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Everything posted by LTS

  1. Surface? It plays to the immigrant vote, the non-caucasian vote, the female vote. I think she's qualified from what I know of her (then again, with the bar having been set so low now, who isn't qualified?). She's more centrist than anything else which would irritate more liberal voters but let's be honest, where are they going to put their votes? I would think Democrats want anyone but Trump and voting for any fringe candidate that could impair the vote for Biden/Harris would be detrimental to their own cause. Bottom line, I like the pick. I think there needs to be a qualified non-male sitting that close to the top and it certainly would set the stage for a historic election in 8 years if Biden were to win and she established herself more during that time. At this point I have a better chance of understanding quantum mechanics than how anyone can vote for Trump. Personally I am glad that I live in NY. This state will go Biden and it won't be close. I can still vote the way I would vote and not have any impact on the election. ?
  2. Cool, although the article says his role has not been defined and goes on to say he will be the PBP. So confusing. And that answers the question I had... I might have to find a few clips.
  3. LTS

    So #8

    Not to be a jerk.. but I will be.. don't we usually have a mod post some "automated message" by now indicated that descriptive thread titles are important? I wandered in here wondering why we'd want to talk about Doug Bodger.
  4. Gochugaru - Korean dried red pepper flakes, are my guess. You can guy them at Wegmans (McCormick no less) but absolutely at an asian grocery as well. They are spicy and tasty..
  5. Hockey didn't stumble upon this. The NCAA began the concept of a play-in game a few years ago. It's just another way of pulling in more money and it's garbage. It's a playoff because the team that loses is done for good. But 16 teams from the middle playing each other is just too much variance. It makes the regular season damn near meaningless and it extends the overall season when the overall season is probably too long already. In any elimination series or game the lower seed has a chance to knock out the higher seed by getting hot, a few lucky bounces, an injury here or there. The reason you play the whole regular season is to allow those teams that deserve a shot at the championship to prove that while overcoming a hot opponent, a lucky bounce, or an injury here or there. As it stands now the top 16 provides enough of a chance for the lower seed to make a significant impact and win (ask the Kings). It's why teams shouldn't go all out to be the top seed because it usually means expending too much energy in the regular season and ultimately getting bounced in the playoffs. There's no advantage in the NHL for being the best team in the conference. You want to talk about giving byes to the top seeds, that would be a place to start. Have the lower seeds play for a shot to continue on while the top seeds rest up. Not sure I like that idea either.. but it's a damn sight better than the top 24 making it.
  6. I made kimchi for the first time a few weeks ago. Amazingly easy and it turned out far better than i expected. Learned a few things and looking forward to making more very soon.
  7. https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/buffalo-strong/local-business-delivers-fresh-produce-to-western-new-yorkers There's an option. There are public markets. Buy some seeds, plant some plants.. grow some food. Get together with neighbors and start a community garden. There's plenty of responses to the "inner city" problem. It's certainly not as prevalent as suburban areas, that's not in question. But to dismiss it as "distilled answer"? The same could be said of your "distilled response". People who WANT to eat healthy can find a way. Even if that includes walking 5 miles to a store and back or riding a bike 10 miles to a store and back. Exercise and healthy food in one. How about that? I think it's easier to say that people CHOOSE to eat the crappy fast "food" because spending $5 for two whoppers allows me to have more money for other things. They might need those other things, they might be able to live without them just as they choose to live without the healthy food and exercise at which point they are also choosing the downsides that comes with those choices that will cost them more money in the future. There are people who need the help, but let's not pretend that it's a majority issue. Instead let's recognize that people are making choices. More expensive does not mean other food is too expensive. If you want quality food, make it yourself. You don't get healthy food by eating at a restaurant and you sure as hell aren't going to save money.
  8. We don't have to get into a debate, but I don't find the two items comparable. In one you are in control of your own destiny. Move more, eat less. It's as simple as that. Clearly there are those where it doesn't work, but that's for a good reason, and I don't think it's political. Get a job and work hard also means the system isn't stacked against you by taking all the money you are working so hard for and that you keep your job. It feels like you are trying to say that it's hard to get good food. I would disagree with that if that's the path you are going down.
  9. It's not as simple as diet and exercise? Outside of uncontrollable genetic dispositions, why is it not about diet and exercise? How does any level of politics play into how people choose to live their lives and what they choose to eat?
  10. Kodak had a fairly well established pharmaceutical production facility back in the day. Guess the equipment still works?
  11. We've all been there. Teachers get the shaft, never gonna get an argument saying otherwise from me. ?
  12. Someone please make StrongBad relevant again. StrongBad livestreaming video games would be something I would subscribe to.
  13. Kids will be given the option to be in school or not. They will be able to learn remotely as well. Those who are comfortable sending their kids to school will do so. The teachers have to deal with this the most. They are the one's who will be exposed. They are the one's who may not have a choice in the matter. I know some teachers who have no intention of stepping foot in the school right now and some who are ready to go. One can only hope that some balance occurs such that those who don't want to go in can teach the remote learners while those who will work in the school will teach those in school. It's going to be a mess because the schools are that much more complicated than pretty much any other facet of society. Handling kids is difficult. I'm watching how our local youth baseball league is doing handling a subset of these kids. It's exactly as Liger posts above... they have no clue what they are supposed to do. The baseball league puts the onus on the parents to police their kids but they aren't doing it. It's chaos. Now, add more of them to the mix.
  14. One might wonder why you don't go do just that. Also, your post has nothing to do with the Blue Jays in Buffalo.
  15. I'm a fan of the name... etc. That's all.
  16. Went the other night, got an OKAY shot...
  17. I have not heard of them before either. Thanks.
