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Everything posted by StuckinFL

  1. Get rid of Baloo. I want him nowhere near this team. I'd rather have Gorges.
  2. It's not that they lost 3 games. If all the losses looked like Montreal, most of us wouldn't be losing our minds. It's how absolutely and utterly TERRIBLE they looked the past 2 games. Other than Kane's play, can you name one positive takeaway (besides the fact that they're over) from either game?
  3. Winners push aside distractions and focus on what's in front of them no matter what. Losers get lost in their heads and make excuses when they hit bumps in the road. This entire team (with the exception of Kane) have a loser mentality. Until Housley makes them truly hate losing instead of accepting it, this team will continue to fall apart after the first mistake.
  4. If I hear anything less than 'bag skate till you puke' I'll be disappointed. They're not just losing, they're flat out embarrassing.
  5. I'm not saying that it would work permanent basis, but as of right now this team needs a wake up call. And if losing abysmally isn't enough to put forth effort you need to make them hate losing even more. You don't toughen up people with hugs.
  6. No one on this team besides Kane is fine right now.
  7. I don't think it's talent. They didn't even look this inept last year. I just dont understand it. This team is soft. They have zero spine. I think they're losers and are comfortable losing. They have a loser mentality. The very second one thing goes wrong the entire team collapses. They are mentally weak and have ZERO grit. The leadership on the team has the same 'here we go again' attitude that we're feeling, and unfortunately, things are going to go wrong in a new system with new personnel. And to top it all off Beauleiu is atrocious and immediately puts them in bad situations. This team is playing on it's heels and is quitting. Kane is not a locker room leader and won't be able shake them out of it. I think that at this point we need a classic Torts style locker room confrontation and not a buddy fest. Make them bag skate until they puke. Make them fear and hate losing until they either develop some grit or get rid of em. It has nothing to do with talent what's happening out there and everything to do with attitude.
  8. Devils are already dictating play. We're chasing the puck, Ugh.
  9. http://www.wgr550.com/articles/news/housley-said-dont-blame-system Context for this discussion for anyone confused.
  10. Probably needs a steak or something.Soy protein raises estrogen levels.
  12. What happened to our PP? It's dreadful this year. And agree with separating Jack and Kane.
  13. Thanks! We should be fine here. Winds are starting to pick up but there oddly hasn't been any rain...
  14. Despite how it ended I loved watching our opener. Hoping the power doesn't go out around here from Hurricane Nate (I'm in the area of it hitting.) Buffalo Sabres hurricane party! Let's go boys!
  15. I want to beive this soooooo bad. I just don't see it happening, because Buffalo. But god, if there is one instance I hope against hope I'm wrong.
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