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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Being negative is a "thing" with all Buffalo sports media. Good forbid you think our teams ever do anything well.
  2. Maybe the Wranglers didn't sell out but they drew way more fans than, say, the Manchester Monarchs, in the alleged hockey hotbed of New Hampshire, who make Verizon Wireless Arena look like a Panthers game, even on weekends.
  3. I'm sure the families of the 14 people who died in that blizzard would agree with you. I can't wait to see the Sabres video of people being washed out to sea in the next Atlantic hurricane. I need a good laugh.
  4. That was brutal. Flopping on the ice like a fish.
  5. Why don't they bring everyone in the building down to the boards just so it looks like someone is there on TV?
  6. There is talk of TP buying the tower to create more condos and hotel space.
  7. No one remembers the regular season game played against the Devils in Rochester when Golisano owned them? Did that game even sell out? I seem to recall no.
  8. Was just there this weekend. Any time around an FNC event forget about it. Fairly busy the rest of the day too. It's an impressive place if you like sports TV. I didn't eat there but heard a middling review from a friend.
  9. "God" in Mormonism is more like a regional manager. He's only god of the immediate vicinity, kind of like Bruce Almighty.
  10. That is one of the less-talked-about aspects of Mormonism, that the God we worship was at one time mortal and ascended to being a deity. And that is the end game of all humans: to ascend to role of god of our own solar system or galaxy somewhere in the universe.
  11. http://www.goerie.com/judge-halts-forced-sale-of-erie-otters# Pegula saves the Otters for Erie, or picks up a new Harborcenter tenant?
  12. I was referring to the way Jets players kept beating them to the puck, especially in their own end.
  13. Sabres moving at half speed. Getting a foot of snow in NH. Was supposed to play hockey tonight but the rink lost power. I'm fine with that.
  14. Translation: I have no idea why but let's have fun speculating.
  15. http://espn.go.com/nhl/story/_/id/11930043/long-nhl-coach-pat-quinn-dies-71-long-illness
  16. You probably missed the memo that the game was cancelled, and the basketball game tonight as well. You're aggravated? I've have my first free Friday in months and I was planning to watch UB and Sabres all day. Now I've got nada. Stupid snow.
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