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Kaleta still has the gift. He makes the other team insane. They literally can't control themselves.



It's amazing, isn't it? It seems all he has to do is show up for the game, and it's like a voodoo spell cast against the other team.


My quick thoughts. Well, I missed the first. So, I guess I missed all of the scoring for the good guys. Florida came out like banshees for the second, but slowed down toward the end of that period. I was mighty concerned about a 6-5 upset by Florida at that point.


Nice defensive two periods though, for the Sabres. Couldn't have done it without Miller.


To me, Kennedy stuck out as having a good game - that boy is always hustling in the corners and behind the net.


The only other observation worth sharing is that it was interesting to see how each player seemed to see-saw between having good shifts, and not-so-good shifts ("crappy shifts" would be an exaggeration). Myers would look kind of piss poor one shift, then the next shift he looks like a vet D man.


Same for Montador - some shifts he looks like he simply isn't lucid, and other shifts he looks buttery smooth. I could probably go down the line at least half the bench. Fortunately, it was like they all traded off which shift, which position, and which player would have the bad shift so everyone else picked up the slack.

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Miller was very sharp -- except for when he gave the puck away behind the net. Second time this year. Something to watch. Don't want to see it become a trend.



I have to agree. For that small momemnt, Miller looked like he was daydreaming out there. And this is TWICE! It's not like it's March.


PA, the "trend" has already started, Miller needs to put a halt to it.

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I stopped watching midway through the second.. Buffalo rout vs new Criminal Minds.. Buffalo playing defense for 30 more minutes or a new Criminal Minds.. Miller leaving a wide open net for the second time or Criminal Minds... Buffalo's constant parade to the penalty box or a new Criminal Minds... you get the idea...


and for the record, the New Criminal Minds was creepy...

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It's amazing, isn't it? It seems all he has to do is show up for the game, and it's like a voodoo spell cast against the other team.


My quick thoughts. Well, I missed the first. So, I guess I missed all of the scoring for the good guys. Florida came out like banshees for the second, but slowed down toward the end of that period. I was mighty concerned about a 6-5 upset by Florida at that point.

Nice defensive two periods though, for the Sabres. Couldn't have done it without Miller.


To me, Kennedy stuck out as having a good game - that boy is always hustling in the corners and behind the net.


The only other observation worth sharing is that it was interesting to see how each player seemed to see-saw between having good shifts, and not-so-good shifts ("crappy shifts" would be an exaggeration). Myers would look kind of piss poor one shift, then the next shift he looks like a vet D man.


Same for Montador - some shifts he looks like he simply isn't lucid, and other shifts he looks buttery smooth. I could probably go down the line at least half the bench. Fortunately, it was like they all traded off which shift, which position, and which player would have the bad shift so everyone else picked up the slack.

Never had that feeling at all during the game.

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Never had that feeling at all during the game.

Agreed - at no point at all did I feel that it was getting out of hand for the Sabres. I love watching them when they look well-coached, there is always a sense of impending doom for the other team!


Seriously, Kaleta is either going to get the key to the city or else a stick to the head one of these days - he's certainly been taking trash talk lessons from the best out there. Not only did he rile up a couple of Panthers, somehow Mac got agitated enough too to start swinging his stick! And that smirk Kaleta has while he's talking them up, that boy is evil and I LOVE it, cos he's on our team :lol:


As a couple of people noted above, Miller has already started a trend of being a little lost behind the net - this has to end immediately!! Word is going to start getting out and we'll start seeing pucks dumped behind the net, and a couple of forwards charging the goal hard, trying to pick up loose pucks. That can never be good.


Kennedy and Ellis had excellent efforts yesterday - both showed a lot of hustle and won loose pucks and the like. The play of the 3rd & 4th lines has been very good, exceeding expectations especially when Mair is not playing. Grier's veteran leadership shows itself numerous times during games, and yesterday was no exception - this team is so much better for having him here.


Lydman and Tallinder had some horrific giveaways again, as did Myers and Montador. I have no words left for Lydman and Tallinder, they have to go - they are simply too profligate with the puck to be in this squad, with the type of game we are playing nowadays. Montador has some excellent passing vision, look at his passes coming out of the blue line, but he does tend to get beaten along the boards some times. Myers will learn, and as many have observed, we would rather he made mistakes and learned here than down at Kelowna.


Good effort in the first period yesterday - I would gladly settle for five-goal first periods and buckling down for the remaining 40 min in more games this season.. those nail-biters and one-goal lead games do the stress levels no good!

