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If he holds on and wins tonight, I hope he is a better President than I expect him to be for all our sakes. I truly hope that he ends up one of the best Presidents we've ever had.

I think that this sums it up perfectly. Not matter what any of us felt about how he would be as the President, he is going to be our next President. May he do the best job possible.

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You do realize that the Bush tax cuts lowered taxes for far more people than just those that made over $250k, right?


You also do realize that Obama has dropped that threshold down to $200k and his running mate had it at $150k, right?


But, I'm certain that only people making over $250k will see their taxes go up. <_<


So, will we see a balanced budget as well under Mr. Obama?


1. No.


2. No.


3. Probably.


4. Dunno. We had one under Clinton, though. Then came an era of reckless spending of which no true conservative would ever approve.


Doesn't matter anymore, though. Time to move forward; I hope that both candidates were sincere tonight in their classy speeches where they urged their constituents to work with the other side. I've heard those sentiments before, but for the first time since 1996, I believed both candidates meant it earnestly. (I believed Dole and Clinton meant it, too, but I didn't get the same "work together" feeling from either side in 2000 or 2004.)

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I find it so interesting that 200 years ago, slaves built the white house. 150 years ago, a civil war was fought over the belief that black people were property, 40 years ago people were still saying ", go to the back of the bus". Now there's a black guy elected president. Regardless of politics, what Obama did to change this country last night has ramifications bigger than anyone can imagine.. Again, not for the politics, but just for the historical perspective, that was amazing.

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Yay, great job America! Enjoy socialism!



Not to mention the millions of unborn children who will still be murdered all in the name of "choooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice".


I know that the most miserable member of this board doesn't consider life to start until that baby gets hatched. He has made that pointedly clear. Having said that, those could have been over 50 million taxpayers who could have alleviated our tax burden. Isn't that right, DeLuca?

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8 years of total failure. Will go down as the worst president in US history. No doubt. Can anyone name one good thing he has done as the US President? Anything?!?!

He signed the ban on partial-birth abortion into law, and which got upheld by the US Supreme Court.

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I'm referring to Bush's cuts for businesses which will expire this year. That's what the McCain campaign has been touting as Obama's "raising taxes". He isn't going to raise taxes, he's just going to let the tax cut expire.

Congrats to Obama..He obviously fed off a nerve and carried it to the White HOuse...


On to the subject of Business Taxes..I dont get how you would want business to recieve tax cuts. If you tax my employer more do you know where that money is gonna come from?? Higher prices at first and if that doesnt work less employees..How does that help you or I?? I dont get it..

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On to the subject of Business Taxes..I dont get how you would want business to recieve tax cuts. If you tax my employer more do you know where that money is gonna come from?? Higher prices at first and if that doesnt work less employees..How does that help you or I?? I dont get it..

Not to mention that it will hurt the trucking industry, which is the backbone of the nation. Without trucks, you get nothing.

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Here was something I saw on YouTube. Not the first time I've read something like this. Came across something similar in 1993 when Clinton (that draft dodger) got into office:


PSALM 2008-2012


Obama Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want.

He Leadeth Me Beside Still Factories,

He Restoreth My Faith In The Republican Party,

He Guideth Me In The Paths Of Unemployment.

Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Bread Line, I Shall Not Go Hungry.

Obama Has Anointed My Income With Taxes,

My Expenses Runneth Over My Income,

Surely, Poverty And Hard Living Will Follow Me All The Days Of My Life.

The Democrats And I Will Live Forever In a Rented Room.

But I Am Glad I Am an American,

I Am Glad That I Am Free.

But I Wish I Was A Dog

And Obama Was A Tree. :)

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Not to mention that it will hurt the trucking industry, which is the backbone of the nation. Without trucks, you get nothing.

Always remember a bumper sticker I once saw..



"If you own it, a truck brought it!"..


So true..

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It's fixing a tax cut to the wealthy that should never have happened. The middle class wont see their taxes go up, just people making over $250,000. Most Americans wont be affected by it.


Keep telling yourself that. They'll be recouped or passed along in some form or fashion.

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Yay, great job America! Enjoy socialism!

Okay Sarah, it's time for you to go back home.... Or should I call you Joe? :w00t:


In all seriousness, I find it hard to believe that you can get 100 Senators to agree on anything even when you have a majority... Just because there is a potential of one party rule doesn't mean they'll be able to get all their ducks in a row. In fact, I would guess that majority party Senators might be emboldened to defy their party more regularly as their votes aren't always required to just pass committee or legislation.

