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Everything posted by StuckinFL

  1. But I think you're overestimating where teams that could afford that are going to be over the next 4/5 years. This is a team on its way to ascendance. A future SC contender and he's on the top line. So that will be taken into consideration. Also, I don't think Skinner will be offered that. Not every GM is a gambling man with deep pockets and cap space. The fact is that there is evidence not only in previous years, but in this year as well when he was off Jack's line, that away from Jack that Skinner is not going to reach this level again. We're adding cash over an 8 year contract span that comes to anywhere of a 12 to 16 million dollar gamble that he will be this player for years to come with any decent center. I think his most ludicrous offer might be 8 for 6 or 7 years but not necessarily on a team you wanna play for. With the league getting younger and faster I see term being way more valuable than in the past decade and until the cap numbers come in after Seattle, I don't expect GMs to play with that kind of money yet in case it doesn't go up quite as high as they believe. Skinner knew coming here meant that in his contract year he'd have the opportunity to put up career numbers with Jack as his center and it would drive up his value. I don't think he knew how high that ceiling was. And with Jack as his center and no real competition for his job at the moment, he can be a star on a team that is going to be something truly special in 2 years (hopefully). That's why I think he'll consider taking a 3.5 to 4 million discount to stay here.
  2. I'm not entirely sure that Skinner was ever seriously considered long term here until recently. I think that JBot considered him a pure rental to keep the ship a bit more entertaining while the kids develop as a unit to keep season ticket holders happy. The borderline riot the ST holders threw after last year meant something had to be done. That being said I think there is consideration to keep him at a discounted price now. But the fact of the matter is that Skinner can't do what he's doing this year without Jack. And you're already paying Jack for his ability to lift the play up of those around him. No need to pay for it twice over. I think he'll be offered 7.5 for 7 or 7 for 8. Because it's a hell of alot easier to develop or bring in a winger that Jack can lift up to this level than it is to find a Center that can lift Skinner up to this level. I just can't see JBot thinking it a good strategy to pay a premium price to keep his top line heavy on both forwards and defense (because we all know Dahlin is gonna get PAID when his contract comes up) and allowing his middle 6 to be mediocre. We're seeing the limitations of that now and we will never pass the ceiling we are currently at with that strategy. I know we're all excited that we are winning games, but this team is not a SC winning team. Not yet by a long shot. Basically, what would you pay Skinner if he had to stay on the 2nd line away from Jack. Because that's his worth. Playing with Jack is his bonus and you shouldn't pay him for Jack's talent. Jack already is getting paid for that.
  3. This is total speculation but that immediately reads drugs to me. Either an addiction to painkillers that's spiraling out or something like that. Medical Staff wouldn't report something as a medical issue if it didn't seem.that way at first (which makes me think it was covered up by a nagging injury), and it being taken out of the hands of the coach shows that it's a serious problem. Kinda like HR stepping in to make sure the immediate supervisor isn't liable. In my life I've seen it time and time again that if someone's performance starts slipping, they have sudden illnesses and stop coming to work, it's drugs.
  4. Hey, just because he did doesn't mean that there's not room for improvement. I WANT MORE!
  5. How many times a game is Larry in a perfect position to score and shoots it wide?
  6. Did any of us think starting out the season that we would ever sit at #5 it the league standings? I mean, WOW!
  7. A win tonight will put us in the top 3 of arguably the toughest division in hockey. The Sabres have been a source of joy lately in an otherwise stressful time in my life personally so I can't wait to watch this one!
  8. Ummmmmmmm never made one of these before so... LETS GO BUFFALO!
  9. He was in game 1 as well. Wonder what's going on with him...
  10. Jut got home from work and watched the past 3 minutes and the Sabres look good! has it been like this the entire game?
  11. Good on him for sharing his struggle. Hopefully it inspires others struggling to do the same. I hope for him that in a few years we're blown away and regretting not having him on the team anymore.
  12. What I meant by that is that one person just trying to reduce their own impact makes little difference. You have to change the herd's direction.
  13. I'm good with the way things stand now. Unless you're gonna trade Larry or Zegmus for high picks or prospects (what team would bother?) next year, leave it alone. See what you have and what works. Any other moves need to be done in the season, but only after Housley has the ability to truly coach the room. I think the biggest flaw on this team was the inability to bench a player screwing up because you had no one to replace him in any position. Get with the program or sit the #### down. Bad habits were let go too long. I think the number of warm bodies that are hungry is exactly what changes the culture. Thats why Lindy was so effective as a coach for such a long time. His players were afraid that if they weren't on board they wouldn't play. Now, this is contingent on Housley being a good coach and being able to create a system that maximises the talent on the roster and utilize their individual strengths. I'm not sold yet that he can do that. But now he finally has the tools to coach properly.
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