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I'm going to keep pushing it, there's no way he deserves to be on that line. I really think that LINDY should give MANCARI a couple of shifts up there, he's insisting that he wants MANCARI to start scoring, what about GERBE. GERBE's taken CONNELLY's place as LINDY's little pet.


I think it has more to do with Mancari and Adam playing pretty well together.

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I think it has more to do with Mancari and Adam playing pretty well together.


After tonight I don't think lindy will be saying alot of great things about the Adam - Mancari combo. They barely saw the ice in the 3rd period.

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I think it has more to do with Mancari and Adam playing pretty well together.


Yes, and not just here; I think they play together in Portland, too. It's a really good idea to keep those two together. Saw it against Boston, didn't we?

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Kind of like the arena the last few years.


Here's Mike Harrington's brutally honest assessment:


End-1st: In front of a library-quiet crowd (WHAT IS UP, PEOPLE?), the Sabres have a 1-0 lead after 20 minutes as the Sharks have a 12-9 edge in shots. I really have no idea what the deal is here. This has become the quietest rink in the league, which shows the disconnect the fans have with this team just keeps growing. I couldn't hear myself think for just about the entire game Tuesday in Boston, even when the Bruins were trailing. Not the case here. And before any of you get all defensive about it, several visiting writers have brought up this topic to me this season.


I agree. You could here the fans going insane in Boston as Horton got that tying goal. It was loud.


Call it pre-Pegula ennui.


Nice. Work crossword puzzles? Ennui is on many of them. Never personally tried to use it in a sentence.


Pomminstein !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sweet goal. Knew they were going to win when that happened.


Nice game. Heatley/Thornton/Marleau with zero points and a combined -9.


Myers was +5!

Gaustad and Pominville score goals IN THE SAME GAME.


About time!


Its just real nice to see the boys score 6 goals.


Amen. Thank you sir, may I have another?

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When you can hear a pin drop from my living room the rink is pretty damn quite. You don't have to be there to see that. The sabres are hanging onto a 1 goal lead and the crowd is literally silent. What Gives?


I think most of the regulars sold their seats, like I did.


Note to self: Don't sell SJS games they always seem to be one of the best.

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I don't think shortening the bench in the third is a punishment in this case.


They managed quite a few shots in limited time.


And the Gaustad line needed to be out there as much as possible with the way they played last night. I thought there last shift with Niemi still in net was just about perfect. They worked the puck down low and then just kept it there. They didn't even attempt to move the puck back out beyond the faceoff dot. They were out there to control the puck and bleed the clock, and they did it perfectly.

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And the Gaustad line needed to be out there as much as possible with the way they played last night. I thought there last shift with Niemi still in net was just about perfect. They worked the puck down low and then just kept it there. They didn't even attempt to move the puck back out beyond the faceoff dot. They were out there to control the puck and bleed the clock, and they did it perfectly.

They had a brilliant shift with just over two minutes left; it was beautiful to see.

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And the Gaustad line needed to be out there as much as possible with the way they played last night. I thought there last shift with Niemi still in net was just about perfect. They worked the puck down low and then just kept it there. They didn't even attempt to move the puck back out beyond the faceoff dot. They were out there to control the puck and bleed the clock, and they did it perfectly.

Yep. It's funny you wrote this because I was just watching that very part of the game probably while you were typing it.


I have to bring up that post game press conference shower curtain again. It seems like such a minor thing but it's not. It's huge. It's the image fans see. It's the image other team's fans/coaches/players see, and it looks like Lindy is talking in an unmade bed. I understand if they were on the road and have to just throw something up, but at home that is unacceptable. The least they could do is buy a level for the guy who has to put in those thumbtacks.

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First time all year that they let a team back in that I didn't get worried that the Sabres would blow it. I was convinced they would win even after the two quick 2nd period goals, because they actually appeared to be playing hard. The other thing was that they were actually playing good defense, blocking shots and keeping the Sharks shots to the perimeter instead of inside, in fact, I would say that the goals they gave up came on mistakes by the Sabres. Yes, the Sharks had to cash em in, but it seemed to me like the Sabres responded well after the two quick goals.


And it looks like we're finally getting some damn lucky breaks! How bout that first goal? Those were the goals that were going in our net early in the year.


An awesome win for sure, I am not quite ready to really believe they have the heart to turn this season around yet, but it's a great start. Let's see em against Pittsburgh and see where we are.


I think someone else here mentioned that Ennis reminds them of Roy with trying to do too much dipsy-doodling with the puck, which leads to turnovers. I really noticed this last night, henceforth, I shall refer to him as Derek Roy Jr...

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And it looks like we're finally getting some damn lucky breaks! How bout that first goal? Those were the goals that were going in our net early in the year.


I don't know about that one. That goal belongs in a class far more elite than the typical "fluke bounce" goal. I don't know if I've ever seen one like that.

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I'm also glad that I haven't seen anyone take a shot at Vanek padding his stats with a meaningless goal. That two-on-one was pretty sweet, even if San Jose was probably half-assing it.


I'm glad they got that one. Some might say they're running the score up but not me. You play a team you BEAT them and beat them good.


And it looks like we're finally getting some damn lucky breaks! How bout that first goal? Those were the goals that were going in our net early in the year.


it reminded me of that NBA commercial "off the scoreboard, off row 2 seat 4, off the backboard and in!"

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