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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Man I'm with you guys, this PP=bills offense..... Brutal..... I liked seeing Strachan throwing some punches tho.
  2. Imagine this D intact next year with a healthy Kiko, Possible upgrade of 1 or 2 other positions with Schwartz still here....... And an offense Leave it to us, to go on the road and lose to the ever struggling Raiders, if that happened for any reason then bye bye staff. However if we do win, I'm not loving our chances against NE to finish the end of the year
  3. At this point I'm mainly just watching hockey to watch hockey..... I don't think our team is trying to fail on purpose and I'm not even close to being a mind reader of our new GM, I mean who the hell knows what he is thinking or wants..... If we slide up towards the top of the CHL then my mind shifts with tank..... If we keep winning, my mind wants to keep the magic going. Sure McEichel sounds wonderful, and I realize hockey vs football are different, but I know how some top picks have panned out in other leagues, who is to say that these guys make a team an instant contender. I just want buffalo teams to collectively get their @sses together
  4. I stopped waratahs winning streak in the ever powerful consolation bracket. Got a lot of help this week, I won't get these same numbers again.
  6. What kind of throw was that..... 5 yards and the game is over
  7. This isn't even bad officiating today, we are just bad..... Any offense at all and we'd be a decent playoff team Alright the D is playing outta their minds, we NEED to capitalize here
  8. I just can't understand the decision making on offense, from coaching to Orton...... Plus we have no running game this year at all, no true QB, I mean what else is there to do
  9. 3rd and 12,sure we'll take a 6 yard pass...... Damn we suck..... Have we already had 10 penalties today as well, talk about lack of discipline
  10. We may not score any points today
  11. A heartbreaking OT loss tonight, Sabres can't keep up in the league of real men
  12. I think we all know who takes this competition
  13. I lost 2 close games to juju and Labatt this year..... Damn you for eternity!!! Good luck tho ;) I've got the consolation game against the powerhouse waratahs, if he got bell earlier In the season, he woulda tore things up...... Can't wait til next year
  14. That was a fantastic episode, ah magic brings me back to the days when I used to play on the bus to school and at lunch and in detention. I don't see it as popular anymore. Btw I'm selling a girgs Jersey, I posted it up in the trading post section if anyone is interested.
  15. This will be an interesting finish, however I feel that we're gonna end up with an old timer as Victor..... Since I'm only 30 I can't totally put myself in that camp.
  16. Hi all, I received a jersey as a gift, a new dark blue home 28 Girgensons Jersey..... I took the tags off without looking at the size and when I put it on, I realized that it floated on me and was wayyyy too big. It's literally been worn once by me for 5 minutes..... It came from the Sabres store and was 180 originally. Since I don't need another Jersey instead of returning/exchanging it, I figured I'd put it up here and take offers, figured if someone wanted it, it'd be a much better bargain from me. Any questions, either PM me or reply to this thread.
  17. Looks like Manning is gonna have his streak snapped against a buffalo team I was sure he'd light up. We covered the spread, but we're never really in it, and please fire our coaching staff
  18. Orton, a boy among men he just wanted to get back and have another dip
  19. Orton/marrone/Hackett..... That's why Look around the league and see, Evans and Beckham Jr and the impact they have, we simply don't know what we're doing
  20. We weren't gonna win at all today, and I'm not one to complain about officiating, but penalties gave the Broncos 14 points and they were questionable at best. Then add in our super awesome offense and IQ of Orton and that's a wrap
  21. That's a play that your teammates look at and question your heart, must win game, not being blown out and you pusss out like that..... Simply unacceptable
  22. Orton is. An. Idiot
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