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Everything posted by LTS

  1. It may be. But the conversations in there are largely more about the election. Perhaps its time to shut that one down so it migrates here. People might avoid that thread simply because it's all about Trump.. or at least perceived to be.
  2. Maybe that's why the marketing department left? No, that's a sympathetic view. In fact, your first statement and the beginning of your second are insulting to those who actually do have a modicum of business talent because anyone who has that modicum of business acumen knows that you don't do use those poorly worded slides and ill advised presentation. The yacht. The lifestyle. The "we have more information than fans" when defending the GM and then firing him. The list is not as small as you'd like to make it. I find your second sentence dismissive and insulting. To imbue my statement with "going for the cheap laugh or easy shot" is dismissive. To insinuate that I have no business acumen, is insulting.
  3. I'm starting a thread for a discussion on what is bound to be viewed by historians of 2080 as one of the most critical points in American history. So have at it in here. Let's leave the Trump thread for discussing his work as President and not so much his election work and/or how Biden will work against him. Trump v Biden oh.. and Jorgensen. But no one talks about the female candidate with a PhD who will also be on the ballot in all 50 states.
  4. Having more people in the privately run criminal justice system is not a good idea. There are too many in there already. The incidents with police are the face that's being put on the larger issues that plague our society. This is why I am against protests. Changing the police will not change the reason these incidents are happening. There are fundamental societal changes that need occur and that change has to involve everyone. Anything else will be doomed to fail. However, the violence that police are using within the United States is exceptional compared to elsewhere in the world. They are closer to a military force than a protecting force. There are no doubts that with it be a thankless job it attracts those who might be in it just because it allows them to be "legally violent". Clearly it's not all of them, but clearly there are deep issues within the police forces of the United States. This problem get exacerbated with those who are not part of that uber violent group feel compelled to protect those who are because of police brotherhood. This only serves to irritate the public more because now police and governments are seen to be wrongfully protecting violent criminals simply because they wear a badge. Although I might say here.. it was a white man shooting two other white men. Your analogy to the Trump rally should read a black man shooting two black men. At the same time I think it's safe to say. A black man walks into that protect with the gun that Rittenhouse had and there's an exceptionally high chance he's shot on sight. That's the problem and frankly the Kenosha police department demonstrated their clear bias by not taking action. There may be discussion and debate about the police shooting of Blake that lead to that protest, but I'm not sure how any one can justify the actions of the police with regards to Rittenhouse. You know, there are still quite a few Catholic groups and Jewish groups that consider themselves superior to everyone else as well. What you describe is seen in many religions. I'd say it is far more prevalent in those who have recently emigrated from countries that were largely comprised of the same school of thought but it should be expected since all their lives it's all they've known. If you look at the history of the United States you would see similar events occurring as people of different nationalities emigrated here. The "neighborhoods" and the separatism were strong. Those similar separatist attitudes also exist here with not just Muslim immigrants, but immigrants of many countries/religions/ethnicities. Interestingly, someone in the United States might make a remark about Latino/Asian gangs in a similar fashion to your reference on Muslim criminals. I don't look at those remarks and think that all Latino or Asian people are the same. Sigh.. I shall have a Negroni and ponder deeper things. When asked who I would like to spend a day with... he's in my Top 5.
  5. My takeaway from that is Nick Robertson was born on 9/11. I know what you are posting there. I'm just commenting that what I noticed first was when he was born. I find that an interesting observation of myself.
  6. Search results are often tainted by your other searches. I don't see much in the way of NYC when I searched it. As such, I am inclined to believe that you've been looking at other things related to NYC. ? Yea.. another gadget is the problem. It's never not appropriate. But I would crave a wood fired pizza over a traditional pizza oven pizza every moment of every day. that's all.. and now I want wood fired pizza again. ARGH!
