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I keep hearing "contract year" in my head, but I am starting to crowd that out with positive thoughts. I will say that all of the sudden, I feel differently about Stafford than I did about Tallinder last year. I was right then; let's hope that I'm starting to be right now instead of wrong.

Even in a contract year, 16 goals in a 20 game span is pretty good. B-)

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You're not going to rebuild your team at the deadline. I would rather them keep Connolly and Stafford and see what they can do this year since most of us have invested 12 or more hours a week since October watching them play. You're not going to trade them and get anything too big in a trade, and the "veterans" you want to dump to create cap space next season are UFAs whether they get traded or not.. so your point is moot.

I'm talking Gaustad, Hecht and Pominville if possible. I want as many picks, prospects and cap space as possible for a new GM to work with.

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I really believe Stafford is maturing. For him it's all in his head. He's got the talent, he's just got to keep the headspace in the right frame of mind. And by the way, he now has 20 goals in just 34 games played.


Me too. I also don't think he'll make as much as many people believe. People see 20 goals in 34 games and automatically think he'll ask for bank. Look what Lee Stempniak did last year and how little he got. He should ask and get around $3.3 million per season for like 3 years.

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I'm talking Gaustad, Hecht and Pominville if possible. I want as many picks, prospects and cap space as possible for a new GM to work with.


New owner or not I don't see Pominville going anywhere, but I'll give you that one. However, Gaustad and Hecht aren't exactly players teams are gonna look for to improve themselves at the deadline, and therefor it really makes no difference whether they trade them now or in the off-season. Pominville I could see a team hoping to add some firepower but like Connolly and Stafford, at this point I would rather just keep him because things have been going different.


Whether you like it or not the team has done a complete 180° since December and they're serious contenders now. And before you say "contenders for 8th place or contenders for the cup?" Truth is, both. They look like a completely different team and just because right now they're competing for 8th place (because of a terrible first half), that doesn't really reflect their true skill level. I would put Buffalo 5th or 6th in the East.


If any trades are made it should be trading OUR picks for an impact player, not necessarily trying to get more picks and prospects. We have enough promising prospects in the system to have a completely revamped roster with one or two UFA moves. We don't need picks and prospects that are 4-5 years away from playing in the NHL.

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Actually, he's never been better.



11, PA's right


Case in point, PA.


I'll just say one thing that goes a little against what you are saying. If the Sabres make the playoffs, even as the 8th seed, that's not a team limping into the playoffs only to get ousted quickly. That's a team playing some pretty damn good hockey to overcome their early deficit. If they come out on top in their next couple of games, I think I'm a buyer at the deadline.


I wouldn't. Deadline additions very rarely have much impact on the teams success. Even some of the big names failed to make an impact. If the Sabres were serious, i'd try to get a center for depth, someone who wins faceoffs and can score. I'd also look to add some cheap guy, like a BJ Crombeen or someone like him, who adds grit and more physicality to the team. I wouldn't trade too much away though.

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However, Gaustad and Hecht aren't exactly players teams are gonna look for to improve themselves at the deadline,

Gaustad is 3rd in the league in faceoffs. But if Buffalo does make it to the playoffs, they're going to need his faceoff skills since no one else on the team is any good at it (Niedermayer is the next best center at a whopping 47.4%)

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Gaustad is 3rd in the league in faceoffs. But if Buffalo does make it to the playoffs, they're going to need his faceoff skills since no one else on the team is any good at it (Niedermayer is the next best center at a whopping 47.4%)


He's a hell of a face off man but unless teams think a third/fourth line center is their missing piece of the Stanley Cup puzzle, I don't see him garnering much interest. With Connolly and Weiss on the market as more offensive centermen, it's unlikely someone calls about Gaustad.

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He's a hell of a face off man but unless teams think a third/fourth line center is their missing piece of the Stanley Cup puzzle, I don't see him garnering much interest. With Connolly and Weiss on the market as more offensive centermen, it's unlikely someone calls about Gaustad.


Not everyone needs to add scoring, some teams just look for grit, like SJ who went out and got Ben Eager. Without knowing what teams want, i don't know how much or how little interest a player like him would get. I'd assume if Sabres made him available, several teams would call. Not sure what we'd get in return? For example, a team like Buffalo, could use a guy like Gaustad. I think we'll be in the market for a gritty guy who plays his style, and if he wins faceoffs, the better.

