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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. I doubt the sabres come out hard and physical against Boston, they haven't managed that feat in well over a decade! Half the team is composed of players the size of me, that ain't gonna get ya far
  2. I had a connolly jersey, as soon as i got that he got concussed.... In my wise decision making, I had the connolly changed to a Hodgson, at that point he starting (continued) sucking.... Therefore If I burn the jersey, he will become Crosby
  3. Old timers hockey is more like it I'll be in attendance, anyone else here going, after the 1st period, maybe getting smashed In the Lexus club will make the game a bit better. The only other regular season game I went to was that Boston massacre last time.
  4. So glad i was working and missed all but 5 minutes while grabbing a coffee, it's gotten to the point where I forgot they played tonight until I got in the lounge and saw the game, I usually record them and try to avoid the score until I can watch it, I just don't care and its 10 games in..... I have tix to Boston this week and Detroit next week, I like going to games, but man I hate when all those bruins fans get to taunt all game as we suck the air out of planet druidia
  5. Yeah I wouldn't expect you to have your record with the roster you have. U can turn it around ink, I have faith
  6. Why couldn't Pierre fumble 3 times and do me a favor lol I have a terrible team and I'm 5-3, I'm. Basically the buffalo Bills lol
  7. Donut Kraze on S Ogden, far superior to paulas, made fresh, open 24 hours, yeah I said it!!!
  8. Sabres in a divisional rivalry this eve. Do we uphold the cheerings of the carrion league...... Or is it blow leaves blow. Discuss.
  9. Of course garbage time TD takes the lead by 8/100 of a point, then they bench Rodgers..... This is the only time I'll hit 100 points with my team
  10. I know on paper it looks nice, but Miami won't go down that easy again to us, and you look at the league week in and week out and see upsets all over the place. The bills are decent this year, however I'm just not convinced that they'll go on a winning tear, not this season at least. But if it does happen and comes down to a win and in scenario then ill be stoked just to have made it to that position
  11. That Houston loss really hurt us, God dam why couldn't we have uncle moustache for that game.... Were only one game back, but the pats seem to have found their stride, so unless we overtake them in the next few weeks, I just don't see playoffs, not to mention we would need to go into Foxboro and win
  12. you've got Rodgers, Crosby and Garcon to make 35 points, I'd be counting it a win if I was in your shoes haha. Damn, I needed Welker to step up and foster to step down today, looks like gronk and foster cancelled each other out
  13. I feel that way this week, I think this is the first time I've broken 100 points and still on paper looks like I'll be had, Damn foster
  14. I was not expecting the bills to win that game at all, but it was great, a 40 burger, competent QB, stout D, and Sammy being Sammy. It had it all
  15. A tragic loss for the Sabres today against an opponent they should have easily taken down.... Tragic
  16. Alas, doth protest a misdirection in the headwinds, though flourish with blossoming celebrations
  17. I feel the refs don't actually wanna do anything today.... They missed a lot of little things that are typically called then that board, then no call on the response either, it's like old school officiating.... I don't hate it
  18. Nolan is not the same man he was in the 90's,just as we've watched ruff calm his emotions and mannerisms through the years, nolan has also done the same.... I see no fire from him and I sure as hell don't see a team on the ice with fire either.... Yes we don't have talent, and it's a rebuild and tank and blah blah.... Fact is, it's hockey, if you can't score, then be tough, at least a little. Go all slapshot on the other guys..... But then I look and see Ennis, Gionta and other little guys, and then the ilk if Hodgson and company that wouldnt get angry if you slapped their mothers. I do believe nolan is failing as a coach this time around, even with the short deck he has been given.
  19. Ah thanks, how do I ubsuscribe after getting to full version
  20. For some reason everytime there is a post here I'm getting an email and its no fun, the link won't let me ubsuscribe, any help? F the canes
  21. proper ebola attire, including mask and gown are appropriate
  22. Even with Eric stall back, I don't see the canes going on a losing streak, they are nearly as competitive as our hometown heroes and will fight us tooth and nail until the shart is handed out
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