  7. It might predict failures in other groups who are not aligned with the direction the company is heading. It doesn't mean there's a problem, it just means things are changing. (I'm not sure we know enough to identify WHAT is going on however). No, but accepted culture change sure. I'm dealing with that right now. We have a team of 15 developers who signed up to do "start up" type work and are struggling with the changes that are being made as we go from "start up" to productization. The more rigorous controls and timelines we need to put on them are not settling well. At this point we expect them to leave. We're not forcing them to leave. We don't want them to leave. We'll take a hit if they do leave. However, we also need that team to operate differently than they have in the past and they might not be capable of doing so. Could be this. When our company was going through downsizing and everyone feared for their jobs there were many who just up and left. Get out while you can kind of thing. It might be that those 3 people end up starting their own company. I've seen it happen. I think, overall, there are clearly changes being made in PSE and those changes are net settling well. It could very well be that Terry and Kim are the worst to work for. We've certainly seen their public statements demonstrating an air of "let them eat cake". I'm not totally inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt. I suppose when it comes time to spend my money in a way that would benefit them I will consider the value of their enterprises and decide then. Until then I will read the tea leaves with everyone else.
  8. I agree, there's no mathematical precision. However, each time it happens the discussion on WHY and at WHAT point the conversation crossed the line might help indicate to others. it might not. As for people leaving because things got heated... I agree with this. That response was packed with more (far more) than the prior discussions had provided. That was the dam breaking.
  9. There is a top I could put on my weber smokey mountain that is designed for it, but I'm not sold on the quality yet. In THEORY it could work, but I really think you need the closeness of the heat source and the weber is better suited for long, slow, burns over short, hot ones. Now I want the damn wood fired pizza... at 10:20am.. awesome.
  10. I can google that and I see a lot of information, but a child abuse ring is not quite the same as the widespread actions you are describing. Child trafficking, sex trafficking happen in all countries and when a "ring" is discovered/arrested it's certainly shines a light on the problem, but I don't equate it to people not women not being able to walk down the street. I'll read more if you share. You know the US news doesn't cover much of anything internationally.
  11. NYC could never adopt that pepperoni. They barely like cheese on their paper crusts. That pepperoni would destroy them.. how do you fold a slice when the grease will run all over your hands? Not a chance.. I continue to have that desire to build an oven... or buy one.. And this is why.. even your "non-aesthetic" pizza looked amazing. It also tastes incredible. My friend who's a rather big foodie in Buffalo has a Ooni or something like it. https://ooni.com/ - he loves it.
  12. On a side note, one of my favorite scenes from that movie.
  13. I understand the point you are making but the problem is there's a point in the discussion on the actions of the NHL players where you are saying it belongs in the politics club and I'm not sure that people agree with you on where that point is or where it should be, let alone agreeing with each other. If we are to discuss "Around the NHL" then the players taking a stand against police violence is part of that discussion, because it's happening "Around the NHL". This is why I suggested that if you want to draw the line you draw it at, discussion in the sports forum is strictly related to the sport on the ice and the business surrounding the sport on the ice and anything not related to actually playing the game (social issues, commercialism, etc.) ends up elsewhere. I'm not saying I like the idea, but without that we are left with a subjective point to "migrate the conversation" and it will continue to ruffle feathers. Perhaps the line is drawn at discussing the NHL players not playing but if the conversation extends to the event(s) which led to the NHL players not playing then it belong elsewhere. In this case, we can discuss the impacts of them not playing the games, but if we want to cover the extent to which the police were justified/not justified in their actions that belongs elsewhere. I'm not sure of the right answer, but these events are likely to increase before they decrease so I'm just hoping to improve the forum understanding. I sure as hell hope so. The lack of strict hockey subject matter is has taken its toll on those of us who allow hockey news and events to have such significant value in our lives.
  14. This is widespread? Is there coverage of this? It seems like there would be some level of coverage on this.
  15. It's the kind of pepperoni. Google "cup and char" and your prayers shall be answered.
  16. So, I think to be clear then. It should be stated that sports related, and more to the point, NHL related political issues do not belong in the primary forum but should reside in the politics club. So, when a player makes a political statement, or a network cans a personality over non-NHL related issues, it belong in politics? I think the line has to be drawn because right now people are not sure. The idea is that athletes are becoming involved in political issues and as such you have the juxtaposition between sports and politics, so things kind of fit in both places. It was I who created the club. Shall we rename it? Well, people get fed up. You don't have to necessarily get to the "politics" of it, but it happened because the NHL dove into the "politics" of it. I don't know about True and Hoss, but Flagg decided to go off on how non-intellectual people on here are and proclaim himself the superior. Whatever. As I said at the time, he was clearly hanging on by a thread every time the simpletons didn't understand the math. And the Sabres vs. Bruins after the Boston Marathon bombing? It was absolutely political. 100%. Perhaps people feel there's a difference because it was a unified display of patriotism? I don't know. It's still political. You are correct.