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Me too. I also don't think he'll make as much as many people believe. People see 20 goals in 34 games and automatically think he'll ask for bank. Look what Lee Stempniak did last year and how little he got. He should ask and get around $3.3 million per season for like 3 years.


$3.3 to $3.5 million wouldn't be ridiculous for a 20+ goal guy with some size and grit in his prime years (27-29). It would put Drew in line with the salaries of Hecht and Roy and behind TV and Pommer (worst contract on the team IMHO)...

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It was a nice comeback and a fun game to watch.



While everyone is excited that the Sabres have games in hand, that also means playing the most games in the shortest amount of time.


Miller....29 straight games.



No matter what the Sabres do at the deadline, I want them to make the playoffs. What scares me is that they don't see the whole tree/forest thing and hang onto dead wood, and deceptive wood.


If there was a market, I would bet against any and all at even money the Sabres don't make the playoffs. I'm much more worried about a solid foundation for next year and beyond.

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$3.3 to $3.5 million wouldn't be ridiculous for a 20+ goal guy with some size and grit in his prime years (27-29). It would put Drew in line with the salaries of Hecht and Roy and behind TV and Pommer (worst contract on the team IMHO)...


By saying 20 goal scorer isn't exactly accurate. He's got 20 goals in 34 games. Based on a 82 game season, he's on pace for massive numbers which his agent will argue, and $3.3/per is a discount for that kind of pace.

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It was a nice comeback and a fun game to watch.



While everyone is excited that the Sabres have games in hand, that also means playing the most games in the shortest amount of time.


Miller....29 straight games.



No matter what the Sabres do at the deadline, I want them to make the playoffs. What scares me is that they don't see the whole tree/forest thing and hang onto dead wood, and deceptive wood.


If there was a market, I would bet against any and all at even money the Sabres don't make the playoffs. I'm much more worried about a solid foundation for next year and beyond.

All indications are that Team Pegula will be in charge with a week to spare before trade deadline. I have to assume TP has his people (Patrick?) already mapping strategy. My guess really dead wood will be jettisoned but it won't be the purge that some have predicted. (Offseason I'm sure will be a different story) If Pegula is really fan then he is probably enjoying this run and may want to see how far it can go this season.



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By saying 20 goal scorer isn't exactly accurate. He's got 20 goals in 34 games. Based on a 82 game season, he's on pace for massive numbers which his agent will argue, and $3.3/per is a discount for that kind of pace.

I think you have something here.


Danny Briere got a then scary $5 million arbitration award based on 25 goals in 48 games after the 2005-06 season.

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Very entertaining game tonight. Big W. Hecht worries me, and while he wasn't to blame on most of the goals given up (the first one was terrible, IMO) Miller wasn't sharp and to me is showing some signs of fatigue, be it mental or physical. He's got to get a couple games off here or there. If it means calling up Enroth because we don't trust Lalime, then that's fine with me.


The part of Stafford's game that has really matured is moving without the puck and finding shooting lanes. He's taking the shots he's given and daring the goaltender to make the save. He's scoring goal scorer's goals. I think the switch has flipped.

You're usually spot on, and I am really hoping you are on this one. I really liked Stafford a couple years back, when Drury was still on the team. You could see the flashes and glimpses of his talent, and I think, as rickshaw points out, his problems have been between the ears. I am thinking he is finally getting it, and I am seeing the same things you are, x - he's in better positions without the puck, and is using his size to his advantage rather than playing small.


I really believe Stafford is maturing. For him it's all in his head. He's got the talent, he's just got to keep the headspace in the right frame of mind. And by the way, he now has 20 goals in just 34 games played.



I keep hearing "contract year" in my head, but I am starting to crowd that out with positive thoughts. I will say that all of the sudden, I feel differently about Stafford than I did about Tallinder last year. I was right then; let's hope that I'm starting to be right now instead of wrong.

Agreed on both counts.


Miller....29 straight games.

This is the part that scares me. We've seen him wear down in the past. Are we going to ride him all the way to the end to get to the playoffs, only to have a physically and mentally spent goalie try to will his way through the playoffs?

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I read an article stating Pegula's company had drilled into a time warp and he is using his billions to create a "time machine." With this he will be able to reverse the decisions of the old ownership, and he will resign Briere and Drury. Rumor has it, Terry is looking to take control of the organization before Feb. 28 so he can trade Connolly for a flux capacitor.

The Missing Link

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This is the part that scares me. We've seen him wear down in the past. Are we going to ride him all the way to the end to get to the playoffs, only to have a physically and mentally spent goalie try to will his way through the playoffs?


