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Same here, but remember we are not supposed to want them to make the playoffs...because it will ruin the master plan of all the real fans........ :beer:


DR HOLLIDAY quote of the night!!!!! Nicely said. Where have you been? Other than GDT I haven't noticed any posts from you.

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You're better than this.


No, I think I was spot-on. The Sabres win a nice game in Tampa, and it's time for baseless recriminations?


BTW, PTR is arguably the most negative poster on this board. Or was. Must have gone into for a hockey excorcism. Good for him. He got religion!

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All I can say is hold on to your dreams. Maybe you will get your wish that Terry Pegula is the type of owner that is just happy being in the league. I get the impression he's not from the little he has said and has been written about him.


Chump is really funny. Here you are with the idea I get mad when they win when I actually enjoy watching them when they play well and win. Add that to the enjoyment I will have when sweeping changes are made. It's like I can have my wings and beer too. I am pretty sure that makes you the chump.



No, I think I was spot-on. The Sabres win a nice game in Tampa, and it's time for baseless recriminations?


BTW, PTR is arguably the most negative poster on this board. Or was. Must have gone into for a hockey excorcism. Good for him. He got religion!

I think somewhere in this discussion you got the idea I want the team to remain unchanged. I'm all for sweeping changes AND I want them to do well this season. One does not preclude the other. Only in your minds I suppose. Oh and if I'm negative then this must be the Bizarro universe Sabres forum.



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10th in the East and 24th in the league is where they currently stand.


I don't want to ruin your night with reality. I'm sure tonight's game will cover a decent amount of time on the teams highlight DVD. As I said it was fun to watch.

9th in points per game and if they win the next 2, they'll have the 8th best record after 54 games.

I don't want to ruin your bias with reality.

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Grrr... I think i picked a bad night to let the housemates take the television... I'll take the win though...


Maybe Neidermyer will score!


THIS is funny every time :lol:


They're going to make the playoffs and they're gonna do it without Roy.


I haven't heard much about his return recently, but whatever the rough estimate was originally, I believe that if we make it to the ECF or SCF, it's close to his return time! Just sayin'! :ph34r:

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I've certainly noticed that after Drew's last two hat tricks there were new 'Drew bashing' threads started the day after. So I might expect the same again this time.



If he gets a couple more hat tricks before the trade deadline maybe I'll be a little nicer to him.

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Didn't really want to bother posting here but I can't resist: DeLuca, you're gimmick is getting old. Seriously, all you do on this board is talk about how bad the Sabres are and how you don't want them to make playoffs. We know, you want to trade every player on the roster and start over. Cool. Guess what? As fans we can do NOTHING about who's on the team, who gets traded, who they sign, etc. And as fans, all we can do is ROOT for our team regardless of the circumstances. You can keep sitting here and whining about how you don't want Connolly on the roster and how we should all root for them to miss playoffs so they'll move him, but guess what? The Sabres are 4 pts behind Carolina with two games in hand and a manageable schedule coming up. Oh, and we just dismantled who many would call the second best team in the conference.


Sorry to burst YOUR bubble and ruin YOUR whole year's worth of posts with reality, but the Sabres have a very real chance of making the playoffs. They've been one of the best teams in the conference since January. The sky is the limit.


We need to begin contract negotiations with Stafford.


Agreed. Some will say he's only playing well because it's a contract year blah blah, but honestly we've never seen Stafford play as well as he has this season. He is a monster. No way should we let him go.


I don't think I've seen a team lose its composure like Tampa did since that Philly melted down in 2006.


I was at that game. Dumont and Pommer both put up hattys. But I agree, wow, that chain of events of Roloson and Downie and the rest of the Lightning losing their cool really turned the tide for Buffalo.


Did vs say he has 17 goals in 21 games?


I think he said 17 goals in 21 games vs Tampa in his career.

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I still don't believe Drew Stafford is this good, but that was fun to watch. They're going to make the playoffs and they're gonna do it without Roy.


Vanek talking about simplifying the game. That really has been this teams problem and I'm glad losing Roy is what made it happen.


He's been awesome all year, and has absolutely owned several games all on his own, like the Columbus game for example. He has shown flashes in the past too, so it's not like this is all out of the blue. I just don't believe that he's getting lucky or what not. Maybe the contract year just woke him up to mature and get committed? It's not just his hands and skating that is very impressive, it's his grit. The play vs. Hedman was awesome, despite him getting 2 minutes. Then the hit which caused the loose puck to get to Ennis who passed it to Connolly was a major grit play by Stafford.

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9th in points per game and if they win the next 2, they'll have the 8th best record after 54 games.

I don't want to ruin your bias with reality.

I thought the Briere point prorate machine was broken. I don't count goals/points before they are scored. I don't count points before they are won.

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I thought the Briere point prorate machine was broken. I don't count goals/points before they are scored. I don't count points before they are won.

