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Everything posted by StuckinFL

  1. No, the bright side is that Jbot looks just as pissed as the rest of us. Change is a coming!
  2. I dunno, Samson sounded like he was super concerned. Maybe Jack, Housley, and Okposo are just bad at emoting.
  3. Is it just me or do the players seem unconcerned about Antipin? Almost seems like they're answering about it as an afterthought.
  4. Ugh, what an absolutely terrible deal. Can we please just get a competent GM for once?
  5. If you're offended by something you see written on a message board, that's your problem and you should probably learn to prioritize that which you pay attention to more. Your feelings are your responsibility and no one else's. Secondly, the human body and it's natural responses are nothing to be ashamed of or get offended about. That all being said, if Bogosian is traded to the Kings and we're not sending a ridiculous package to them in addition, I'll end up actually feeling something for this team again and if I ever see JBots I'd give him a big ol kiss on his caveman face.
  6. I have a sneaky suspicion that if Kane isn't dealt by tonight that we're waiting until the trade deadline. Which seeing as how the number of buyers is going to go down the longer we wait, I don't think this is a good thing.
  7. I think Kane is ready to go. I wonder if the offers are on the table and Jbot is just waiting to choose one or if he's waiting fir the right offer. Either way I don't see Kane making it to the deadline when GMs are more panicked. Someone will pay his price before then.
  8. So no post game interviews? I wanna see what possible excuses they could have.
  9. I think its conditioning and drive. It's a room of individuals who don't know how to work with each other and don't put in the work while they're away from the ice.
  10. From the very limited games I've seen of vegas, my eyes tell me two things. 1) All 4 lines are a threat. None of their lines look elite, but none look like total liabilities. This is a nightmare to defend against, because you can't take a single shift off against the team. Same with defense. Every defensive pair looks competent. 2) Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. Most of their roster is overachievers that have had to bust ass to make it in the NHL. Can you imagine walking into a room surrounded with people who give everything every shift and not busting your butt? You'd get murdered. Gallant walked into a room where every player was going to get on board and bust butt like a professional. So yeah, wouldn't surprise me at all if they make it to the conference finals. They are going to make a deep run this year.
  11. Reino is gone next. It'l hit Eichel and the rest of them the hardest and will shake things up. Kane will be the biggest name to go, but I pray that they get rid of Okposo. That contrct is going to absolutely murder us in a few years and with the way the game is moving I think he's gonna be worse for us than Moulson.
  12. You could lose the room pretty quickly with that and also run the risk of turning the room toxic. As the coach, you can be tough on everyone, be the bad guy and rally the team against you. Same thing with the military. Officers are taught to be tough on enlisted men to get them to bond together as a unit. Instead, you make them hold each other accountable by making them suffer together. Lets say ROR is trying to do his own thing instead of listening to the coaches game plan. Give the team a choice that has to be unanimous: Either bag skate the entire team or make ROR sit a game. Lets say they all suffer with him a few games and do the bag skate. After 3 or 4 times of that someone is going to say it and not suffer for him. Imagine walking back into that room after sitting a game because your teammates said no. Then you don't have to play for the fans or the coaches, but the men next to you. If you get a repeat offender they'll either get with the game plan eventually or get traded. The thing is you have nothing to lose, even if it's one of your top guys. You're losing every game anyways. Personally I'd choose someone in that room I think has the grit and drive to lead the others one day and single them out. Then, if they turn it around, put the C on their sweater. Then you can have the captain be the one choosing which player to bench next and they have the experience so no one can say they haven't been through it themselves.
  13. I don't think he needs to be traded. Benched for a stretch of games, yes, but not traded.
  14. Any news on Nylander? Is he skating with/without contact?
  15. Got stood up for a date and decided to make a huge plate of chorizo and taco beef loaded nachos, turn on the game and ROR scores 45 seconds later. KInda not regretting staying home now :)
  16. This is my biggest fear. That Jack is a bit of a spoiled brat that rather than busting ass is floating on talent alone. And it's causing problems in the locker room because everyone isn't being led because before he came into the room everyone knew he'd be the face of the franchise.
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