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Everything posted by Weave

  1. In their defense, it is Vegas afterall. That city is not short of people experienced in that sort of thing.
  2. Stupid wind. Pulled out of the parking lot after work and before I made it 50 yds down the road a branch was blown off a tree overhanging the road and hit my car. Now I've got a quarter sized gouge in the paint. Feck wind.
  3. File the whole roster under most disappointing. This team should be in the playoff hunt right now. Most improved? I'd love to pin it on Sam, but that 1st half was unforgivable. He's not getting anything from me with that disaster. And it's a bottom of the league team so I'm not buying that there was anyone really improved outside of Jack and Sam's 2nd half come-to-Jesus walk.
  4. One by one you are all coming around. *castles fingers* Excellent
  5. Don’t know how many of you saw that clip of Karlsson pocketing the game puck at the end of Ottawas last home game. Souvenir for a guy who is gone. I’m sure he’s asked to be sat so he’s not hurt in a meaningless game.
  6. I agree with Shrader's take here. We have at times really run our local media folks through the mud. A thick skin can only hold out for so long. This thread went in a direction that we shouldn't be proud of. But I'm sure some of us are anyway. Good on you. Hopefully not too late.
  7. This seems like a wrong thing to say on Dyngus Day.
  8. This seems like a reasonable conclusion to me.
  9. There has to be a valid reason for Housley to sit him as often as he does. I just can't figure out what that reason is.
  10. Production like that when the season still hangs in the balance.
  11. I guess I don't see that video as requiring nearly as much interpretation as anything Terry has said. Antipin is looking back at the puck when he is hit. His face is not straight on to the glass, because he is looking back at the puck. It looks to me like the side of his face took the brunt of the impact with the glass, whereas when he fell to the ice, he hit face down and his head clearly bounced and he had a second impact of face on ice. Given that the glass hit wasn't face on and the boards/glass do have a bit of give, and the hit on the ice was definitely face down and the ice has no give, I would expect that the worst of the damage came from the ice impact and not the glass impact. I would also expect that the force of an uncontrolled 6' fall to the ice (distance from head to ice) was a higher energy hit that the one Hartnell dished out. I'm going to go out on a limb here. I'm guessing that your distaste (for lack of a better word) with the thought that the ice did the most of the damage and not the glass means that maybe Hartnell is less responsible for the outcome because he couldn't have controlled what happened after glass/boards impact. And I would wholeheartedly disagree with that. Whether Antipin lost his balance, lost his footing, or lost consciousness and subsequently fell face first to the ice as a result of the hit doesn't matter. At the end of the day, Hartnell pursued a hit after the puck was gone that resulted in a player in a vulnerable, dangerous situation, and Hartnell should be held fully responsible for it.
  12. Video is facts. It was my evaluation of what I saw. No more than that. I’m pretty sure I didn’t commit a faux paux by forming an opinion based on what I saw and commenting on it. Really, I can’t believe this is an issue for you of all people.
  13. You can't play the game the way Hartnell plays and have empathy for your opponents well being. He knows what he is doing out there.
  14. Goes to show the depth of the lack of respect for the team as a result of that incident. It is a benchmark.
  15. And he's got just a handful of primary assists over the entire season.
  16. Why guess at anything we don't have all the facts for? You get questioned about the same all the time for your posts re: Sabres/Bills management. It's human nature, that's why. Looked between the shoulder blades to me. What made it greasy was the puck was gone. There was no need to finish that hit. That's an aggressive play made for aggression's sake. The league needs to get to a point where the players know they need to peel off from those plays.
  17. What he isn't getting credit for is consistency of effort, not talent.
  18. Lucic and Mike Smith had a bit of session last night, and Tanner Glass fought Looch after. Post game, Lucic bringing up Glass' response and having respect for the response. Looch mentioned Buffalo's lack of response to the Miller hit during the interview. Still pisses me off when it gets brought up.
  19. I just read some twitter speculation that because Nashville has already boarded a flight to get to their next game and there hasn't been a hearing announced that there is unlikely to be any hearing. I guess typically these things are dealt with quickly before the next game is played so roster moves can be made? That's disappointing. There was a helluva face bounce on the ice after the hit. I'm guessing that is where the worst damage occurred.
  20. Is there official word from the NHL of no hearing? Very similar to Drury and LaFontaine.
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