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Everything posted by Kruppstahl

  1. Voted Phil Collins. Although there are others there that could have received a vote too.
  2. I was going to write "Edge" in the singular.
  3. This one hits hard. RIP. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-54761824
  4. The loss was on a bunch of things, but I agree Allen was atrocious and the offense generally not showing up is a much bigger concern than the defense. The D has been more or less crap all season; no surprises there. What changed the last 2 weeks is Allen and the offense going from great to terrible. If that doesn't get sorted (I'm not sure it can be) we won't do anything this year.
  5. Praise Jesus! Best news I've read in a while. Now we have to pray NBC doesn't screw up his replacement, which they probably will.
  6. What Krueger says to the media is one thing, and what he actually believes is another. But, if he thinks our goaltending is good enough or not in need of improvement, he needs to be fired.
  7. Are folks talking about the goaltending on this team? Hutton needs to be gone and Ullmark needs to be the backup, with a starter brought in much better than either of them. Without that, the needle isn't going to move a lot on this team next year.
  8. I agree in that the stuff that went out vs. what's coming in is shades of gray level of improvement. I bet we improve as a team but not sure we are going to see a meaningful influx in scoring.
  9. I didn't know anyone was selling "Bills Mafia" stuff. Well that's interesting. I doubt either has the sophistication to bring an opposition proceeding against the Bills, but who knows. They might.
  10. I love the various screams in the background, as if the viewer is witnessing the demise of the Hindenburg. 😂
  11. Anyone who thinks they have superior rights can bring an inter partes proceeding against the Bills before the TTAB at the USPTO; I doubt anyone is out there though. This is just for use in connection with clothing, by the way. (Both applications that is; neither has been examined as of yet so they are just in limbo). I did a very quick search and didn't find any potentially blocking marks. There is another Bills Mafia mark out there but for use in connection with an online message board about Buffalo, NY topics.
  12. I have always liked Zemgus from Day 1, and his supporters will suggest the team's problems don't include his consistent, hard, play. But there is also an argument to be made about shaking things up b/c all Zemgus has ever known is losing in a loser culture surrounded by other losers. He's not going to be a difference maker one way or the other so it doesn't really matter, but as you point out, keeping the same roster together and expecting different results is an exercise in madness....or perhaps one in cost containment.
  13. Looks like we'll have to stop referring to Eichel as "Jack." It's going to get confusing!
  14. I think we are a long way off, but not as measured in raw time. I think more in terms of pieces. We need a lot more than what we have now, or what is on the farm coming up. A good GM can accelerate the time needed to get those pieces, however. If only we had one!
  15. Neither. Don't expect much from either of them.
  16. Those look pretty darn close to how they used to look; well, the white one anyway. I was never a fan of that look. The royal blue is cheesy, though that seems to be most popular with fans. Can you possibly imagine decorating a room in your house with those 3 colors? Or ordering your Ferrari in that royal blue with yellow leather seats and a white steering wheel? I liked the change to black when we did it! Felt like an enema desperately needed by this franchise at the time. The all blacks looked great. The goat head was the problem. I know, I know. My views on this are not shared by many Sabres fans.
  17. You know, I've heard this theory put forth before, but I don't think that was a problem in actuality, even if it makes sense on paper. Those uniforms were absolutely horrific.
  18. Noticed this thread was on page 666! A mere coincidence?!
  19. This reminds me of a segment Botterill did with Schopp and Bulldog in the latter part of our season, back in maybe January or February perhaps. I don't really remember when it was. He was asked what bright, up and coming young players we have in the works, or something like that, and he answered: UPL and SAM REINHART. LMFAO. UPL is still a way's away. I do agree Hutton looks like an American League guy these days.
  20. We're straight up the worst franchise in the NHL, or possibly tied for worst with Ottawa. We're going to set an all-time record for futility trying to make the playoffs soon. We have played some of the most dreadful hockey you can imagine for nearly a decade now, icing an AHL lineup for some of that time... I agree. You can't overstate what a ***** show the whole thing is. In the near term, the only way it could get worse is if Eichel really does request a trade! Remember Darcy's comment about how this fanbase was about to feel a lot of pain? Or something like that? Holy hell was he not lying.
  21. I wouldn't say that. It didn't sound that large to me. And when they asked for a moment of silence, the stadium was pretty much silent. Having said that, KC is the sort of flyover country where booing protestors fighting for social justice is popular, I would imagine. Never been there.
  22. Well then, let's all add 1 more year to the Sabres drought right now. Not a lot going to change next season with this development, justified or not justified. Hockey desperately needs the huge TV money the NFL enjoys, and it's just not ever going to get it. The "I'll dig a well" era is over. Has been for a couple season now, I think. It was confirmed when they fired Botterill and the scouting department.
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