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Everything posted by K-9

  1. One of my favorite and timeless quotes from him:
  2. Can't believe students in Philly would choose Obama over Chuck Bednarik.
  3. Thanks, Blue. Rasmussen and Gallup have some explaining to do. Might help all pollsters to consider mobile phones and the large numbers of young voters that use them.
  4. Crezdon? Are we signing Eastern European mystics now? Buddy is combing the earth for talent. Maybe The Amazing Crezdon can divine what play the opponents will run and relay that to Wanny in the booth.
  5. You make a good point and I understand where you're coming from. Imagine if the estimated 50-80 percent of all zygotes didn't spontaneously abort and be expelled naturally by the mother?
  6. Interesting question. I suspect it correlates to the red and blue of those individual states. Those senators were largely elected via the very same large population centers that voted democrat in those states. I'd be interested in knowing if the House representatives elected were voted for in those same urban areas. I suspect not. But then again, why do so many of these states have Republican governors? Is it because the electorate just isn't as participatory in those elections vs. national elections? Hmm.
  7. While I'm flattered, please know that I'm hardly enlightened. I honestly think this stuff is self-evident with just a cursory look at our history and what we've overcome during the course of it.
  8. I don't think the definition of "threat" has changed over the years so much as the nature of the threat (military, economic, cyber, etc.) and what the appropriate response should be. I don't think we trust Russia, China, or anyone else for that matter (OK, I'll give you Canada but they are a sneaky bunch). We are all trying to rob the same train and there is no honor amongst thieves as they say. The Apocalypse has been predicted since the beginning. Life altering events, both natural and man made have destroyed entire societies. But we have always evolved and will continue to do so until the sun goes super nova. But even then, life will find a way. The societal evolution currently underway in our country is inevitable. But not without precedent. And each time there has been a large faction of people frightened by the prospects of that change. Most importantly, our laws as a nation have withstood these shifts. Every time. Changing demographics won't do anything to change that. Indeed, like every other time, it only expands and strengthens them.That was the genius of the Founders. But it takes time and there is always a gnashing of teeth at the disruption this inevitable change brings about. That's just human nature. And the Founders accounted for that, too.
  9. You know where I stand on the idea of oil, dollar valuation, and China. That said, we've been attacked by foreign enemies several times on US soil and we've never responded like the Sabres did to Lucic. Quite the opposite in fact. It's that whole "awakening the sleeping giant" thing. There is no doubt there will be another terrorist attack on our soil. Terrorists have been blowing things up in our country since it started. Like you said, that's a "when" not if proposition. But I can't agree with your idea that our military is suddenly weakened or that our ability to respond to threats is lessened somehow. The last thing I want to sound like is a jingoistic ideologue, but when it comes to military superiority in this world, America, even if she stands without her allies, is far and away the most advanced. And even if we end up spending 5x more than anyone else vs. 10x more, that's just not gonna change. When some other team goes Lucic on us, it's my bet we respond like Dave Schultz and the Broad Street Bullies. But it has to be a Lucic doing it, not a Marchand. We can send out Gerbe for that. What I don't want to see is this continuation of a doctrine of nation building abroad. That more than anything has drained our resources, caused our dept to soar, and our dollar to decline in value as a result.
  10. For all the months of the incessant "Ohio, Ohio, Ohio" rhetoric it's ironic that, as it turned out, Ohio wasn't gonna win it for Romney in the end; he ended up winning only 1 of the battlegrounds after all. But from a campaign strategy standpoint, I can't believe he ran that Jeep ad the way he did. Ohio media outlets made it their headline story for a week straight and both GM and Chrysler publicly rebuked him for doing it. And it registered with some voters in Romney's core constituency. I have a hunch they saw a dip in their numbers as a result and decided on their Hail Mary in PA in the final week.
  11. I agree with everything stated here. Especially with regard to independents. They are just as partisan as those who identify their party affiliation. I found this idea of them and the undecideds suddenly breaking one way or the other hard to believe. I think it will be borne out that Sandy had virtually NO impact on the race other than perhaps lowering turnout in NY and NJ. What won this election for Obama was his ground game that mobilized his core constituencies.
  12. I think the vote has to be within 1/4 of a percent for the provisional ballots to be counted. Something like that. Could be wrong but there's a reason Husted called the election and he wouldn't have done that without knowing that the outcome would be close enough to trigger the provisional count. Also, you KNOW he was on the phone with the Romney folks. It's just fun to see Rove get mad at the Fox News Desk. And I don't blame the Romney camp for delaying their concession speech until tomorrow. No harm in that if they need to see what happens in FL or VA.
  13. Faux news reporting that Romney will NOT make any concession speech until ALL of Ohio is counted. Wow.
  14. Uh oh. Rove going nuts over the Ohio call. Says it's too early. Lots of Republican precincts to report yet.
  15. Nate Silver's map up to this point is dead nut on. He's gonna look like even more of a genius after this. He's 3 for 3 in the last three major elections, 2008, '10, and now '12. Very impressive indeed. Somebody better put Dick Morris on suicide watch.
  16. What was his stance on Gore's popular vote advantage? I'm interested to see how he spins this.
  17. I read this and rolled on the floor. Serious gut-splitting laughter. I can see him and Anne donning the magic undies and sparking up a couple doobs.
  18. That is amazing, isn't it? I'm in Stafford, VA and it took me 10 minutes from check-in to walking out the door today. They are saying people in Henrico Co will be in line until 11pm and in Prince William Co. until 10pm. That is amazing to me. There is NO REASON why anyone should EVER have to wait that long in a line to vote in this country. That is serious 3rd World crap. It says so much that these people would rather wait than give up their right. It's a different kind of poll tax in effect and it takes a certain amount of resolve to tolerate that. Well done people.
  19. Nate Silver's map is 100% accurate so far. EDIT: That was rhetorical for those playing at home.
  20. I think "Darken Your Bubbles" should be a new euphemism for something. Exactly what, I don't know. But it has a certain ring to it.
  21. Crazy Ivan! I think that Russian crew is trying to defect.
  22. Can't thank you enough for the heads up about this little hockey fix, chz. Yuda man! GO SABRES!!!
  23. If reports are true that True the Vote has trained one million volunteers to monitor poll activity, there are going to be large numbers of volunteers on the other side to ensure their tactics aren't intimidating. I've never been one to buy into media-created fear frenzies, but again, if these reports are true, I can see things getting out of hand in some areas. Let's all hope it doesn't come to that.
  24. G Dub was never a rancher. Not even close.
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