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I respect everyone's opinion and thought(s)...but what does 10 forum posts or 10,000 forum posts have to do with someone's credibility and knowledge on how to react to a game? So what if they are new to a forum, doesnt make their reaction any less of a "rank" or "level" to someone who has thousands of posts.

It's honestly pretty sad in my opinion that you would dis-credit someone's opinion based on number of forum posts.


Really, what is sad is someone not understanding the posts they are criticizing. See, new people with good observations and interesting posts are welcomed here, even if they are contrary. Anyone who has spent time here would know that. And that is the point: the new people in question here are not interested in conversing about the game; rather, they are interested in telling the rest of the community to ignore a bad game, and to not criticize the players when they crap the bed in the last few minutes of a game.


It has nothing to do with rank or hierarchy - it has to do with understanding and fitting into the community, instead of admonishing the community.

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Really, what is sad is someone not understanding the posts they are criticizing. See, new people with good observations and interesting posts are welcomed here, even if they are contrary. Anyone who has spent time here would know that. And that is the point: the new people in question here are not interested in conversing about the game; rather, they are interested in telling the rest of the community to ignore a bad game, and to not criticize the players when they crap the bed in the last few minutes of a game.


It has nothing to do with rank or hierarchy - it has to do with understanding and fitting into the community, instead of admonishing the community.


Thank you. You said it alot better than I did.

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Honestly, I have been in denial. I've been hoping against hope that Miller would start to get real sharp right about now... that maybe he'd start to look like the Olympian. It just isn't happening. My confidence is near zero that he can carry a team -- any team -- to the Cup. Maybe with better players up front, he could do it. A big maybe.


Remember all the "Hasek moments" when you'd yell out, "Holy *****!!!!" and "OMG!!" after a series of incredible stops? Wow, don't see too many of those any more.


I concur. I think that Miller has been weak all year. Even if we revist yesterday's game, the 2 goals he let in were all on him....bad angle shots that he flubbed. And then today, he was out of position most of the time and shaking his head at the goals he let in. I agree that it is not all of his fault, but I also agree that he has been subpar this season. He hasn't stolen a game in a long while. He is always shaking his head as if nothing is his fault. And today, he skated off like a sad little kid (he definitely over-committed and was then out of position). Grow a pair and man up!


Such is life. I thought Enroth should have started today, but apparently Lindy wants to ride Miller. Let's hope we can take this disappointment and turn it into something positive Tuesday!

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Being aware of my limited number of posts, I am practically scared __itless that the "senior" posters are going to drill me for making an observation. But here goes anyway.


Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of (1) Lindy playing prevent defense for 15 minutes when we have the lead, and (2) the Sabres having no one capable of burying the 'killer' goal on this team?


P.S. Some of us read a lot of posts but don't feel compelled to write 30,000 of them ourselves.


I consider myself a senior poster.


GREAT observation. My brother and I call it the 'shell mode'. You know, they go into a shell and try to hold off the other team's attack, eventually giving up the tying goal. It pisses me off, too, and has been happening for about 40 years as far as I can remember.

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Really, what is sad is someone not understanding the posts they are criticizing. See, new people with good observations and interesting posts are welcomed here, even if they are contrary. Anyone who has spent time here would know that. And that is the point: the new people in question here are not interested in conversing about the game; rather, they are interested in telling the rest of the community to ignore a bad game, and to not criticize the players when they crap the bed in the last few minutes of a game.


It has nothing to do with rank or hierarchy - it has to do with understanding and fitting into the community, instead of admonishing the community.


If you consider conversing about a game by playing the blame game, then they aren't playing by the rules.


But as a fan, just putting the game behind you and forgetting about it is a hell of a lot easier than saying "(player) did this wrong and that...(player) is overrated....(player) is to blame for this"


Who cares? We cant change it...just look forward to the next game.

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I won't start a new thread for this, but the Sabres are seventh in the league in goals scored per game. Hell, I might have to admit Lindy knows how to coach offense.


Imagine how dangerous this team could be if it was getting even good goaltending.


The goaltending sure has been inconsistant this season. Miller will have 2 great periods and then lose whatever mojo he had in the next period. he'll string together several good games then seem to lose focus for a period of time. Sometimes that time is measured in minutes, sometimes it is long enough that Lindy finally decides he needs a rest and refocus sit down.


I'm ready to point the finger at the goalie coach. Last year showed that Miller had the talent. But why does he go through lapses in positioning like he did in the last several minutes?


