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Ladies and Gentlemen, I think it's important to note that NONE of the Flyer's top six scored as well and were as ineffective as the Sabres top six.

I agree that we Sabres fans would like our top six to produce something, and I certainly hope they do going down the road here, but I don't think tonight's game is really an indicator of how the Sabres top six will do in these playoffs.


If anything, it shows that the coaches for both teams got enough out of their D-pairings that both sides' big guns were shut down. And the fact that it took the third line (I assume the Gaustad, Gerbe, Kaleta line is the third line) on the Sabres to score, while none of the Flyer's lines could, only shows that the Sabres are deeper on D than the Flyers.

I appreciate your optimism, but I don't agree that Philly's top 6 were as ineffective as the Sabres' top 6. I thought Briere, Richards and JVR were all quite effective and created scoring chances. After the first period I don't think the TC-Vanek-Pommer even came close to creating a chance, and Boyes-Stafford-Ennis were only slightly better. Also, you have to consider both last night and on last year's Boston series in evaluating whether the top 6 will be invisible again this year.


The Gaustad-Gerbe-Kaleta has 3 guys with the body type, the will and enough skill to be effective. Last spring and last night, the top 6 didn't. The Sabres will have a very hard time winning this series if they don't improve.

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I appreciate your optimism, but I don't agree that Philly's top 6 were as ineffective as the Sabres' top 6. I thought Briere, Richards and JVR were all quite effective and created scoring chances. After the first period I don't think the TC-Vanek-Pommer even came close to creating a chance, and Boyes-Stafford-Ennis were only slightly better. Also, you have to consider both last night and on last year's Boston series in evaluating whether the top 6 will be invisible again this year.


The Gaustad-Gerbe-Kaleta has 3 guys with the body type, the will and enough skill to be effective. Last spring and last night, the top 6 didn't. The Sabres will have a very hard time winning this series if they don't improve.


You can't be serious. Does this look like last-year's team in any respect? There's no way I can buy into any argument that last year's team is any reflection on this year's team - too much has happened since January on and off the ice.


Anyone who has watched the Sabres this season knows that the top-6 has a lot more offense to offer and a lot more character. The Flyers needed to win game 1 and they gave the Sabres everything they had last night - they focused on shutting down the Sabres top 6 and tried to establish physical supremacy. This isn't Ottawa we're playing.


That was the Flyer's mistake and I can guarantee that their plan will change in game 2: they're going to be worried about solving Miller and finding a way to score goals.


The Sabres, in the meantime, have taken care of the first-game jitters, know now that they can match the physical game of the Flyers and they, too, are going to try and find a way to create more scoring chances.


I predict a more north-south game on Saturday and I think we'll see more of the offense we have seen the past month or two out of the Sabres.

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In no way am I suggesting the refs had it in for the sabres but does anyone think that they couldn't have penalized the flyers a couple of more times on a couple more transgressions. The penalties were there,they just weren't called. Why they called them heavier on the sabres including a 5-3 when they obviously let things go both ways all night is frustrating. Playoff officiating is a different animal. Also, do they generally stay with the same officials for the series or do they change them up. It'll be interesting to see how game 2 goes. GO SABRES!

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In no way am I suggesting the refs had it in for the sabres but does anyone think that they couldn't have penalized the flyers a couple of more times on a couple more transgressions. The penalties were there,they just weren't called. Why they called them heavier on the sabres including a 5-3 when they obviously let things go both ways all night is frustrating. Playoff officiating is a different animal. Also, do they generally stay with the same officials for the series or do they change them up. It'll be interesting to see how game 2 goes. GO SABRES!


I agree. Read a report where they said they're glad the Sabres won so they wouldn't sound like they were crying when complaining about the officiating. It's true. As far as potential penalties it looked pretty even to me but we weren't getting the calls. Although if our PP continues to look anything like the one they got in the game then it really doesn't matter. Either way I hope special teams doesn't play a big factor in this series. Let's Go Buffalo! On to Game 2....

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In no way am I suggesting the refs had it in for the sabres but does anyone think that they couldn't have penalized the flyers a couple of more times on a couple more transgressions. The penalties were there,they just weren't called. Why they called them heavier on the sabres including a 5-3 when they obviously let things go both ways all night is frustrating. Playoff officiating is a different animal. Also, do they generally stay with the same officials for the series or do they change them up. It'll be interesting to see how game 2 goes. GO SABRES!

