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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Funny, there was a huge call out to judge Sam on the totality of two seasons instead of what he did in the first 40 games, but ROR doesn't get the same benefit of the doubt. I don't think that any of the issues of team competitiveness have anything to do Jack and ROR. I think the only current playoff team that could match us center-wise is Pittsburgh.
  2. LOL at ROR as a 3rd line center. There is maybe 2-3 teams in the league that wouldn’t be thrilled to have him as their 2nd line center over what they have now, and an additional few that would welcome him on their first line.
  3. The arena wasn’t built to quiet the crowd, the team was.
  4. Amen and Halleluia! As I said after the deadline, it is mismanagement bordering on negligence to allow a player you do not expect to sign to get to rental status. It is a damned near guaranteed reduction in roster talent even if you look at it with a long term view.
  5. I agree with this. Culture in organizations is most definitely a thing. Many a doctorate thesis has been based on it. Look at your workplace and try to imagine how difficult it would be to change small operational mindsets. A diverse environment with a common, accepted way of thinking/doing that many of the folks know is not the best way to do things. Why is that? Culture, in good part. It usually is a result of leadership, but hwen the culture is ingrained even good leadership has to expend great effort to turn the ship. The Sabres leadership embraced acceptance of losing, and that acceptance is proving hard to let go of.
  6. Thats what I thought he said, but I wasn’t sure enough to reply.
  7. These are the only 4 words I need. And I feel that way about every playet we have. Yes, including Jack. For the right return, I’m not attached to any of them.
  8. It is hockey afterall. Nationally, noone cares.
  9. My understanding of TV ratings is that it is a percentage of the people watching TV that are watching that specific show/event.
  10. That is how it takes market size out. It is a percent of viewers.
  11. Your stand is that he lied about the meaning of his phrase? C’mon. He stands behind what he really means.
  12. I dont know. I got his intent the first or second time he tried to point it out to you.
  13. We really take wording of posts way too literally here. I mean, I know it is all we have to go on, but none of us have the grasp of the language AND (or?) the disire to spend the time to carefully craft our posts to ensure the nuance is well worded. It’s online tavern talk. Half a step up from radio caller Stephen from Cheektowaga.
  14. The receipts never print at the pump. You always have to go inside for a receipt. Pretty sure it is by design.
  15. Texaco Town. The intersection of nowhere.
  16. I don’t see how you can say ROR isn’t working though. Even in a trying year for him, he’s been effective and put up numbers. And the idea is to collect more talent, not shuffle it around.
  17. It’s pretty interesting (to me anyway) that the guy universally scorned around the league (Evander Kane) as a low character guy never let the losing affect him and he played at a high level every game yet was just about pushed out of here by the fans, and now the guy universally praised around the league (ROR) as a high character guy that ultimately did let the losing affect him (and still had a good year) is being pushed out of here by the fans. We aren’t going to win if we keep moving talented players off this team. I mean, that’s how this whole started.
  18. I’ll respond tomorrow evening when I’ve got a keyboard. Unless all I can offer has already been posted.
  19. Sports is gonna be tough. It's my only regret cutting the cord. You'll need to be resourceful. And you'll probably miss some stuff now and again that you wanted to watch. Reddit will get you started. We use Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime to watch what we like. It was an adjustment initially, but I don't miss cable/satellite.
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