Of course, it could just as well be the grey matter between Millers' ears to blame. :blush:

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If you consider conversing about a game by playing the blame game, then they aren't playing by the rules.


But as a fan, just putting the game behind you and forgetting about it is a hell of a lot easier than saying "(player) did this wrong and that...(player) is overrated....(player) is to blame for this"


Who cares? We cant change it...just look forward to the next game.



As a fan, you can't change or influence anything. So, what is the point of visiting a message board where the idea is to carry on a conversation? Should we just speak about hopes, dreams and wishes here and not wander into analysis? If that eludes you, then I guess this particular meme can go in circles infinitely.

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How about giving credit to the "opposing goalie" sometimes? Ruff has said "the goaltending in this league is really good".


Here in Buffalo we are just used to seeing a sieve on a nightly basis and when we see good goaltending from the opposition some just want to blame our offense and say we have noone to bury the puck instead of giving credit where it is do.




I'm thinking about the Carolina games because I hate that team so much and always will. Even when we get good goaltending, we can't get someone to bang in an important goal against that squad. The ability to bury the big one has clearly been missing since we lost Drury and Briere and even Dumont. And I think players like Pominville were capable of it a few years ago because we had players like Drury and Briere, who made everyone around them better.


If I see Cam Ward looking like god again, I'm going to put a slap shot through my big screen TV.

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The goaltending sure has been inconsistant this season. Miller will have 2 great periods and then lose whatever mojo he had in the next period. he'll string together several good games then seem to lose focus for a period of time. Sometimes that time is measured in minutes, sometimes it is long enough that Lindy finally decides he needs a rest and refocus sit down.


I'm ready to point the finger at the goalie coach. Last year showed that Miller had the talent. But why does he go through lapses in positioning like he did in the last several minutes?


Of course, it could just as well be the grey matter between Millers' ears to blame. :blush:


I think this applies to the entire team. Over the period of the season, there has been a lot of inconsistency in all areas - for a playoff-caliber team.


I don't think it's coaching - if the quality of the coaching is consistent season-to-season, then that's the control and the players are the variable. I think the former is true: the quality of the coaching most likely hasn't changed, because the staff hasn't changed much - in fact I'd be inclined to think that because they have had to make do with less, the quality of the coaching has probably increased.

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I think this applies to the entire team. Over the period of the season, there has been a lot of inconsistency in all areas - for a playoff-caliber team.


I don't think it's coaching - if the quality of the coaching is consistent season-to-season, then that's the control and the players are the variable. I think the former is true: the quality of the coaching most likely hasn't changed, because the staff hasn't changed much - in fact I'd be inclined to think that because they have had to make do with less, the quality of the coaching has probably increased.


Agreed that the entire team has been inconsistent.


But I'd suggest that Miller has been inconsistent right from the day he first assumed starter duties. And Corsi has been his coach for that entire time. Last season was an exception IMO.

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As a fan, you can't change or influence anything. So, what is the point of visiting a message board where the idea is to carry on a conversation? Should we just speak about hopes, dreams and wishes, here and not wander into analysis? If that eludes you, then I guess this particular meme can go in circles infinitely.


I didnt say, hopes, dreams and wishes...analysis shouldnt ALWAYS be a blame game though, but that is what it always is every night after a loss it seems like.


Blame this guy. Miller is overrated. etc etc etc.

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I'm thinking about the Carolina games because I hate that team so much and always will. Even when we get good goaltending, we can't get someone to bang in an important goal against that squad. The ability to bury the big one has clearly been missing since we lost Drury and Briere and even Dumont. And I think players like Pominville were capable of it a few years ago because we had players like Drury and Briere, who made everyone around them better.


If I see Cam Ward looking like god again, I'm going to put a slap shot through my big screen TV.


Hey Newbie. Up to 24 posts now. You are what they call "prolific."


Have a question about your avatar. Is that Ultra Man? I remember the day ch. 29 came on the air and their initial programming seemed to consist of their "Good News Capsule" and Ultra Man reruns. I haven't seen Ultra Man since I was a little kid.



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But I'd suggest that Miller has been inconsistent right from the day he first assumed starter duties. And Corsi has been his coach for that entire time. Last season was an exception IMO.



That's a good point, and fits into what I was saying: Miller, being the variable, was on some Jedi kick last season and was able to stay focused on it fundamentally all season.