I really didn't want more PPs. I just wanted less PKs.

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So to summarize, TV played ok,



Did you happen to notice the TC line drawing the number one d pair consistently. Philly used their shutdown line against the TV line.They doubled TV more than a few times when he was in the red zone.It was why Lindy mixed a bit in period two an three. There were a dozen or so breakout passes that missed TC,Pom And TV badly when they were in transition and open.Another dozen from other wingers that missed Grier, Neids, Boyce, Ennis,Gerbe, and TV . The passing in last nights game was horrible,they were holding the puck too long, and Philly did a great job defending them. I think it was just game one jitters and guys trying to do too much with the puck on their own.It will be interesting to see if Philly comes out with that trap game in game two. On some of the rushes The Sabres defenders were so far back when they entered the offensive zone they were blocking Millers view.Just my perspective.When the other three lines score some,transition passing gets more accurate and Philly opens up a bit the one line will get more productive. Just my take. A bigger winger to take Poms place on the TC/Tv line? The G man to replace Myers on the PP? He is a better passer, gets the puck to the net when he shoots and it is always low and on the goaltenders leg pads.

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You can't be serious. Does this look like last-year's team in any respect? There's no way I can buy into any argument that last year's team is any reflection on this year's team - too much has happened since January on and off the ice.


Anyone who has watched the Sabres this season knows that the top-6 has a lot more offense to offer and a lot more character. The Flyers needed to win game 1 and they gave the Sabres everything they had last night - they focused on shutting down the Sabres top 6 and tried to establish physical supremacy. This isn't Ottawa we're playing.


That was the Flyer's mistake and I can guarantee that their plan will change in game 2: they're going to be worried about solving Miller and finding a way to score goals.


The Sabres, in the meantime, have taken care of the first-game jitters, know now that they can match the physical game of the Flyers and they, too, are going to try and find a way to create more scoring chances.


I predict a more north-south game on Saturday and I think we'll see more of the offense we have seen the past month or two out of the Sabres.

What exactly did you see out of the top 6 last night that makes you confident that they will deliver the goods?


Playoff hockey is a harder game than regular-season hockey. Like Boston last year, Philly has a tough, physical team with a solid group of veteran defensemen. While I agree with you that the Sabres have improved -- and I've posted that I think this year's team is better equipped to win in the playoffs than last year's -- the only change year-over-year to the top 6 is the addition of Boyes. That group still has a lot to prove.


To win in the playoffs, teams need to generate goals through ferocious forechecking and winning one-on-one battles with defensemen. The top 6 failed miserably at this last spring. While I am confident that Gaustad's line will continue to forecheck well and create offense, I didn't see anything last night that made me think that TC, Pommer, Stafford or Ennis is going to do any better this year.


I promise you though that I hope you're right.

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Sabres fans, I live in the Philly area. this is my 3rd playoff series between Buff and Philly. The Sports Media here in Philly I find to impressive. When it comes to hockey, there is no one better than Al Morganti. I like Al because of his knowledge and because he keeps it real. Al gives a realistic view point of a situation always. On Saturday night after the Flyers - Isles game, with a body demeanor of "Flyers fans, you need to be ready for this series with the Sabres", he shared that the Flyers will be playing a very good team in the Sabres and even if Pronger plays in the series, he will not be game shape ready for a couple games.


So on to last night's post game interview, with a body demeanor of concern, Al said "yes the Flyers played a good game, but so did the Sabres". Al also said that "The Sabres style was very reminiscent of the 90's and early 2000 NJ Devils".


Take it for what it is worth, but al keeps it real. I can read his face and see concern he has that the Flyers are in for a difficult road with the Sabres.




Al Morganti looks like death warmed over.

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I don't know if the Sabres change the formula up too much on Saturday. I would like to see an actual forecheck out of a line other than the Gaustad line. I thought that the 1-3-1 strategy was supposed to produce more forecheck and control in the offensive zone, but I didn't see that. What I did notice is that there were plenty of times we gave them fits trying to clear the puck; always seemed to have someone around to dump it back in.


I know the team respects the talent and depth of the Flyers, but I think dumping the puck in and backing off may be conceding too much and we will be hard-pressed to test their freshman goalie with that strategy. On the flip side with the boys being responsible in their own zone and careful when pinching we didn't give up the horrific odd-man rushes that have plagued us all season.


