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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. I think we all know who takes this competition
  2. I lost 2 close games to juju and Labatt this year..... Damn you for eternity!!! Good luck tho ;) I've got the consolation game against the powerhouse waratahs, if he got bell earlier In the season, he woulda tore things up...... Can't wait til next year
  3. That was a fantastic episode, ah magic brings me back to the days when I used to play on the bus to school and at lunch and in detention. I don't see it as popular anymore. Btw I'm selling a girgs Jersey, I posted it up in the trading post section if anyone is interested.
  4. This will be an interesting finish, however I feel that we're gonna end up with an old timer as Victor..... Since I'm only 30 I can't totally put myself in that camp.
  5. Hi all, I received a jersey as a gift, a new dark blue home 28 Girgensons Jersey..... I took the tags off without looking at the size and when I put it on, I realized that it floated on me and was wayyyy too big. It's literally been worn once by me for 5 minutes..... It came from the Sabres store and was 180 originally. Since I don't need another Jersey instead of returning/exchanging it, I figured I'd put it up here and take offers, figured if someone wanted it, it'd be a much better bargain from me. Any questions, either PM me or reply to this thread.
  6. Looks like Manning is gonna have his streak snapped against a buffalo team I was sure he'd light up. We covered the spread, but we're never really in it, and please fire our coaching staff
  7. Orton, a boy among men he just wanted to get back and have another dip
  8. Orton/marrone/Hackett..... That's why Look around the league and see, Evans and Beckham Jr and the impact they have, we simply don't know what we're doing
  9. We weren't gonna win at all today, and I'm not one to complain about officiating, but penalties gave the Broncos 14 points and they were questionable at best. Then add in our super awesome offense and IQ of Orton and that's a wrap
  10. That's a play that your teammates look at and question your heart, must win game, not being blown out and you pusss out like that..... Simply unacceptable
  11. Orton is. An. Idiot
  12. I needed last week and laid an egg.... I went on an improbable run that I knew would end
  13. While I a big Bama fan, I despise Ohio state and am looking forward to an early exit for the buckeyes, I hope Oregon wrecks FSU. As for the choices in general, I'm just questioning how a team ranked #3 can win by 50 and drop 3 spots, the mistake was made 1-2 weeks ago not this week
  14. I thought this thread title was my chances of getting lucky tonight
  15. I would love an upset today, but I feel we lose by 18 or more
  16. these committes never fail to surprise with their decisions..... I'm a big Bama fan. ..... Ohio state is far from a favorite of mine, however they just rocked Wisconsin with a 3rd string QB..... Baylor and tcu won as well, I also feel FSU isn't as good as their record, however they are undefeated so it's hard to keep them out. As I see it, Bama, Oregon and FSU are locks..... Then you have tcu , Baylor and Ohio state that all qualify.... It'll be interesting to see how tomorrow unfolds
  17. I think it changes things a ton when 3/4 teams could vie for that 4th spot..... Match up differences and etc, just like the NFL, an underdog could play above their level and take home the bacon, I appreciate that they have a playoff, but I believe it should be at least 6 if not 8
  18. I was always a fan of the nordiques logo and team.... It would be fitting
  19. I agree, I thought it was dumb to start with 4,everyone knew the playoff would be a success overall, now they forced themselves into a crappy situation again having to pick favorites and screw over deserving teams
  20. I've never heard of that before, maybe it was just our area.... Doesn't seem fair.... Its like letting golfers use a tee on the fairway
  21. our kicker in high school kicked on grass, idk what ya mean by not kicking on grass. Although he sucked and we inevitably went for 2 most of the time because he was that bad
  22. and the SEC holds some cred in the FBS, so while it wouldn't be totally fair, I could see the commitee keeping Bama in the top 4
  23. That's a tough call, with tcu and Baylor being fairly equal, they may both get in if that scenario unfolds
  24. ROLL TIDE!!!! AND F*UCK WINSTON, and FSU..... They have lucked into victories against crappy opponents, I hope they lose big today
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