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Everything posted by Kruppstahl

  1. For some reason, Sabres fans consistently mention this idea of firing Ralph as HC, but retaining him elsewhere in the organization. I guess the idea is that he is intelligent and needs to be retained; he's just in the wrong job now. Where the hell does this come from!? Send his sorry ass back to the world of English football.
  2. Just finished reading Ken's article. I agree with almost all of it and have been saying some of these things for years now. I'm all favor of making goalie equipment streamlined and small; I'm all in favor of making the net bigger, too. Heck, I'd be in favor of taking players off the ice, which would have the best outcome IMO. Somewhat related to this conversation is the fact that the NHL should *never* have allowed high tech stick technology and they should go back to wood tomorrow. Where they need hi-tech is in the goalie equipment, so that it can protect while being small and skimpy.
  3. That's pretty radical. Purists of the game will hate this, but you know what is a fact? 3 on 3 OT hockey is wildly more entertaining and interesting than 5 on 5 hockey. Even with the teams playing "keep away" and constantly retreating out of the offensive zone to maintain possession, it's still way more interesting than modern 5 on 5 hockey. Why? With 3 skaters on the ice, you simply do not have enough bodies to defend your net, all the time, particularly if anyone makes a mistake. So it becomes critical *not* to make a mistake and positioning and attention to the game become greatly amplified relative to normal. That creates a tension and drama that for me, is really interesting to watch. And there is all kinds of room out there for great players to show you that they are great players. I find modern regular season NHL hockey to be borderline unwatchable. Wanna fix it? Get rid of some players! The NHLPA will LOVE this idea. LOL
  4. Krueger's handling of Skinner, specially, is all you need to justify an immediate firing. I think Skinner will come back around when he is used correctly again...which is something Krueger seems utterly unwilling to do. The fans out in Edmonton warned us that Ralph was a stubborn SOB...they weren't wrong.
  5. "I bought a cardboard cutout to honor my aunt who passed away. Can I come pick it up so she doesn't have to watch this anymore"
  6. I have said from Day 1 that Hall will be gone prior to next season. This deal worked out really well for both parties, actually. It made sense and took advantage of some unusual circumstances that aren't normally present. Of course Hall is gone at the deadline; he always was going to be gone at the deadline. The only people suggesting otherwise are Sabres fans.
  7. He has consistently shown, for a while now, that he's not a very good hockey coach. It's almost as if he had been ousted by the NHL fraternity and had taken refuge in the English Premiership.... LOL I liked Bergen's play! Give him more of a shot! PS: Montour is trash; I said he was trash the day we acquired him.
  8. Perhaps the talent level of this team isn't as great as its fans think it is? Is that possible?
  9. I just listened to his post-game PC. He seems like such a reasonable, friendly guy! He's in the wrong line of work, but he seems like a great guy.
  10. It's *way* too early for this. I'm surprised to see Cuomo come down with this position, to be honest. There is nothing different about the general state of the world out there now than, say, 6 months ago. It will remain this way at least for this entire calendar year. Lingering effects of the pandemic will be around for a decade.
  11. I can't find anything for the Borgen hit on Marchand, but I can offer up this beauty from PK Subban!
  12. My point is that if he is "dinged up" it's no different than any other player in the league and he needs to play through that. If he is in fact "injured" he should not be playing.
  13. Yep; home to Islanders. Assuming things don't get further delayed! He mentioned in the "chicklets" podcast that he took this past long off-season to really get his body/health right again, after dealing with some issues during last season. So he hit the ground running on full tanks this season. If he is hurt, it didn't take him long to re-injure himself. Of course that is possible, but I personally don't think he is "injured" per se.
  14. I agree with you. If you are participating at this thread on a daily basis, you are probably into sports. There are a lot more people out there, though, who don't even think about sports.
  15. Limited to 10% and of course those in attendance must get tested, jump through various hoops, blah blah...who would do that for this team at this point in time is mind boggling to me. PS: This is a terrible idea, unless you want to get COVID. https://www.radio.com/wgr550/sports/sabres/stadiums-and-arenas-in-new-york-can-re-open-beginning-feb-23
  16. If only we could go back in time and take Steve Smith then, and his old partner Jeff Beukeboom!
  17. I'm not on the team, Einstein. My opinion of what's going to happen from the outside has absolutely nothing to do with the performance of the team. By the way, I'm right. Let's catch up and compare notes when the season ends.
  18. Their "staffers" if you will; the people who make the organization tick. The GM has had the same secretary for many years, for example. They don't need to rotate out everyone in the organization just b/c the GM or coach are new.
  19. I suspect those who receive income from the operation of the league do not. I think it could be some time before we actually see another Sabres game. This reminds me of the "lowest point in franchise history thread." This is definitely as low (IMO) as the bankruptcy era. It's pretty horrible right now and it's not going to improve any time soon.
  20. In the "franchise low point" thread, there is a link to a "spittin' chicklets" podcast with Eichel as the guest. In that podcast, Jack is asked what he thinks of Dahlin. The meatheads running the podcast love to talk over their guests, unfortunately, and Jack was just going to tell an interesting story when he was cut off. But his basic point was that he remembers the first time he saw Dahlin skate. He said "I thought I had skills...this guy really has skills." And he mentioned calling his father to tell him how amazed he was at the personal skill level of Dahlin just doing simple, skating drills out on the ice. That type of thing. He clarified that what he was talking about was just how *smooth* he is in everything he does. He said "The SWEDES just move a certain smooth way" and so on. He does complex things smoothly and makes them look easy was the basic thrust. It's going to take Dahlin time to put it together, and he's nowhere near his ceiling now....but in theory we have a multiple Norris winner on the blue line, for down the road. So if you want to get excited about something, think about that. I genuinely believe Eichel could be gone before this team improves, and the cornerstone of the good team, when it arrives, will be Dahlin, not Jack.
  21. It would have been some time in the 2006 playoff run, when things were really looking good. Probably after knocking off Ottawa. We had advanced 2 rounds in the playoffs and it all looked pretty easy. I was too little to remember the Finals vs. the Flyers. I remember everything else in franchise history, and the best team we have iced was in 2006. I thought we had a solid shot at winning the whole thing that year. I never had that feeling in '99 even in the Finals against Dallas. I'd also point out we had awesome looking black uniforms in 2006 too! Now we are right back to the same ugly crap we iced in the '80s.
  22. Doesn't matter. We were always going to be on the outside looking in to the playoff spots anyway, given the way they have constructed the divisions and rules. No way we are a Top 4 team in our division, regardless of when we play our games!
  23. His current poodle cut is so bad I might actually recommend he go back to the Thompson Twins cut he was rocking last year.
  24. MLB went to 2 games on a single day to help make the math work! The NHL has some options here. They could extend the season at least by a little. They could add more games during the week. They could add games at 3rd party locations if a building is occupied by an NBA team on a rescheduled day, and so on. Not sure they would go to 2-a-days, but they could if they had to.
  25. We will be slogging it out with 3 other teams to be 5th in our little mini league this year. The problem is only 1-4 make the playoffs, and I don't see any way in hell we break into that top 4 and stay there. As Paul Hamilton mentioned the other day, all it will take is a single 3 or 4 game losing skid and the playoff fight will be over right there. He's right.
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