I guess I just hope to see more balance and play in the Flyers zone, their goalie wasn't tested much at all and he was giving up some monster rebounds (and we buried one). If we get up early on them trap-trap-trap. I know its boring and I have always hated it myself, but every team does it at different times in games and with all the obstruction and holding that goes on during the playoffs and the refs swallowing their whistles... can you really feel guilty about grinding out a defensive win?

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from tsn "Looking at who was involved in the Sabres' goal shows the kind of depth Buffalo is sending at the Flyers. Once the puck was in the Flyers zone, tiny Nathan Gerbe battled for it along the boards." Keep picking on him seriously, the more everyone does the harder he works and the better he gets. Good points in the article about our def and there effort last night.

link: http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=362317

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I appreciate your optimism, but I don't agree that Philly's top 6 were as ineffective as the Sabres' top 6. I thought Briere, Richards and JVR were all quite effective and created scoring chances. After the first period I don't think the TC-Vanek-Pommer even came close to creating a chance, and Boyes-Stafford-Ennis were only slightly better. Also, you have to consider both last night and on last year's Boston series in evaluating whether the top 6 will be invisible again this year.


The Gaustad-Gerbe-Kaleta has 3 guys with the body type, the will and enough skill to be effective. Last spring and last night, the top 6 didn't. The Sabres will have a very hard time winning this series if they don't improve.


What exactly did you see out of the top 6 last night that makes you confident that they will deliver the goods?


Playoff hockey is a harder game than regular-season hockey. Like Boston last year, Philly has a tough, physical team with a solid group of veteran defensemen. While I agree with you that the Sabres have improved -- and I've posted that I think this year's team is better equipped to win in the playoffs than last year's -- the only change year-over-year to the top 6 is the addition of Boyes. That group still has a lot to prove.


To win in the playoffs, teams need to generate goals through ferocious forechecking and winning one-on-one battles with defensemen. The top 6 failed miserably at this last spring. While I am confident that Gaustad's line will continue to forecheck well and create offense, I didn't see anything last night that made me think that TC, Pommer, Stafford or Ennis is going to do any better this year.


I promise you though that I hope you're right.


I agree completely. The top 6 last night looked alot like the top 6 from last April. They HAVE to play with more fire if we are going to win this series. You know that Richards, Hartnell, and Briere are going to bring it. Vanek, TC, Pommers, and Boyes will need to do the same.


Where we've improved the most from last April is the play of Myers and Butler and the bottom 6 was more effective.

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What exactly did you see out of the top 6 last night that makes you confident that they will deliver the goods?


Playoff hockey is a harder game than regular-season hockey. Like Boston last year, Philly has a tough, physical team with a solid group of veteran defensemen. While I agree with you that the Sabres have improved -- and I've posted that I think this year's team is better equipped to win in the playoffs than last year's -- the only change year-over-year to the top 6 is the addition of Boyes. That group still has a lot to prove.


To win in the playoffs, teams need to generate goals through ferocious forechecking and winning one-on-one battles with defensemen. The top 6 failed miserably at this last spring. While I am confident that Gaustad's line will continue to forecheck well and create offense, I didn't see anything last night that made me think that TC, Pommer, Stafford or Ennis is going to do any better this year.


I promise you though that I hope you're right.



These Flyers are not comparable to last year's Boston team - and definitely not this year's Boston team.


What I saw last night from the Sabres was a physical game that, I think it's safe to say, nearly all of us hadn't expected.


What I have seen from the Sabres since January and coming into the playoffs is a team that has a lot more to offer than last year's team, and that's about the only comparison I'm willing to take seriously. I also think the Sabres have a lot more to offer than the Flyers do.


I mean, if you can't accept that time, experience and hard work can change a person or persons and "right past wrongs" then what is the point, generally, of trying at anything?

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I agree completely. The top 6 last night looked alot like the top 6 from last April. They HAVE to play with more fire if we are going to win this series. You know that Richards, Hartnell, and Briere are going to bring it. Vanek, TC, Pommers, and Boyes will need to do the same.


You read like the Sabres top 6 decided to take the night off; as if they weren't playing a team with any skill or depth. Really? You want to fault the top 6 of the Sabres for being shut down by a hard-playing team determined to win in their own building?


