has affected them.

4. Thomas Vanek trying to shoulder the scoring load. He can make some lazy plays on defense, but he's not someone about which we're all complaining, "Where the hell is Vanek?"

5. Miller when he is "ON."

6. Beating Philly at home when Kate Smith sings America the Beautiful. Back in the day, that was the automatic death knell. Now, I relish it as the harbinger of a road win!


I'd like to add:

7) Rob Niedermayer showing up clutch

8) Weber laying the law in the crease to protect Miller

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Gragnani showing everyone that our D-corps should be a force to be reckoned with for some time.

As someone else mentioned in another thread, I'd say they're about 2 years out, but it could come together very nicely. I still expect a lot fair amount of growing pains, but when they're on it should be fun to watch.


Bring in a true #1 center next year and 1 more solid vet center for 3rd line and they could cause some trouble.

Stafford and Gaustad have stepped up their play since the injury to Pominville.

I've been happy w/ Goose's game all series. Stafford seemed to settle down after game 1. Both have to be kicking themselves today after missing the chances they missed last night. As long as they don't start gripping the stick too tight, I'd expect they'll be amongst the bright spots tomorrow night.

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As someone else mentioned in another thread, I'd say they're about 2 years out, but it could come together very nicely. I still expect a lot fair amount of growing pains, but when they're on it should be fun to watch.


I think their winds up being a lot of trade bait in that group. The organization as a whole has a ton of d-men right now and something's going to have to give.

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Gragnani showing everyone that our D-corps should be a force to be reckoned with for some time.

love the avatar pic.


I know there's an "our D corps sucks" thread going on, but going forward I think our D can become a strength with 5 (Myers, Butler, Weber, Grags, Sekera) promising and still developing players under the age of 24.


the kid has been a revelation, hasn't he?


that said, we can all fully expect the guy to be rostered next fall and we can all fully expect him to have a stretch of games where we're left thinking what the hell happened to this guy - he STINKS!.


but he's clearly part of the team's future on the blue line -- and that's a bright, bright future, IMO.

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I think their winds up being a lot of trade bait in that group. The organization as a whole has a ton of d-men right now and something's going to have to give.

There's definitely some. I hope it's not a 'lot.'


One of the other things I wasn't thrilled w/ Muckler was trading a lot of young promising D for over the hill guys. This group COULD be very special in a few years. I'd rather have them here when we finally get a real honest-to-goodness #1 center than be rebuilding the D again.


That the goal is to win a SC in the next 3 years leads me to believe we'll only see 1-2 of those guys traded, not 3+.

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Sabres are already a scary team with all the youth. Speed kills. With this ownership, we have a great thing that we're building, from the goaltending on out. We have a a goldmine with all these talented kids and have several good ones coming up the pike soon. Hopefully guys like Adam, Kassian, Byron and Pysyk will come through and push some of these borderline players out. It seems since Pegula started, almost everything has gone right, for a change and I think we will be strong and deep for years to come.

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Sabres are already a scary team with all the youth. Speed kills. With this ownership, we have a great thing that we're building, from the goaltending on out. We have a a goldmine with all these talented kids and have several good ones coming up the pike soon. Hopefully guys like Adam, Kassian, Byron and Pysyk will come through and push some of these borderline players out. It seems since Pegula started, almost everything has gone right, for a change and I think we will be strong and deep for years to come.

Wait!! Are you saying Regier and the scouts have done a good job of drafting?? Blasphemy!!

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I think their winds up being a lot of trade bait in that group. The organization as a whole has a ton of d-men right now and something's going to have to give.


That's definetly a good problem to have. Maybe package one of them as early as this summer in hopes of landing a #1 C.

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Not trying to pad my own topic here, but thanks for keeping it positive for the most part. I feel more confident already! And, if I may:


- playing so well on the road for such a long stretch, even in the playoffs, is a great boost for game 7

- l love hearing stories about the mental anguish this series creates in serious Buffalo fans. I realize I'm not the only one. Its exhilerating and terrifying at the same time.

- Where the heck did Weber come from? Out of nowhere, he's mangling Flyer forwards all over the ice!

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How about the fact that the sabres were IN the series? Never, would I have guessed that at New Years. Heck, a month ago I had serious doubts.

The fact that they are taking it to a game 7.

The kids are getting experience in pressure games--every game has been a one-goal game. Pressure makes diamonds.

Gerbe and Ennis are too small to make a difference in the playoffs...really?


Bad things:

Jeremy Roenick's return to prominence behind a mic.

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Lots of fan frustration boiling over so I thought I would lighten our collective spirits by calling out a few things I really like so far. The list of concerns may be longer, but here goes anyway:


1. I wanted Tyler Myers to drop 'em and start slugging the sh___ out of Pronger! Did you see the kid jawing away and not backing down when they confronted each other near the crease? And Myers gave NO size disadvantage. That might be my favorite "hidden" moment within the passions of this series. (And I don't care what the story is with Pronger's hand... Myers was IN HIS FACE!). Loved it.

2. Sabres fighting like dogs for the most part, despite maybe being a few arrows short in the quiver vs. Philly. Not having as much talent is understandable. Not fighting to the ends of the earth to win is not.

3. Ennis and Gerbe having fun and playing like giants (at least in the heart area) throughout the series. Zero intimidation has affected them.

4. Thomas Vanek trying to shoulder the scoring load. He can make some lazy plays on defense, but he's not someone about which we're all complaining, "Where the hell is Vanek?"

5. Miller when he is "ON."

6. Beating Philly at home when Kate Smith sings America the Beautiful. Back in the day, that was the automatic death knell. Now, I relish it as the harbinger of a road win!


Oh yeah. FINALLY...a reason to hate the Flyers...

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I don't keep stats on such things, but HSBC was loud on Sunday.

really really loud.


I loved it. I couldn't hear the people next to me.

It was loud on Monday as well. Sounded loud on the telly Weds and yesterday.


One thing I really get a kick out of, seeing the Phlyers play live is, on TV their uni's look a dark orange, but when you see 'em live they are far more of a creamsicle color (the home and roads, both). No wonder Hartnell's got a chip on his shoulder, I doubt I'd be real happy having to wear Tampa Bay Pirate Bruce orange game in, and game out.


Because of the uni's, my little one has started calling them the creamsicles. :thumbsup:

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I think their winds up being a lot of trade bait in that group. The organization as a whole has a ton of d-men right now and something's going to have to give.

If Monty walks they're left with:







I don't think Persson or Brennan are ready for the NHL but are probably ok to have as 8th Dmen playing in Portland, so barring a veteran signing or trade they have their 7 NHL Dmen in my opinion.

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