  17. There are always extreme movements going on somewhere. That's the problem with extremism. The very nature of being 'extreme" means that it is not part of the mainstream, or it would fail to be "extreme". As such, equating the two is quite literally not possible. You speak of "sharia law being in effect for years". I am presuming you mean that there is a large cultural population in that area and they choose to live in a way that is not aligned with yours. However, you also speak, quite generally, of Muslims harassing women walking on the street. Harassed about what? Where are they being harassed? On all the streets? For what its worth, your post is loaded with inflammatory generalities that commonly occur with those who are extremist themselves. They lack specifics but instead declare without a doubt that heinous and nefarious actions are occurring everywhere and people are choosing to "put their head in the sand". Your post, to me, as a non-European, non-Islamic, person comes across as one of strong prejudice and a lack of understanding of cultures different than your own.
  18. I do appreciate the clarification. I might tend to have a discussion further, but given current tension in this thread and well, generally throughout society, I think it's best to let it go for the time being. Perhaps over a bourbon at some point in the future, without the Internet getting all the in the way. Wow. So, thanks for that. It's probably good that I don't define myself by how you see me. Glad you got that off your chest though. it's unfortunate that with all that intelligence you claimed to have you lacked the wisdom you required. Frankly I had thought you better than your post, certainly not better than anyone else however. You might have had some talking points in that diatribe; but your ending really ruined it for me. But tell me, are you more upset with those who cannot process complex thinking or at yourself for not being able to tolerate the midwits? It's a shame their experiences in life, viewed from a decidedly less complex world than the one you've created might also provide insight because the points they see aren't always between numbers. Feel free to DM, or if you don't come back... best of luck. I hope you find the wisdom you require.
  19. great stuff.. and it also makes me think about when RJ won't be calling a game.. and I don't like how that makes me feel.
  20. This is a heated topic and statements can be taken out of context. Would you please expand why you use the term "government sanctioned"? In my eyes that equates to the government telling police officers (all of them) that they should be killing.
  21. LTS


    There are days I sometimes wonder why I never tried drugs... And then things like this thread happen... and I no longer wonder.
  22. Damn shame that the GM is gone eh?
  23. I mean, I wouldn't join as a matter of principle for sending such an ignorant email. Frankly don't care if they fire the person or not. That's up to them on how they want to run their business. Milbury does have a bit of a history of doing absolutely idiotic things that should have kept him from a place in the media anyway. Not sure the person who wrote that email would have the same history. That said, it speaks exactly to the kind of thinking that people are working to change. People are more vocal about it these days because they finally feel as though the need for change is getting through to enough people that they have support to be more vocal.
  24. Uhhh.. new strength and conditioning coach?
  25. The issue at hand is that you are applying your ideals and values to the situation. That's fine, but it doesn't make it right. "People need to toughen up and get over themselves" is the very mantra that causes many problems in society. When is it inappropriate? Where is that line? The problem being that the line isn't clear. Whether you feel it is or it is not does not define it for society. There are women who believe what he said was unfair. I say that because you think NBC exercising its right to remove him from the broadcast was unfair. To be a complete jerk about it, why can't I say to you, "Get over yourself, why are you letting what NBC does with Mike Milbury bother you?" Why does it bother you that people get upset over things like this? it's the opposite side of your opinion right? People feel like they should be allowed to get upset over this because they do feel that statements like those have to be shown to be unacceptable and you can't do that with a passive tone. You need to make a statement. You are making a statement as well. You feel like they should just let it go. It's not that big of a deal. Who gets to decide that?
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