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Everything posted by StuckinFL

  1. Dunno if this has been discussed but in actuality you can't do squat in the grand scheme of things. You're one person. The way to effect change is to force companies to stop creating waste and make recyclable products rather than disposable ones. We used to require pop to be in glass bottles and the industry had to buy them back and recycle them. This drove up costs and they got together with a brilliant ad campaign to shift blame to consumers instead of themselves. This is why stuff like the straw laws are encouraging. People are making enviormentally friendly laws which can effect a much greater change than one individual could ever do alone. California requiring cars to have higher emission standards has made more of an environmental impact then the creation of the hybrid car and Tesla combined. That's why the auto companies started making more fuel efficient cars. They weren't going to not sell cars in California and let a competitor make all the profits. Vote for canidates that take enviormental concerns seriously and purpose making laws that don't destroy buisness but hold it accountable towards making a better tomorrow.
  2. Because you'd be buying too many declining years. I think the most we can offer is 6 years. Especially with the fact that you're gonna have to pay Dahlin and Ullmark (if they both shake out). He's fantastic for the next 4 years (hopefully) but by then this team should have 3 people that can come up from Rochester and replace that kind if production, especially with 3 first round picks next year. You don't need to have a Moulson on your team when you're running out of rookie contracts.
  3. But in 3/4 years 6 million won't be worth what it is today. With the addition of Seattle and with hockey revenue on the rise for the foreseeable future the cap is going to go up pretty nicely in the next 5 years so his cap percentage hit will lower as time goes on. The question is if you think he's an easily replaceable piece of the puzzle or not. I'm personally on the fence about that one so I wouldn't give him term unless I can make it with low value. My gut would say sign him to a 2 year prove it contract. If he stinks up the joint, trade him by the deadline this season as someone will pay for potential still especially with a bit of term. If he's mediocre keep him and make your decision next off season. My only concern is that is what was planned for this off season and given the dual nature of the season that Jbot isn't swayed either way.
  4. Good for him. He's still a human being and deserves to enjoy himself. I can't stand bullies.
  5. I'm taking a different stance on all of this. The cupboard was so bare for years that if someone was defiant and not buying in or dragging the team, you couldn't sit them. There wasn't enough talent on the team to sit anyone for any reason. Now I feel like games can be taken from players which can hold everyone much more accountable. You only have to do it to a few players and make examples of them. I'm looking at you, Risto.
  6. I personally think it's a will thing. Maybe he was all about being a a professional hockey player before Cal O'Reilly gave him hell, but maybe it soured him on the game and the team and he's just not enjoying it anymore. Add to that the natural struggles that come with growing pains and I can see why he just gave up. Everything I read about the guy makes it seem like an effort issue. Ever work somewhere you hated? Did you do your best work there?
  7. ROR cannot be traded until Casey is ready to slot into the 2nd line C position. He's going to need sheltered zone starts for at least a year. That mixed with Dahlin needing to be sheltered and having a C that is a faceoff guru that can get him the puck means that for the future of this franchise ROR cannot be traded right now. He by his nature makes the development of 2 of our hopeful core pieces much better. In 2 years, that may be a different story.
  8. Wait, how many did Nylander do in his combine? I need to know if Dahlin is cursed!
  9. I can't wait for the next season. PB is amazing.
  10. I think if he had been given more time he would have built a much better roster than what we had. I think he was fired at the height of his mistakes and it would have gotten better, not as good as JBots will do, but we would have been much better. That being said, the way that he ran the organization had to be stopped immediately before even more damage could be done. The compartmentalization and lack of leadership coming from him was going to allow others flaws to do deeper harm throughout the organization. I think too many things were going wrong from top to bottom and he was overwhelmed with problems that he ignored for too long to be able to fix them before thing got much much worse.
  11. 5 of my friends still aren't renewing. One of them has had season tickets for the past 11 years and almost stopped watching them completely.
  12. I'm all for trading ROR, but not for 2 more years. Casey needs sheltered minutes, his contract will be much more attractive and affordable meaning that he can get back a much greater return, and hopefully by then enough of our holes are filled in our lineup so that a trade like that can fill any that are left. Where we are at we can't afford to trade ROR right now. In 2 years, if that's the case, then Jbots hasn't done his job.
  13. They are literally the epitome of a garbage franchise for the last few decades. 4 first picks can't turn that dumpster fire around.
  14. It's amazing how delusional Oilers fans are. I think they've officially become worse for me than Leafs fans. I went over to one of their fan forums and it's just comment after comment about how Dahlin will be wasted here and no matter how much talent we acquire that we won't about to anything and that we're a garbage franchise. It's insanely laughable. Not gonna lie, I would kill for a Leafs vs Sabres playoff series in the next decade. That would be bloodthirsty.
  15. That is if Risto is still on the team for long. With all the talk of people not following the game plan, there's been hints that Risto is the worst culprit of it. If so, BYE BYE! I remember reading an interview with Miller where he said that he was afraid of Ruff because he could bench him while he was at the top of his game. Dahlin makes everyone on the blue line accountable now.
  16. Just Imagine a PP unit with Eichel, Mittelstadt, and Dahlin. Or even being a defender and seeing Eichel and Dahlin press on you for a 2 on 1. Wait, we won't have to imagine it for long...
  17. I'm legit excited. Ugh, I can't wait to be this excited watching games...
  18. I'm not 100% sure it's purposeful. Look at us, bottom of the league and we were shooting for the playoffs this year. Just because you suck doesn't mean you suck on purpose.
  19. I kinda agree with this. But I also don't wanna see 5 to 6 teams purposefully tanking every year.
  20. I agree with this 100% He only did some of his duties. For that he gets a solid D. We can talk all day about what moves were good and which weren't, how the drafts went, ect. but at the end of the day he didn't do his job as a GM.
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