Couldn't agree more. This is the scariest part. Makes you wonder if one of the moves that they actually to do at the deadline is get another goalie?

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I read an article stating Pegula's company had drilled into a time warp and he is using his billions to create a "time machine." With this he will be able to reverse the decisions of the old ownership, and he will resign Briere and Drury. Rumor has it, Terry is looking to take control of the organization before Feb. 28 so he can trade Connolly for a flux capacitor.

The Missing Link

You are SDS?

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I think you have something here.


Danny Briere got a then scary $5 million arbitration award based on 25 goals in 48 games after the 2005-06 season.


He had 33 assists too (58 points) and was coming off a 28 goal year. Drew's comparatively lower career numbers should hold down his salary a bit... unless he really goes off the rest of this year, which would be nice!

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The part of Stafford's game that has really matured is moving without the puck and finding shooting lanes. He's taking the shots he's given and daring the goaltender to make the save. He's scoring goal scorer's goals. I think the switch has flipped.

Great description. Lindy used the same "switch has flipped" phrase to describe Stafford this morning on WGR, btw.


One can have an adverse effect on the other. If the Sabres are close to 8th spot do they still trade Connolly? Would they include Stafford in a package deal? Will they dump veterans to create cap space next season?


The decision has to be made. Can this team as constituted win a Stanley Cup? Can they win it with a few changes? IMO, no. Which is why they need to feel free to dump the players they want at the deadline with having to worry if fans feel they are giving up on the season. I said it before, sacrifice the possibility of palyign a few extra games this April for games played in future Mays and Junes.

It would be crazy to include Stafford in a package for anything less than a true #1 center.


I'd much rather Roy -- but again, only in a package for a true top-line player.


It's certainly a fair point you raise about whether the Sabres will trade TC if they are in the 8th (or 7th, for that matter) spot.

I keep hearing "contract year" in my head, but I am starting to crowd that out with positive thoughts. I will say that all of the sudden, I feel differently about Stafford than I did about Tallinder last year. I was right then; let's hope that I'm starting to be right now instead of wrong.

Tallinder had a very good last year, but he was never as good as Stafford is right now.


I'm talking Gaustad, Hecht and Pominville if possible. I want as many picks, prospects and cap space as possible for a new GM to work with.

I think it's pretty rare for anyone with a big non-expiring contract to get traded at the deadline. In any event they should not trade Gaustad. I'd be fine with trading either of the other 2.


It was a nice comeback and a fun game to watch.


While everyone is excited that the Sabres have games in hand, that also means playing the most games in the shortest amount of time.


Miller....29 straight games.


No matter what the Sabres do at the deadline, I want them to make the playoffs. What scares me is that they don't see the whole tree/forest thing and hang onto dead wood, and deceptive wood.


If there was a market, I would bet against any and all at even money the Sabres don't make the playoffs. I'm much more worried about a solid foundation for next year and beyond.

If you want them to make the playoffs, I will respectfully submit that you shouldn't offer up this bet. (especially given the amount of bickering in just this thread).


A few other game notes:


1. That was a great win for the Sabres, and for most of the game until Roloson freaked out, it was a great hockey game.


2. Yet another TB game in which the Sabres (especially Vanek) pad their stats. However, TV's goals were not garbage-time, and he deserves credit for clutch scoring this time.


3. Miller let in 4, but really made a bunch of big saves to keep it close until the Sabres caught up and pulled away. There was in particular a fantastic pad save on a Stamkos one-timer.


4. Weber was 2nd on the team in ice time, only a few seconds behind Leopold, who had a huge game and is looking like a nice FA pickup by DR.


5. Morrisson had a pretty good game and has quietly been playing pretty well the last 4-5 games since being paired with Weber.


6. I've had a pretty mixed record as a fantasy GM, but I'm feeling pretty good about picking up Ennis and Stafford off of waivers a couple of weeks ago and playing them both this week. Stafford even had 4 PIM tonight!


7. I will agree with PA that there is no reason to turn the GDT into a barrage of recriminations and name-calling, especially after a great win like that one.


8. Am I crazy or does Grier have a great deal more spring in his step now that TG and LQ (who let him walk as a UFA in 2006) are officially leaving?


9. Ennis' bullet pass from the corner to TC for the go-ahead goal was a thing of beauty -- in the top 5 Sabres goals of the year.


10. Stafford is officially off the trading block.


11. Did anyone think the Sabres looked, y'know, well coached?


This team is going to make the playoffs.


Go Sabres.

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