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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. well that's good, there have been much worse that have happened, like that missed trip last night and the boarding on Nikita the other night
  2. From that replay, it didn't seem like there was any malicious intent, it looked like a good game tap... If he gets suspended from that, then that official needs to change his tampon
  3. This will not be a close game..... We just got outplayed by the freaking Oilers..... To think we come in and take out an elite team with this group is ludicrous. God my optimism has completey left me
  4. I sat in nosebleed section tonight.... Always enjoy the game more from up top tho..... I was surrounded by Oilers fans, and I won't lie, when they took the lead in the third, I didn't cheer, but inside I didn't feel terrible..... In general that sucks, but it is what it is. 50+ shots is just unacceptable tho
  5. absolutely, best wings hands down, and got a nice mug on the wall as well. If you make the trek, we can all try and meet up, make it a rowdy good ol buffalo time!
  6. In the carrion, all games are platinum..... To see all world talent on display a hefty toll must be paid by all.
  7. playoffs!!! Well then by the beard of Zeus, you will be crushed!!!! :)
  8. At least I have Peyton throwing to him, granted points are slanted towards WR..... I barely have a true #1RB/WR ,picking up Robinson and Bryant seemed to work well for me thus far..... Both my tight ends and kicker are on bye weeks. I had to piece this week together
  9. you match up very favorable against me this week, I'm on the skid.... 2 great weeks and still losing, on the verge to. 500
  10. I am thoroughly rocking the porn stache for movember, it's awful and makes me look like Joe dirt mixed with a stage trooper doing 80's porn..... All of the nurses I work with ask me for something, and then add the line, "as soon as you finish filming your porno"
  11. Let's not all forget about the refereeing tonight, the lowly weary bison, vs the league darling creme brulees..... Surely they'll be a factor!!! Remember when we were good enough to get upset about questionable officiating
  12. unfortunately I'm not very good about these leagues and etc, I know a lot of people that have live drafts, is it because it's NFL. Com that makes it hard, what's the big hang up that would keep it from being possible?
  13. Oh yeah, well F#ck you and your God da#n team, petty garbage points with nobodies, you're just lucky I sat my all star crew on the bench, or else we woulda bent you over like a fuc#in slinky!!!!!! Better :) a live draft with some brews and good company, I like it, it needs to happen
  14. that doesn't sound too terrible, I'd be in and make sure I'm at the draft
  15. I'm not taking this too seriously, I didn't draft, and didn't set up my auto draft.... Only my second year of ever playing fantasy game, I can't believe I've won with what I've had, although I've been putting more effort into the waiver wire recently. Maybe next year I'll get into a pay league, still when I lose I'm calling bs on something ;)
  16. 2nd week of super high scoring games, where garbage points by the losing team cost me the match up,,,, bs
  17. Glad it was a good game I was able to make it to Zadarov steam rolls people and I like Gus is a true beast I like 44 a lot If handled properly this team may have a future, that big If is unknown tho.
  18. Was gonna watch pats vs Broncos today since I'm off, but last minute cheap stub hub tickets for me, to watch the debacle live.... Happy to see some minor line tweaks
  19. I made some big moves in hopes to get back to winning, however I smell a loss today
  20. Ummmmm, yeah, we suck. We're gonna continue to suck perpetually then lose the lottery Dark times my friends
  21. ah yes, the 20 %fits perfectly within my theory!! Well played We lose 6-1 and I'm being generous with giving us a goal
  22. Gionta for one Kaleta has a good 5+ years left in him
  23. I drank a lot of beer I need to go
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