This season, not only does he have his usual inconsistencies, but now is haunted by choosing the right color tuxedo, who should be on the invite list, and which city's team his bride will want him to play for when the contract is up, or before - because we know Buffalo is a dead end for buxom B-movie starlets.

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That's a good point, and fits into what I was saying: Miller, being the variable, was on some Jedi kick last season and was able to stay focused on it fundamentally all season.


This season, not only does he have his usual inconsistencies, but now is haunted by choosing the right color tuxedo, who should be on the invite list, and which city's team his bride will want him to play for when the contract is up, or before - because we know Buffalo is a dead end for buxom B-movie starlets.


I'm not sure there's ever been a hockey post with the words Jedi, tuxedo and buxom in it. Well done!


Seriously, Miller wasn't really consistent last season if you want to look first half vs. second half. I broke down the numbers earlier in the season, but the post won't be easy to find.

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I didnt say, hopes, dreams and wishes...analysis shouldnt ALWAYS be a blame game though, but that is what it always is every night after a loss it seems like.


Blame this guy. Miller is overrated. etc etc etc.

That's just the way it is here. Don't come after bad games if you don't want to endure it. Miller is having a below average year, after a career year last year. So people are down on him. Sekera was on fire starting with the Detroit game and everyone loved him. He made an awful play tonight, and he sucks for all time. Lots of hyperbole.


People make mistakes and don't always do the right thing. Hockey players are just people. Critics never make mistakes, because they don't do what they are criticizing. Journalists are professional watchers--they can't or won't do what they watch. Folks here are just amateur watchers.


Folks watch hockey to be entertained and be made happy when their team wins. When they lose, they are unhappy and they need to lash out. When their team really sucks--like the last 3 minutes tonight--they are really unhappy and really need to lash out.


Bottom line--as everyone here mostly knows--this team is at best a marginal playoff team. But then they get mad when the team performs like a marginal playoff team. As the Great George Bush said--"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well you can't be fooled again." Around here, people are bitter when they have been fooled for the 20th time.

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That's just the way it is here. Don't come after bad games if you don't want to endure it. Miller is having a below average year, after a career year last year. So people are down on him. Sekera was on fire starting with the Detroit game and everyone loved him. He made an awful play tonight, and he sucks for all time. Lots of hyperbole.


People make mistakes and don't always do the right thing. Hockey players are just people. Critics never make mistakes, because they don't do what they are criticizing. Journalists are professional watchers--they can't or won't do what they watch. Folks here are just amateur watchers.


Folks watch hockey to be entertained and be made happy when their team wins. When they lose, they are unhappy and they need to lash out. When their team really sucks--like the last 3 minutes tonight--they are really unhappy and really need to lash out.


Bottom line--as everyone here mostly knows--this team is at best a marginal playoff team. But then they get mad when the team performs like a marginal playoff team. As the Great George Bush said--"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well you can't be fooled again." Around here, people are bitter when they have been fooled for the 20th time.


Dat der is troof.

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Before tonight's game I was going to write an article about how Lindy should be mentioned in coach of the year talks. Now they reminded me how many times they've blown 2-goals leads this month.


Jack, don't take this as a personal attack, but this is exemplary of the manic attitude that seems to surface on this board pretty often. They're either world-beaters or the sh*ttiest team in the world. Ruff is either coach of the year, or should be fired. Miller is either back to Vezina form or choking. Etc.


In reality, this team is playoff-worthy and could make a run if it has the right matchups and a little bit of luck (and please, no one tell me that luck doesn't play a part in an NHL playoff run). But it's not a great team, and it's not a terrible team, either.


Similarly, while there's no way that this team could be in the position that it's in without Ruff, especially given the bad start and all of the injuries, he's not coach of the year this year and shouldn't be in the conversation.


It's a middle-of-the-road year for a team that rebuilt in two years to become division champs, had a bad playoff matchup (and didn't rise to the occasion), and is doing what it can to get back into things. If this were last year, no one would be panicking after 3 out of 4 points in less than 24 hours. It isn't last year, I know.


There's room for criticism just like there's room to be excited. But the "swing" in either direction on here gets a little silly from time to time.


Apologies in advance if using your post as the example offended you; it was just an example that got some thoughts moving.


EDIT: Looks like Dave Dryden made the same point while I was taking too long to type.