  18. Posting anecdotal photos and resorting to "you haven't spoken to all gun owners" will not further the discussion. Agree to disagree or find evidence to support your claims, if such evidence exists. I would imagine the information you both seek to back your claims lives within the same research, if it exists. And it is interesting as to why the kidnapping of American citizens by its own government on US ground is not getting more air play. Government officials pulling people off the streets in unmarked cars is usually something you read about in countries whose citizens have historically sought refugee status in the United States. Seems like soon, citizens of the United States might need to seek refugee status in other countries. This is no longer the country we think it is.
  19. Just remember, the politicians in the house and senate had the opportunity to remove this person from power. They chose not to do so. I would keep that in mind when trusting your party affiliations. While the top may be the most noticeable part of the infection, the stuff underneath causes more damage. People want to still make excuses for their parties, but bottom line, they are failing all of us. In fact, I would argue that having Trump in his role distracts the American public from the sketchy actions of the rest of the government. Look at this blowhard over here, ignore all those people over there.
  20. I think many people are missing the point here. It matters not whether you are comfortable or not with his firing. it's easy to say that the comments he made were inappropriate and the results adequate. The issue is based in the double-standard that someone who is gay was able to make similar comments (allegedly) and did not receive the same discipline. I also expect this to end up in the politics club in 3..2..
  21. I mean... if you already had the answer, why'd you ask the question? ?
  22. Let me say this. I say "you can feel this way" because if I don't say it, I presume I will be questioned for not acknowledging that fact. It's kind of a catch-22. As for my statement on history, whether it's 1 year, 400 years, or 900 years, the process by which one culture assimilates, dominates, etc. is my point. Call it war, call it something else. It doesn't matter really. They are words to describe the subjugation of one culture to another. One nation over another. One governmental system, over another. Would I be emotional? Yes. As I said, though, I don't let the thoughts of the ignorant define me. I recognize the socio-economic divisions, the white privilege. I absolutely love how passionate you are in this discussion. You are 100% correct that none of us can understand what you have seen. But I would also offer that just because a story has not been shared does not mean no story exists. Not everyone wants to share their stories, but that doesn't mean they don't have them. I didn't quote your comments on the other sports franchises, but I appreciate the input. I shook my head when I read the dismissive BS from the Blackhawks organization. Now, if you tell me the people of that group support the name, then fine, so be it. But until I see that, I think they are full of crap. Dude.. I so need to aerate before I worry about lawn rolling.. and I also need to make some quality beer.. I recall you were looking for an exchange. ? For what it's worth, my points about history are a commentary on humanity and nature itself. The higher level of thinking that humanity has developed doesn't keep it from adopting the natural order. IN fact, one might argue that our "intelligence" can find new and interesting way to justify the natural order... against everything that is natural. I'm not a fan of the way Native American people are/were treated. I'm not a fan of how all non-white people are treated. I don't have control over the past, I was not there. I don't have control over others, but I will speak out against them. I do have control over myself and my actions. This thread is not anywhere near the need to be locked. There are important discussions going on here that will drive awareness. The passion behind your points emphasizes the point that there is more than just the words being used to be considered and those of us who are interested should heed that when absorbing the information.
  23. Sure, but I'd have to look at the teams they were playing on to see how it related to the overall offensive output. I'm high on Dahlin. I'm just saying that goals scored, by a defenseman, on a team that hasn't scored goals for years, is probably not the best stat to look at for how good the player is.. Put a parachute on Usain Bolt and he's not going to win many races, despite still being fast.
  24. They lost a war. The government that now rules the land decides on what is "equal" in the society that it governs. This is also how it works. Those who live in the society choose to do so (unless forcefully compelled to stay in that society). The choice, assuming there is one, is to work to change that government, or leave. You don't have to like the options, but those are the options. No one on this forum makes those rules, they are made automatically by the situation that has unfolded. I am telling you that when your ancestors lost the war they did in fact lose their right to continue to exist as they had in the past without interference from another culture. No one has to like that statement, but that does not make it any less true. Wars eventually end up at someone's door step. Again, no one has to like it, but it happens. We may, at some point in the future, lose a war and our lives as Americans could be forever changed. All of us, who live in this country, could be ruled by a completely different government and that government could decide that white people are not equal. If that happens, everything I said would still apply. All of that aside, what I think you are missing the most is that no one is saying you have to like any of it. No one is saying that they like any of it. The entire reason for my post was to provide a viewpoint on the fact that these things happen. Humanity, and even nature, does not live in harmony all the time. Those that lose out on conflict are often impacted in ways far worse than subjugation. Saying that does not attempt to justify either of the outcomes but merely to speak objectively as to what those outcomes usually are. I would prefer a world that could understand and accept a natural balance. One that does not use its intelligence to destroy but to build. I like to think of that as a wonderful way to think but I also realize that how each of us defines "natural balance" is usually the instigator for conflict. I'm not sure anyone has said that the Redskins logo and name is acceptable. A wise person would say that if you wanted to operate a sports franchise that would reflect a particular section of society that you would consult the people of that society for how they would like to be depicted. As to the rest of your suggested affronts, for me, personally, I wouldn't give a damn what logo they put on the side of a helmet. If the intent of the depiction of the fat, disgusting, white guy, wearing a trucker hat was intended to provide offense to white people (of which I am) then I am not offended. I'm not defined by that. If someone is ignorant enough to assume that's who I am then I am intelligent enough to know that that person is not worth my time or energy. As I said, that's MY feeling. There may be others who would take offense to that depiction. That's their choice. For my educational benefit and understanding, where do you fall with regards to the Chicago Blackhawks, Atlanta Braves, and Cleveland Indians? The Blackhawks, as I understand it, are saying their name honors a native leader, Black Hawk, of the Illinois' Sac & Fox Nation. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/08/us/chicago-blackhawks-name-spt-trnd/index.html
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