Again, I agree the Sabres need to produce more offense, but I think it's there and like the rest of the season they'll figure out a way to do it. One way will be to stop taking stupid penalties.

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I agree. Read a report where they said they're glad the Sabres won so they wouldn't sound like they were crying when complaining about the officiating. It's true. As far as potential penalties it looked pretty even to me but we weren't getting the calls. Although if our PP continues to look anything like the one they got in the game then it really doesn't matter. Either way I hope special teams doesn't play a big factor in this series. Let's Go Buffalo! On to Game 2....


Obviously, the officiating should not be biased, or perceived as such. The thing that gripes me (and this is why the Sabres would up with more penalties, I believe) is that stick infractions (hooking, slashing, etc.) are called no matter how minor. However, roughing, interference (unless it involves using a stick) and anything to do with "physical" play is allowed to go nearly unseen by the refs. I guess this is to make sure that the games satisfy the "rough and tough" quota that is apparently necessary for North American hockey fans. If you rap a guy on the gloves with your stick and it doesn't affect his control of the puck, why does it have to be called? If you run a pick on a player to free up a team mate, why shouldn't it be called? Silly and stupid.

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I agree completely. The top 6 last night looked alot like the top 6 from last April. They HAVE to play with more fire if we are going to win this series. You know that Richards, Hartnell, and Briere are going to bring it. Vanek, TC, Pommers, and Boyes will need to do the same.


Where we've improved the most from last April is the play of Myers and Butler and the bottom 6 was more effective.



??? I think both teams top lines played just about even last night

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I completely disagree with everyone's assessment of our top 6. Philly was 3rd this year in goals per game. They are a really good offensive team. I don't mind the we had a defense first approach and our top 6 played a really tough, physical game and challenged every shooter. It actually surprised me a little. The only time I was ever afraid of a shot was Briere's shot from the faceoff dot that Miller saw the whole way. Not letting them score was just as good as us scoring to me last night.

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What exactly did you see out of the top 6 last night that makes you confident that they will deliver the goods?


Playoff hockey is a harder game than regular-season hockey. Like Boston last year, Philly has a tough, physical team with a solid group of veteran defensemen. While I agree with you that the Sabres have improved -- and I've posted that I think this year's team is better equipped to win in the playoffs than last year's -- the only change year-over-year to the top 6 is the addition of Boyes. That group still has a lot to prove.


To win in the playoffs, teams need to generate goals through ferocious forechecking and winning one-on-one battles with defensemen. The top 6 failed miserably at this last spring. While I am confident that Gaustad's line will continue to forecheck well and create offense, I didn't see anything last night that made me think that TC, Pommer, Stafford or Ennis is going to do any better this year.


I promise you though that I hope you're right.


I kind of agree with you and Sizzle on this. Last night did look the same as the Boston series. Now I know I was consuming a few Rickards Whites but I didn't notice Pomminstein once on the ice. The Tin man looked scared and the only positive play I saw out of Vanek was the nice deflection on net that could have went in. On the flip side, I still feel like these forwards have come a long way and matured over the second half of the season. Staff looked decent and I think they will come around as the series progress.

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These Flyers are not comparable to last year's Boston team - and definitely not this year's Boston team.


What I saw last night from the Sabres was a physical game that, I think it's safe to say, nearly all of us hadn't expected.


What I have seen from the Sabres since January and coming into the playoffs is a team that has a lot more to offer than last year's team, and that's about the only comparison I'm willing to take seriously. I also think the Sabres have a lot more to offer than the Flyers do.


I mean, if you can't accept that time, experience and hard work can change a person or persons and "right past wrongs" then what is the point, generally, of trying at anything?

You read like the Sabres top 6 decided to take the night off; as if they weren't playing a team with any skill or depth. Really? You want to fault the top 6 of the Sabres for being shut down by a hard-playing team determined to win in their own building?


Again, I agree the Sabres need to produce more offense, but I think it's there and like the rest of the season they'll figure out a way to do it. One way will be to stop taking stupid penalties.


In what way are the Flyers not comparable to last year's Boston team?


I agree that the Sabres matched Philly's physical play, and that this was a very positive element in their play.


What does the bolded statement mean? Everyone here wants TC, Pommer, Stafford, etc. to redeem themselves and have a strong playoffs. Does that mean we should pretend that they were effective last night? They weren't. They need to be if the Sabres are going to advance. That's just the truth.


