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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Actual complaint: if my custom bike thing comes to fruition, since I'm sharing it with the girl I'm dating I can't do it up in blue with gold pinstripes. Those are her least favorite colors, and since she's a Synesthete[0] I'll go with it. I'll have to save that for the Goldwing Cafe bike idea I've been toying with. :) [0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia, colors 'buzz' and 'vibrate' when she sees them.
  2. I know a few guys around here that have clip-ons or clubmans on Sportys (that's what you have, yes?), so you could always go that way. Sample: http://xlforum.net/vbportal/forums/showpost.php?p=329498&postcount=5
  3. I've been to all three of those. The only thing I don't like about Hunter is too many NYC people there. In the Catskills, I've also hit Windham and Plattekill. I like Plattekill a lot, it is kinda small but has some cool terrain and not many people there.
  4. Yeah, I haven't gotten out on skis this year and I'm already thinking bikes. Strange winter. I assume the central NY places will be open for a bit longer, it's only a few hours away. :)
  5. Expensive by Buffalo standards, but there wasn't much of a bubble (so far, I bought in 2008 and my house has mostly held value). I am kicking myself for not finding something right in Downingtown right now though, being able to walk home would have been nice. Someone should plan a 'thing' in Buffalo. I'll fill all my growlers (5-6) with the less common Victory brews and bring them up.
  6. Oh, it's *terrible*. You wouldn't like it at all. It's kinda like Hop Devil, but with more hops and a higher alcohol content. I think that might have been on hand-pull the other night too. Maybe Falstaff and I should meet at the bar and post pictures of beer here for everyone to check out. We just better not mention the new Ranch R double IPA.
  7. I thought of that after I posted it. At least I didn't say anything about the hand-pulled Hop Devil and Storm King, nor the fantastic Monday night taco special they run.
  8. Having not had it, I can't really argue. But, Victory Brewing's "Hopped Up Devil" ice cream is really, really, good. Vanila base with chocolate covered coffee beans, cinnamon, and a fair bit of cayenne. I've never had a spicy ice cream before, but I certainly will again. Mmmmm.
  9. I'm not sure how 'cafe' I'm going to go. A motorcycle is primarily a form of transportation for me, so having it be functional is important. Plus, my kinda-girlfriend is going to learn on it, so I don't want to throw some crazy ergos on it and discourage her. Maybe it'll be a two phase build, something a little more standard to start and then down the road the full monte.
  10. 82 Silverwing Interstate. It's going to be a project that'll end up something like this, although likely not nearly as pretty::
  11. I have a two-fer: spend the weekend with the girl I'm dating, and for the first time in 7.5 years I get to utter the phrase: "I can't believe I just bought a motorcycle."
  12. My girl is visiting. nice to have someone around the house.
  13. Yeah, I think they were the same physical size as a long play record. Just a little too early on the technology curve since they didn't have a good data density. I think Video CDs were worse though, 45 minutes of medium quality (as in looked only OK on a SDTV) video per disc.
  14. I'm not sure LaserDisc really fits, it was more ahead of it's time than an alternative to DVD. HD-DVD and Bluray is probably more apt.
  15. Now you're just teasing the poor guy.
  16. Hmmm............. I don't always drink coffee, but when I do I use a French Press. Stay thirsty my friends. Yeah, the press is kinda tough to clean up, but it was <$15 at IKEA. For cleaning up, this seems to work best: take a paper towel, put it in the sink. Add a little water to the spent grounds, swirl it around, and dump them into the paper towel.
  17. I'm not sure why people worry about lines for this team, you know Lindy has one of those toy slot machines behind the bench with pictures of LW, C, and RW on dials.
  18. You have an odd way of saying you like trades, then. You give the impression that you're really upset about it.
  19. I propose that we never adopt the 'CoHo' moniker I saw on posted link, that's stupid. Maybe CoHo gets subbed to Hodgenstein like Pominville.
  20. Yesterday, baked pesto salmon and chipotle mashed sweet potatoes for lunch. Tonight panko crusted salmon and something for a side.
  21. I eat Necco wafers by choice, so you'll get no judgement from me.
  22. Victory Yakima Glory, watching hockey. Mmmmm.
  23. Towards the end they're talking to her and she claims they are. They don't *act* fake from what I can tell, but who knows.
  24. Oh come on, Steven could be an extra or something.
  25. Unless they're Bruins prospects. https://signup.netfl...=1&rdirfdc=true Not showing up on my streaming account yet, but it's not quite Friday yet either. There's hope.
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