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Any thoughts on the intriguing developments on The Office?

We actually just watched the latest DVR'ed episode tonight. Interesting stuff. I would have liked


[spoiler ALERT]










if Michael would have stayed in sales a little longer and they worked that angle (of him trying to fit in with his former subordinates) a little while longer. An interesting twist would have been if Jim was surprised to find he would make as much or more money based on management incentives.


All in all I like the new owner angle. I like the constant references to Sabre, and as a FSU alum, loved it when they gave a shout out to Tallahassee.

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And the battle of the keyboard geeks to 10,000 posts continues - they're neck and neck, and they aren't leaving their mommies basements until they cross the finish line first! Good luck kids! Keep trolling away and don't let up - at this rate you should reach the magical 10k mark by the time you finish puberty.


Hey man, we have a small but tight community here where--while not all of us agree--we respect one another. At least most of the time. We trade barbs, but it's a little different if you've been trading barbs with someone with whom you've corresponded for years, as opposed to days. If you want to fit into that, cool, welcome. If not, please go to one of the other sites that you mentioned above.

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I've seen your traffic numbers compared to the other Sabres fan sites.


I wouldn't get too cocky.


First of all, there isn't many Sabres boards out there more active then this one. Second of all, even if there is, who cares? I go to a place for the quality of posting, not the quantity of posting. This forum, not only has a great sense of humor, but a lot of good people who are very great hockey IQ people. I don't care what some newbie thinks and as a member of this forum for years, I am confident when i say this forum has some of the best online members out there. And i've "lurked" other forums. The quality you get here is top notch.


The work SDS does for this web site is also top notch and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Most other Sabres forums have poor maintenance and just look very old school or are just a side topic on a major Bills forum. This forum is sharp looking, SDS keeps updating it to improve it as much as he can and is Sabres and only Sabres. I don't see any problems with this board and in the years I've been here, never seen anyone question this forum before you.


I just think you're a tool who is upset because people made fun of your soon to be failure internet radio show. Sorry kid, the show won't work, not hating on you, just being realistic. The only reason Sal Sports (Bills show) keeps going on, is he broke major stories. And even Sal, only gets like 100 listeners a week.

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And the battle of the keyboard geeks to 10,000 posts continues - they're neck and neck, and they aren't leaving their mommies basements until they cross the finish line first! Good luck kids! Keep trolling away and don't let up - at this rate you should reach the magical 10k mark by the time you finish puberty.

i haven't seen something so hopelessly misplaced since i errantly wandered into papaya on chippewa on a tuesday afternoon and found that the only other patrons were 8 (already drunk) chippewa shotz girls who were throwing a birthday/going away party.

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Really? I don't remember giving you those.

Why do I have this sick feeling that bsrdc is the same troll that keeps getting thrown out of here like TheBrain, TheWhale, and NHLopinion? Am I wrong, or am I on to something here?


Granted, I admit that I am nowhere close to being the best poster on here. I try to learn from the best on here. But bsrdc seems to have the same hubris as the aforementioned trolls who are no longer officially posting here.

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Why do I have this sick feeling that bsrdc is the same troll that keeps getting thrown out of here like TheBrain, TheWhale, and NHLopinion? Am I wrong, or am I on to something here?


Granted, I admit that I am nowhere close to being the best poster on here. I try to learn from the best on here. But bsrdc seems to have the same hubris as the aforementioned trolls who are no longer officially posting here.


That doesn't seem to fit at all.

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You're not giving him enough credit. He hit those levels on day 1.

Oops! Sorry I missed that. I can't get on here everyday.


Having said that, some people pride themselves on being trolls and putting everyone else down.


FWIW, if people like that don't like the way a board is being run to the point of extreme criticism, then they should start their own forum instead of being such monumental a-holes. Then they would get a taste of what it's like to run it. I may not agree with everything that the top dogs say and do around here, but they do a fine job running this ship.

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Attention everyone: Just don't source Ekland, period. Ever.



Forgive me for being harsh and cold, but I look forward to the day when "Eklund" is either forced to get a real job or he becomes one of those people you see at the end of exit ramps/major intersections holding up one of those "Homeless. Need Food. God Bless" signs.

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Forgive me for being harsh and cold, but I look forward to the day when "Eklund" is either forced to get a real job or he becomes one of those people you see at the end of exit ramps/major intersections holding up one of those "Homeless. Need Food. God Bless" signs.


You're such a good "Christian."

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See, that's the thing I hate about guys like him and most bloggers out there. They go by a fake name and pretend to be credible. Hell, I'm sure he has never flat out stated it, but it's pretty obvious that Eklund originally tried to cash in on the people who would think he was the former goalie.

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See, that's the thing I hate about guys like him and most bloggers out there. They go by a fake name and pretend to be credible. Hell, I'm sure he has never flat out stated it, but it's pretty obvious that Eklund originally tried to cash in on the people who would think he was the former goalie.

Yeah, I know my earlier post was crass and I said it would be harsh and cold. Nonetheless, it never ceases to amaze me how many people like "Eklund" cash in for the moment like they're God's gift to the hockey world and that we hockey fans can't live without his pseudo-sage knowledge and wisdom.


As an aside, I remember when Teppo finished his first season with us and I called in to NHL Home Ice on what was then known as XM Radio (BTW, I still think the merger with Sirius sucks). He happened to be invited on to the show. So I asked him if he thought if Teppo was staying or going elsewhere. He prognosticated that Teppo might go to Boston - which never happened (thank God!).


Yeah, some of us may get a chuckle over his e1-e5 picks (which I don't). Yes, I still post about him (as do others), given that he deserves to be exposed for his mendacity and that he is like some lousy psychic who winds up on the cover of the National Enquirer and is just in it for a literally worthless buck.

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See, that's the thing I hate about guys like him and most bloggers out there. They go by a fake name and pretend to be credible. Hell, I'm sure he has never flat out stated it, but it's pretty obvious that Eklund originally tried to cash in on the people who would think he was the former goalie.


I don't think he's ever claimed to be Pelle Eklund. He's always said he used "Eklund" as a cover-up to remain anonymous for his sources sake, and used "Eklund" because he was one of his favorite players growing up.

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Okay, so I've finally spun through all four pages of posts here.


Unless it is posted on TSN, I don't believe anything. I don't mind the rumors. I just don't get why people get so spun up over it. There is all kinds of stuff posted on this board. The variety is what keeps me coming back.

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I love rumors. I don't know, just the speculation about it i love. For it to be a rumor, it has to be legit though, not eklund. If the Sabres talk to Florida for Nathan Horton for example, but don't pull the trigger, it doesn't mean it was false. Talking to teams and making a trade are two different things. Eklund makes things up so that's not fun. But, rumors from credible people, like the Rivet for Frolov rumor, gets the brain working IMO.

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I don't think he's ever claimed to be Pelle Eklund. He's always said he used "Eklund" as a cover-up to remain anonymous for his sources sake, and used "Eklund" because he was one of his favorite players growing up.


I wasn't saying he ever claimed to be him. But when he was first starting out, I'm sure he had no problem if certain people originally started listening to his "rumors" thinking he was Pelle.

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