I appreciate your optimism and I half-expect the top 6 to improve over last night too -- but (i) the Sabres took 1 penalty in the 3rd period last night and had only 6 shots on goal -- so I don't think being shorthanded is what held back the top 6 and (ii) it's going to get harder, not easier, as the playoffs progress -- so it's not OK for the top 6 to disappear just because they're playing a good team in Philly.

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You read like the Sabres top 6 decided to take the night off; as if they weren't playing a team with any skill or depth. Really? You want to fault the top 6 of the Sabres for being shut down by a hard-playing team determined to win in their own building?


Again, I agree the Sabres need to produce more offense, but I think it's there and like the rest of the season they'll figure out a way to do it. One way will be to stop taking stupid penalties.


I think their forecheck was marginally effective and that Philly did a great job of keeping them to the outside for the most part. I didn't see any of our top 6 playing with the fire that Goose, kaleta, Grier, or Gerbe played with. And I think if our top 6 is going to be effective against Philly's defense they are going to have to play with alot more energy. And the same could have been said last season too.


Philly's D did a great job last night. Kudos to them. But our bottom 6 fought through it much more effectively than our top 6 did. That ain't gonna cut it over 7 games.



Sheesh, why does a critical observation have to turn into, "you think they suck" all the stinking time. (not directled at you SM, more of a general comment)

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My guess is that today Ruff will review game footage and talk to the team about it. the forwards did play hard def and I think Ruff may address their offensive short comings. The plan clearly needs to be shoot low and hard from outside on bob and he will give up a huge rebound that you can bury. We need more ozone time period. I have faith that this playoff run our top 6 will show up. I thought the Ennis Staff Boyes line was not bad at all and just needed to get a game under their belt. Lets wait until say game 3ish to start worrying that our top 6 are going to ninja vanish :ph34r: like bruce lee or jackie chan or leonardo or Michelangelo.... you get it right?

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My guess is that today Ruff will review game footage and talk to the team about it. the forwards did play hard def and I think Ruff may address their offensive short comings. The plan clearly needs to be shoot low and hard from outside on bob and he will give up a huge rebound that you can bury. We need more ozone time period. I have faith that this playoff run our top 6 will show up. I thought the Ennis Staff Boyes line was not bad at all and just needed to get a game under their belt. Lets wait until say game 3ish to start worrying that our top 6 are going to ninja vanish :ph34r: like bruce lee or jackie chan or leonardo or Michelangelo.... you get it right?


I almost think that this was the strategy for the first game, limit the mistakes by focusing on a smart defensive game. Now that we have that foundation (and a 1-0 lead :thumbsup: ) we can start to work on opening up the offense. It's better than playing a wide open game the in game 1 and going 'oh s#$%' we need to play D too!


It will come - a playoff series is a very dynamic animal and changes from game to game.

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In what way are the Flyers not comparable to last year's Boston team?


I agree that the Sabres matched Philly's physical play, and that this was a very positive element in their play.


What does the bolded statement mean? Everyone here wants TC, Pommer, Stafford, etc. to redeem themselves and have a strong playoffs. Does that mean we should pretend that they were effective last night? They weren't. They need to be if the Sabres are going to advance. That's just the truth.


I appreciate your optimism and I half-expect the top 6 to improve over last night too -- but (i) the Sabres took 1 penalty in the 3rd period last night and had only 6 shots on goal -- so I don't think being shorthanded is what held back the top 6 and (ii) it's going to get harder, not easier, as the playoffs progress -- so it's not OK for the top 6 to disappear just because they're playing a good team in Philly.


This year's Flyers are not the physical force Boston was or is. And their goalie tandem last year (Boston) was a lot stronger.


Where are seeing that anyone is arguing that the Sabres top 6 were effective last night? No one is making that point. The "pretending" thing is a straw man.


Why must you go back to last April to try and back up a contention that, arguably, is hardly valid this April? The Sabres have played a lot of hockey, really good hockey more recently, since last April. Why is it, then, hard to believe that they can carry that game over to the playoffs?


The kind of offensive game you're after didn't exist for either team last night. The score was 1-0! That was the plan - you're better off critiquing the coaches for the defensive game-plan than the players for trying to get something done in that environment.


I think this series will boil down more to game-plans and coaching, hence the reason I think Saturday's game will see more offense from both sides.

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