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I find it so interesting that 200 years ago, slaves built the white house. 150 years ago, a civil war was fought over the belief that black people were property, 40 years ago people were still saying ", go to the back of the bus". Now there's a black guy elected president. Regardless of politics, what Obama did to change this country last night has ramifications bigger than anyone can imagine.. Again, not for the politics, but just for the historical perspective, that was amazing.


Agree w/ everything you said. More than 50% of votes went towars Obabma. Most elections have a president electee receiving 48% or so. That does show how much our countryis changing.


Just one thing to point out. The Civil War was not fought over slavery. It was fought over state's rights. (South despised a number of tariffs passed) States in the south did not like the idea of the federal government taking away power they had. The south had the belief the the United States was formed so states could have more control over what went on. Remember, Lincoln did offer the Emancipation Proclamation to the CSA. He told the CSA if they rejoined the Union prior 1-1-1863, they could keep their right to own slaves. Lincoln simply wanted the CSA back in the USA. Also, during the Civil War, there were slave states that were not a part of the CSA. Lincoln never said anything about taking slavery away from them.

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Keep telling yourself that. They'll be recouped or passed along in some form or fashion.

I was with a friend of mine at the UB BUlls game last night with my 2 boys..He hasnt had a job in 2 years and somehow has a car apartment cable food and a cellphone, believe me it isnt because he had a great job before and saved. Of course living in NY state gives you a small picture of what our whole country is set to become..I asked him "Well how does it feel to be able to retire at 45"

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Not to mention the millions of unborn children who will still be murdered all in the name of "choooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice".


I know that the most miserable member of this board doesn't consider life to start until that baby gets hatched. He has made that pointedly clear. Having said that, those could have been over 50 million taxpayers who could have alleviated our tax burden. Isn't that right, DeLuca?

Which is far less than the millions and millions of men, women and Children who have been murdered over the course of history in the name of Religion.


Not you, not any government or any fairy tale designed to control the masses have a right to dictate to any woman what they must do with their bodies. Not now, not millions of years ago when the Big Bang created the Universe.


Now back to those who live in reality.


Great Job America. When can not get the past eight years back. It is upsetting that the Bush administration will never be held accountable for the criminal acts of the past eight years. We can all only hope that the damage done by this Administration, controlled by right wing religious nut jobs, is not irreversible. That this Nation can again take steps forward into the a bright future instead of falling back into the dark ages. There is a lot of work to be done. We finally have a true Leader who can and will bring this country together to get what needs to be done accomplished. For those right wing religious nuts that will continue to try divide this country I suggest you join the rest of us in heading towards the future or be prepared to fade away forgotten in the past.


Again, Great Job America. We have our country back.

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Which is far less than the millions and millions of men, women and Children who have been murdered over the course of history in the name of Religion.


Not you, not any government or any fairy tale designed to control the masses have a right to dictate to any woman what they must do with their bodies. Not now, not millions of years ago whne the Big Bang created the Universe.


Now back to those who live in reality.


Great Job America. When can not get the past eight years back. It is upsetting that the Bush administration will never be held accountable for the criminal acts of the past eight years. We can all only hope that the damage done my this Administration, controlled by right wing religious nut jobs, is not irreversible. That this Nation can again take steps forward into the a bright future instead of falling back into the dark ages. There is a lot of work to be done. We finally have a true Leader who can and will bring this country together to get what needs to be done accomplished. For those right wing religious nuts that will continue to try divide this country I suggest you join the rest of us in heading towards the future or be prepared to fade away forgotten in the past.


Again, Great Job America. We have our country back.


What's up with the bolded text??



Hmm.. We'll never know what George Bush's presidency would have been like had 9/11 not occurred. It changed the man and his views. I for one can't wait for him to be gone...


I voted for Obama... I'm glad he won. I've listened as close as anyone to all the issues. And I can tell you something I heard last night that I haven't heard in the last 20 months. That was doubt. Did you catch him say, I'm paraphrasing, I might not get it done in ONE TERM? That is the first time I have heard him say that. Maybe last night he realized or admitted that as much as you can espouse change, enacting it is far different. We are not an monarchy. He needs to govern with his party. And from what I can tell, that will be damn difficult.


I thought Bill Bennett was a magnificent Republican last night. He was eloquent in his arguments, generous with his praise, and truly hopeful that Obama will be an effective leader.


When the lobbyist attack his health care plan and the democrats refuse to go along with his tax cuts and some international crisis blows up like Russia re-annexing a previous satellite, we'll see how he handles it.


The Obama-Pelosi battles are going to be epic...

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