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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. I would love to, know how hard it is to get that smell out?!?!
  2. Did we even got a shot on that PP.... Looks like our vaginas have come in early this year
  3. Sitting in 321 with a big Grey fuzzy hat..... Let's see what we got tonight!!!!
  4. I don't match up well against juju, I thought the bills D woulda done it for me, but nope.... Spanked!!!! Looks like another loss coming up this week., man I need a RB
  5. Ah crap, we're gonna lose home field advantage in a pivotal match-up between 2 playoff hopefuls, typical NFL screwing us over, what next, bills aren't allow to wear pads
  6. I used to install direct TV a long time ago, therefore I have been on a lot of roads in the area.... Living in the southtowns helps too. I'm not sure if you're a city guy, but many of my friends and colleagues that grew up in the city area don't know much outside of their comfort routes
  7. there was a Jack Knifed truck blocking 77,i got the balls to make it around it, about 10 miles of zero visibility and white knucklin it, I made to to 98 and It looks like I'm outta the band, knock on wood I should be able to make it home in an hour or so!
  8. South, but far enough away from the belt to be able to circle back around to get into springville.... Unfortunately hell is other people
  9. We got 3/4 tank, I've been stuck since getting in from vacation, I'm not available for my patients and it's starting to get to me, I've been calm and patient, starting to lose those virtues, but thanks!!
  10. This sucks, I'm now stuck on 77, I had my folks grab me and make it to airport area, took 3 hours to get to me and we were piping along until the 354 Junction, now we're stuck and stranded behind a mile long line of traffic at a stand still while this snow pours down on us..... A few cars have passed us in the opposite direction so I find it baffling why we are stuck... There were plows and troopers around, not doing anything significant, I'm just getting frustrated
  11. I keep talking about moving South and all I hear from people is "oh you'll get sick of the heat" etc etc.... But I won't, it's wonderful walking around at 2am in 80 degree weather. This crap happening now absolutely sucks, it affects jobs, families, people stranded everywhere, carbon monoxide poisoning, hypothermia, you name it. Sure a nice thunderstorm is cool with some lightning, but when snow is coming down at a pace that can't be kept up with, approx a month before we really expect it, thus extending our already long winter..... Then yes it sucks
  12. Thanks man, I will ravage the continental breakfast to all of my ability. Anyone have any idea when they may open the 90/219. I don't care if I can't get my car for a few days, I have a subaru back in springville, I just need a way there, which doesn't look like it's happening anytime soon. I'm spending more money on a hotel in buffalo than I did in Orlando this week.
  13. I somehow got in last night around 1am, the last flight to come into or leave buffalo, with quite a rough landing.... I was then forced to spend the night in the airport, after freezing my balls off at 7am I walked across the street and got a room, my car is parked off of William Street and buried and anyone that can potentially give me a ride was stuck..... I also am not making it back home to springville anytime soon., I missed my shifts today and tomorrow already and we'll have to see about Friday, all I know is this sucks.... I wish I woulda pushed my flight back and enjoyed South Florida a little more instead of being stranded in my home city
  14. Damn had I have known you lived there, I woulda invited ya skydiving with us.... I'll be back soon, beats the hell outta being stranded at the Buffalo airport, so far I've been here freezing for 8 hours with no hope in sight
  15. I'm flying home from Fort Lauderdale today, to nyc first, stupid layover then to Buffalo around 11pm. I wonder how that is gonna pan out for me
  16. I just got done skydiving in ft Lauderdale..... Now I know what the bills season feels like right now. Instant drop. Too bad their season doesn't have a parachute
  17. I believe I'm playing the powerhouse this week, and carpenter looks to be all of your offense lol
  18. Why punt there, I ###### hate this team..... Choke 2 weeks in a row in crucial games..... The officiating blows, but this team just isn't good enough to complain about them costing us the game...... Welcome to mediocrity Please bring in a new coaching staff
  19. ah yes the patients of good ol BGH lol, I don't know what's worse the Sabres or the entitled attitudes of patients..... The answers Is, the Sabres
  20. lol well in many hospitals, patients that have full use of their hands and arms can change this to watch both, which is actually more torturous than just being stuck on one...... Go babers
  21. good match, good luck to you too, fight the machine!!!!
  22. Damn it was close, injuries hurt you this week, my waiver wire made up for the guys on the bye
  23. I went today, and the crowd was into it big time, very loud The officiating was just brutal, this coming from the stadium and not seeing expanded coverage on TV, but that 4th and 1 call to keep that crucial drive alive killed and should never happen. Orton choked under pressure today, plain and simple, when it mattered for 7 pts we couldn't deliver Chandler must have eaten popcorn before the game with his buttery fingers, unacceptable. I feel bad for our D as the offense has no rhythm, no long stretch game and just general ineffectiveness This game+Houston =no playoffs this year
  24. hopefully he doesn't get the Carcillo treatment, it is buffalo tho.... I guess it really does depend on what he said tho.
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