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Everything posted by Kruppstahl

  1. I'm all in favor of Eichel cutting his hair. He looks like a giant poodle. In his defense, he has the nastiest, rattiest hair of anyone I can think of. He doesn't have a lot of styling options. What a garbage hockey game tonight. We were lucky to steal a point; give props to Ullmark; he played really well. I wonder if they will be interested in playing hockey next game?!
  2. And nobody remembers who lost the conference championship game either! It's all about winning and advancing, which is why any Bills fan who actually wants Mahomes to play is an idiot.
  3. With the games coming fast and furious in this shortened season, and with our new division lineup, we should be out of a playoff spot in February. Then the trade deadline and the sell-off of Hall comes later in April. Season ends a month later, and that's when Ralph will get the ax. I think.
  4. A big part of his system seems to be all about hiding the $9 million sniper/finisher named Skinner, usually on the 4th line, and seeing how fast you can destroy his will to play hockey while removing all of his production from the team. Ralph has proven for quite a while now that he is an expert at this strategy, and it's very effective.
  5. Okposo is like Rasputin. You can't make him go away. His career should have been over what? 4 years ago? I assume this is lingering head trauma stuff. Someone make him retire already, please.
  6. The easiest way to improve this team, this year, was to improve the goaltending, and Hutton is an AHLer...yet they stick with both. Shows you where the organization is in their thinking. Eichel took the night off. Nice!
  7. The total lack of effort or commitment in this game is alarming.
  8. It's been past time for several years now, as much as I hate to say it. But if Dunleavy is going to be the new guy full time, RJ might as well keep going at it!
  9. Hate the blue color of the uniforms. Cheesy color combo all the way around. The photo of Risto looked like the devil. Great look!
  10. Not if you have an Apple. I don't know why anyone wouldn't, unless you can't afford one.
  11. He is outspoken and says somewhat controversial things routinely. That's why he kept his job so long. Lots of folks like him, lots of folks like to hate him. Good for ratings. I agree he is an idiot and brought nothing to the telecasts, but I don't really watch that talking head stuff anyway in any sport. It's all a waste of time and designed purely as an opportunity to extend the game and sell more ads. I'm just glad Doc Emrick is gone! Hated that guy for many years back to when he was Devils' play by play guy. My fear is he will be replaced with Kenny Albert, who I also can't stand! Would love to see them convince Gary Thorne to leave the Orioles and return to hockey! That guy has been sorely missed for a very long time now.
  12. Gonna be a brutal season playing this batch of teams over and over. And no Toronto games, which is one of the few highlights of the season for the last decade or so. I always enjoy the TO games in Buffalo in particular. At least the season is short!
  13. I just finished reading the NHL/NHLPA agreement that came out last night. Am I the only one that finds this shake-up refreshing? They are fixing a lot of perennial problems with the league, like how it is way too long at 82 games, starts too early, ends too late, and so on. 56 games? January start time? All-Canadian Division? Sabres playing in an Adams/Patrick sort of hybrid? Why not?! It's not like the regular season means squat in a more normal season anyway. I like the traveling 6 man backup squad thing, too. Makes sense. Let's give it a month and see how it plays out.
  14. Fighting is almost dead in this league. Regular season games aren't played with the level of tenacity or sheer hatred that they used to feature routinely, even in the early 2000s. The new code is I don't bother you, you don't bother me, together we have safe, prosperous, long careers. The playoffs are still, thankfully, something different.
  15. January 13th start date and 56 games to be played? That's a lot of hockey assuming they stop the season around the normal time.
  16. There are a bunch of guys I'd trade Jack for, but it's never going to happen. If he leaves the team it will be because he demands a trade, which remains a distinct possibility.
  17. He won't be back; he's here because a bunch of circumstances neatly fell together at the right time. This will be a 1 year thing. Enjoy him while he is here.
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