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That's just the way it is here. Don't come after bad games if you don't want to endure it. Miller is having a below average year, after a career year last year. So people are down on him. Sekera was on fire starting with the Detroit game and everyone loved him. He made an awful play tonight, and he sucks for all time. Lots of hyperbole.


People make mistakes and don't always do the right thing. Hockey players are just people. Critics never make mistakes, because they don't do what they are criticizing. Journalists are professional watchers--they can't or won't do what they watch. Folks here are just amateur watchers.


Folks watch hockey to be entertained and be made happy when their team wins. When they lose, they are unhappy and they need to lash out. When their team really sucks--like the last 3 minutes tonight--they are really unhappy and really need to lash out.


Bottom line--as everyone here mostly knows--this team is at best a marginal playoff team. But then they get mad when the team performs like a marginal playoff team. As the Great George Bush said--"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well you can't be fooled again." Around here, people are bitter when they have been fooled for the 20th time.


Statistically speaking, this is an average Miller season. The first half of last season was the aberration. As Darcy said, the Sabres benefited from it being an Olympic season.

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Jack, don't take this as a personal attack, but this is exemplary of the manic attitude that seems to surface on this board pretty often. They're either world-beaters or the sh*ttiest team in the world. Ruff is either coach of the year, or should be fired. Miller is either back to Vezina form or choking. Etc.


In reality, this team is playoff-worthy and could make a run if it has the right matchups and a little bit of luck (and please, no one tell me that luck doesn't play a part in an NHL playoff run). But it's not a great team, and it's not a terrible team, either.


Similarly, while there's no way that this team could be in the position that it's in without Ruff, especially given the bad start and all of the injuries, he's not coach of the year this year and shouldn't be in the conversation.


It's a middle-of-the-road year for a team that rebuilt in two years to become division champs, had a bad playoff matchup (and didn't rise to the occasion), and is doing what it can to get back into things. If this were last year, no one would be panicking after 3 out of 4 points in less than 24 hours. It isn't last year, I know.


There's room for criticism just like there's room to be excited. But the "swing" in either direction on here gets a little silly from time to time.


Apologies in advance if using your post as the example offended you; it was just an example that got some thoughts moving.


EDIT: Looks like Dave Dryden made the same point while I was taking too long to type.


If Ruff had been fired at 3-9-2, there isn't another coach in hockey who could have gotten the Sabres here? I just can't agree with that.

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Today's game was all about missed opportunities. It was a missed opportunity to put some ground and be up 4 points with a game in hand on Carolina. It was a missed opportunity to be 2 points back of the Rangers with a game in hand. It was a missed opportunity to put the game away in the third period, but instead they let up and allowed Nashville to get back in it.


And, then there's Thomas Vanek. The entire game was a bunch of missed opportunities for Vanek. There's plenty of blame to go around today, but Vanek had 5-6 quality scoring chances and did not put a goal in. You can't really even blame Vanek as he did everything he could to get into the right position, to set-up the plays, and did everything right besides put the goal in the net. Vanek's inability to put the goal in the net today is a microcosm of the entire game, which was a bunch of missed opportunities.


For some reason, this team seems to lack that killer instinct on a consistent basis. Sure, they'll put up the occasional 7 or 8 spot on a team, but in a close 2 goal game, they seem to let up and not go for the throat. The third period was exactly that today. Prevent defense.


As for the Miller related posts, I'll say this. First, I disagreed with starting him. Sure, he basically had most of the week off, but why keep Enroth up in Buffalo if you're not going to use him on the second day of a back-to-back? Forget the fact that Lalime is "hurt." Why have Enroth up in the NHL if you're not going to use him? He can get playing time in the AHL. You use him on the second day of a back-to-back, and it's worked so far. As it relates to Miller in particular, he did not have a great game and he has not had a great season overall. I think he's fighting some sort of injury. Either that or his technique is totally off from last year. I've never seen him overcommit on plays as much as I have seen him do that this year. He's almost always in perfect position to stop pucks and is very mechanical and boring. This year, he's overcomitting a lot and either gets lucky, has to make a miraculous save, or gives up a goal. It's not the same Ryan Miller from last season, and I think something is definitely wrong, I just don't know what it is.


Either way, the Sabres have to just take the point and move on. They've got some critical games this week against Montreal, Florida, and New Jersey. They still have their own destiny in their hands and need to run with it and do as much as they can to get into the playoffs.