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Good effort in the first period yesterday - I would gladly settle for five-goal first periods and buckling down for the remaining 40 min in more games this season.. those nail-biters and one-goal lead games do the stress levels no good!


I agree, but in a perverse way, I found the game boring and no longer worth watching. Those one-goal games keep it exciting. A four goal margin just takes the fun out of the watching unless they continue to pile it on.

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Montador was shaky tonight as well.

Miller stood tall when he had to but played sloppily after the 1st. Lydman was BRUTAL tonight. Just ugly. He really needs the infamous "change of scenery".

Like no other D-man I've ever watched, Lydman really seems to reflect his defense partner. Montador is JAG on his best day, and Loods seems to be hampered because of it. If Lindy really wants to keep Myers-Tallinder & Butler-Rivet together, then maybe benching Loods in favor of Sekera (when healthy) or Paetsch if that's too far away is in order.

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I don't know if i agree with that at all. It was an ugly goal for sure but when you crash the net, good things happens.

Hardly counts? Crashing the net and getting one should count as two. :beer:

I'm glad the puck went in the net but these are the types of goals Kaleta, Gaustad and Ellis should be scoring not the $7 million dollar man.

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Seriously, Kaleta is either going to get the key to the city or else a stick to the head one of these days - he's certainly been taking trash talk lessons from the best out there. Not only did he rile up a couple of Panthers, somehow Mac got agitated enough too to start swinging his stick! And that smirk Kaleta has while he's talking them up, that boy is evil and I LOVE it, cos he's on our team :lol:

MacArthur got an extra 2 and a 10 for banging his stick against the glass in the penalty box. He was pissed about the call against him(yes it was a bad call). He does that in a close game and the opposing team scores, Lindy will be the one that is "agitated". It's called keeping your emotions in check.

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It's amazing, isn't it? It seems all he has to do is show up for the game, and it's like a voodoo spell cast against the other team.


They should stick a mike on Kaleta. I wanna hear what he says to the other team. It's gotta be gut-bustingly funny. Kaleta vs Avery...Bring it on!

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MacArthur got an extra 2 and a 10 for banging his stick against the glass in the penalty box. He was pissed about the call against him(yes it was a bad call). He does that in a close game and the opposing team scores, Lindy will be the one that is "agitated". It's called keeping your emotions in check.

definitely - there are penalties then there are stupid penalties. some 'sending the message' penalties i can understand, but Mac smashing his tick in the box was a bad one - still, better he learns the lesson in a game we're leading comfortably in, than in a tight one.

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MacArthur got an extra 2 and a 10 for banging his stick against the glass in the penalty box. He was pissed about the call against him(yes it was a bad call). He does that in a close game and the opposing team scores, Lindy will be the one that is "agitated". It's called keeping your emotions in check.


Hey as long as the General keeps scoring goals, he will not have to worry about repercussions from Lindy regarding the 'feel good' penalty.


I personally love the emotion.

It shows the guy gives a sh*t.


He is in another contract year and hungry to redeem himself from last years dissapointments.


Either way, good for us.

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They should stick a mike on Kaleta. I wanna hear what he says to the other team. It's gotta be gut-bustingly funny. Kaleta vs Avery...Bring it on!


It's probably funnier in your mind. It usually goes like this... Kaleta: Yeah, #%^$#! you. Opponent: #%^$#! you, eh.

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"Feel Good" penalty? What does that mean?

I'm guessing you don't get to hear Lindy much. He's always talking about "feel good" penalties. You know, penalties that make you feel good after. Like slashing Sean Avery, punching Chris Neil in the back of the head, spearing Ray Emery. Stuff like that.

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I'm guessing you don't get to hear Lindy much. He's always talking about "feel good" penalties. You know, penalties that make you feel good after. Like slashing Sean Avery, punching Chris Neil in the back of the head, spearing Ray Emery. Stuff like that.



I'd have to agree with Lindy; all of those penalties would make me feel good.

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You know what's even more coincidental? They shared the same uniform number (36).


Sabres trainer Rip Simonick is responsible to give players numbers until they prove themselfs and can pick their own number. After seeing Kaleta play in his first training camp, Rip told Kaleta he reminded him A LOT of Matt Barnaby and he would like him to wear #36 and Kaleta said ok. So it's not exactly that coincidental it's just that Rip knew all about Kaleta's game long before we did. haha

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Something to watch is that the trainer, Tim Macre, gave Lindy some news with about five minutes left. Neither Toni Lydman nor Matt Ellis played in the last five minutes. Lydman was on the ice to celebrate after the game.


The answer:



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