And yet you'll count the extra points other teams have in the extra games they've played. Can't have it both ways, son.

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He's been awesome all year, and has absolutely owned several games all on his own, like the Columbus game for example. He has shown flashes in the past too, so it's not like this is all out of the blue. I just don't believe that he's getting lucky or what not. Maybe the contract year just woke him up to mature and get committed? It's not just his hands and skating that is very impressive, it's his grit. The play vs. Hedman was awesome, despite him getting 2 minutes. Then the hit which caused the loose puck to get to Ennis who passed it to Connolly was a major grit play by Stafford.


The part of Stafford's game that has really matured is moving without the puck and finding shooting lanes. He's taking the shots he's given and daring the goaltender to make the save. He's scoring goal scorer's goals. I think the switch has flipped.

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He's been awesome all year, and has absolutely owned several games all on his own, like the Columbus game for example. He has shown flashes in the past too, so it's not like this is all out of the blue. I just don't believe that he's getting lucky or what not. Maybe the contract year just woke him up to mature and get committed? It's not just his hands and skating that is very impressive, it's his grit. The play vs. Hedman was awesome, despite him getting 2 minutes. Then the hit which caused the loose puck to get to Ennis who passed it to Connolly was a major grit play by Stafford.


I really believe Stafford is maturing. For him it's all in his head. He's got the talent, he's just got to keep the headspace in the right frame of mind. And by the way, he now has 20 goals in just 34 games played.

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You're better than this.

Actually, he's never been better.

No, I think I was spot-on. The Sabres win a nice game in Tampa, and it's time for baseless recriminations?


BTW, PTR is arguably the most negative poster on this board. Or was. Must have gone into for a hockey excorcism. Good for him. He got religion!


11, PA's right

Keep repeating this to yourself as you rock in your corner sucking your thumb.



Case in point, PA.

All I can say is hold on to your dreams. Maybe you will get your wish that Terry Pegula is the type of owner that is just happy being in the league. I get the impression he's not from the little he has said and has been written about him.


Chump is really funny. Here you are with the idea I get mad when they win when I actually enjoy watching them when they play well and win. Add that to the enjoyment I will have when sweeping changes are made. It's like I can have my wings and beer too. I am pretty sure that makes you the chump.

I'll just say one thing that goes a little against what you are saying. If the Sabres make the playoffs, even as the 8th seed, that's not a team limping into the playoffs only to get ousted quickly. That's a team playing some pretty damn good hockey to overcome their early deficit. If they come out on top in their next couple of games, I think I'm a buyer at the deadline.

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I think somewhere in this discussion you got the idea I want the team to remain unchanged. I'm all for sweeping changes AND I want them to do well this season. One does not preclude the other. Only in your minds I suppose. Oh and if I'm negative then this must be the Bizarro universe Sabres forum.



One can have an adverse effect on the other. If the Sabres are close to 8th spot do they still trade Connolly? Would they include Stafford in a package deal? Will they dump veterans to create cap space next season?


The decision has to be made. Can this team as constituted win a Stanley Cup? Can they win it with a few changes? IMO, no. Which is why they need to feel free to dump the players they want at the deadline with having to worry if fans feel they are giving up on the season. I said it before, sacrifice the possibility of palyign a few extra games this April for games played in future Mays and Junes.

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I really believe Stafford is maturing. For him it's all in his head. He's got the talent, he's just got to keep the headspace in the right frame of mind.


I keep hearing "contract year" in my head, but I am starting to crowd that out with positive thoughts. I will say that all of the sudden, I feel differently about Stafford than I did about Tallinder last year. I was right then; let's hope that I'm starting to be right now instead of wrong.

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Actually, he's never been better.



11, PA's right


Case in point, PA.


I'll just say one thing that goes a little against what you are saying. If the Sabres make the playoffs, even as the 8th seed, that's not a team limping into the playoffs only to get ousted quickly. That's a team playing some pretty damn good hockey to overcome their early deficit. If they come out on top in their next couple of games, I think I'm a buyer at the deadline.

What are you giving up? Picks? Prospects? Trading Connolly won't bring in that big of return.

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One can have an adverse effect on the other. If the Sabres are close to 8th spot do they still trade Connolly? Would they include Stafford in a package deal? Will they dump veterans to create cap space next season?


The decision has to be made. Can this team as constituted win a Stanley Cup? Can they win it with a few changes? IMO, no. Which is why they need to feel free to dump the players they want at the deadline with having to worry if fans feel they are giving up on the season. I said it before, sacrifice the possibility of palyign a few extra games this April for games played in future Mays and Junes.


You're not going to rebuild your team at the deadline. I would rather them keep Connolly and Stafford and see what they can do this year since most of us have invested 12 or more hours a week since October watching them play. You're not going to trade them and get anything too big in return, and the "veterans" you want to dump to create cap space next season are UFAs whether they get traded or not.. so your point is moot.

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