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Jack, don't take this as a personal attack, but this is exemplary of the manic attitude that seems to surface on this board pretty often. They're either world-beaters or the sh*ttiest team in the world. Ruff is either coach of the year, or should be fired. Miller is either back to Vezina form or choking. Etc.



Let's be realistic here - this is what nearly ALL message boards are like, regardless of the concentration and topics therein. Message boards are about the here-and-now. Since this is a Sabres message board, let's use them as the object of an example:


You're at a friend's house with 5 or 6 buds watching a game. If it's a game like the Thrashers game last night, you're all high-fiving each other, toasting beers, cheering, whooping, whatever - enjoying the moment with various exclamations of "ENNIS IS ON FIRE!" "TAKE THAT BEAT-DOWN, YOU SOUTHERN-HICK-WANNA-BE-NHL TEAM!" "OH MAN, VANEK JUST MISSED THAT - BUT HE STILL ROCKS! AND SHOULD BE CAPTAIN!"


Few people are going to ruin the mood by piping in with "well, this is just an aberration, the team is statistically average at best, and may still not make the playoffs."


That same applies to message boards, especially in threads about a game that is occurring at the very moment people are gathered on the forum and posting.


To come into a thread like this, and making like the game and emotions don't exist, or that one, the other, or both are overblown, is really just pompous and, frankly, contrived. Whoever does this clearly misses the entire point, and in some respects is like a thread troll IMHO.


If you want to conduct a more reasoned overview of the season, the team, and the attendant issues, then I would suggest that the game-day thread, especially, is really not the place to do that because the aforementioned reasons.

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Jack, don't take this as a personal attack, but this is exemplary of the manic attitude that seems to surface on this board pretty often. They're either world-beaters or the sh*ttiest team in the world. Ruff is either coach of the year, or should be fired. Miller is either back to Vezina form or choking. Etc.


In reality, this team is playoff-worthy and could make a run if it has the right matchups and a little bit of luck (and please, no one tell me that luck doesn't play a part in an NHL playoff run). But it's not a great team, and it's not a terrible team, either.


Similarly, while there's no way that this team could be in the position that it's in without Ruff, especially given the bad start and all of the injuries, he's not coach of the year this year and shouldn't be in the conversation.




I don't mind, but I don't really understand either. I didn't mean that this game changed my thoughts on whether or not Ruff should get mentioned, I just meant the timing wouldn't be right for the article now. He should be in the conversation. :thumbsup:


People want to talk about how great of a coaching job Dan Bylsma has done, and how great of a coaching job Lemaire has done. Pittsburgh was on fire to start the season but I honestly believe HBO's 24/7 really stirred up the whole "Bylsma for coach of the year" thing -- without getting the inside look at him coaching I bet he doesn't get nearly as much mention. Throughout the mini-series he came off as very professional and a smart guy. But where are they without Crosby and Malkin? They aren't even the same team and their record has shown it in their absence.


Then you have Lemaire, who came in and single-handedly righted the ship in Jersey. He turned what was looking like a disastrous signing in Kovalchuk back into a great okay deal, as Kovie is producing on the scoresheet like we all knew he could. They're also playing defensively sound and getting scoring from roleplayers in Parise's absence. They've been on a remarkable run since December. A lot of hockey people say if Jersey makes playoffs, Lemaire is practically a shoe-in for the award.


Then there's Lindy Ruff, who's team got off to a start just a step above where Jersey was at. Reigning Calder Trophy winner Tyler Myers was feeling the sophomore slump. Andrej Sekera, Mike Weber, Chris Butler were coughing up pucks left and right in our own zone. Our offense had no stride. Down goes our leading scorer and how do we respond? By having the best winning percentage in the conference since Christmas. By creeping back into the playoff race, and then grabbing the reins and taking control of 8th place. Ruff has Myers playing the best hockey of his career over the last few weeks. Ruff has Vanek playing like a mad man and the leader we've hoped for him to be. Ruff has our defense straightened out, and has utilized the 7th/8th defenseman all season long to keep people fresh and keep people motivated. Most importantly Ruff has his team in a playoff position for now.


I'm not saying he should win, but he belongs in the conversation. People are blown away by what Jersey has accomplished but they've still got a big hill to climb if they're going to make playoffs. Buffalo was looking just as bleak early on and has gotten no recognition league-wide for their turn around. It's a black and white, night and day difference between this team we've watched since January 1st and the team we watched the first half the season. Ruff deserves the credit for that.

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