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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. I haven't seen any of my local friends in nearly a month. :(
  2. It's 30 years each way, 1955, 1985, 2015.
  3. I think it's a combo of the wings and beef, how many places can you get very good beef (I would probably say best) and very good wings?. The beef is the stronger of the pair.
  4. I have one too. Actually, I might have tossed it in the recycling a little while back, I'll have to check. I was using it to scoop cat litter previously.
  5. They picked up an 'elite' goaltender that had a definintion year of mediocrity. If you think Miller is average, you should really watch some of the Flyers games (which I did, due to location). I don't know Brzyz well enough to know if this was an aberration or his normal, but shakey goaltending is a quick way to sink a team.
  6. Splitting time between 1981-1983 Honda GL500 Silverwing Service Manual, 2004 BMW R1150R Service Manual, Larry's Guide to Rebuilding CX/GL Carburetors, and Mark Twain's "Conversation, as it was the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors" (aka "1601"). I'm having a tough time keeping up with the Twain, the others are page-turners.
  7. Unless Adam comes out of his slump a grittier, tougher, more defensivley sound centre (as your thrid centre should be), I'm not sure that was an idea to begin with.
  8. He threw a check against Lucic on that play, didn't you see that? #BostonHomer
  9. Haven't seen this mentioned: Ott - Leino - Pominville. Leino lined up as a LW in Philly who played like a center after the puck dropped (with Briere - Hartnell). Ott is a LW that takes a lot of draws. There would seem to be a natural symmetry there. I'm not sure you 'demote' Pommers though, unless you're embracing the Flyers model from two years ago (and Buffalo of 2005-2007) of having three scoring lines, each with defensive responsibility. Maybe Kaleta, but you're pretty much giving up on Leino's scoring at that point.
  10. This is more in the neighborhood of the literal awesome, as in creating a sense of awe. So on Saturday, my gf and I were watching a lightning storm out of the back of my house. After a couple reasonably close strikes, lightning hits the pole in my back-neighbor's yard. Shower of sparks and whatnot, power goes out. Holy crap. A few moments later, the power comes back on and you can see arcing at the top of the pole, it looks like the ceramic insulator was fried. Power goes back out after a minute. Second time the power comes back on, more arcing, some smoke, then fire, then the box on the pole pops in a much bigger shower of sparks. (It wasn't a transformer, too small) I had tried to call the electric company previously, this time I called 911 to get the process moving. Figuring the power was out for awhile, we went out for a fantastic dinner and some craft beer (pea and mint risotto, SlyFox O'Rielly stout on cask for her, and a nice IPA or 3 for me). When we got back, the clocks were reading 12:21, so the power had only been on for 20 minutes. Awesome!
  11. Maybe, but you could argue that economically, it's easier to draft talent and pick up gritty role-players than the other way around.
  12. A nice stout or porter, perhaps?
  13. In my defence, I wasn't watching the Amerks thread and didn't see it in the big club threads. :)
  14. Which thread? I didn't see it.
  15. Wait, Mark Mancari? http://sabres.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=637362&cmpid=rss-News
  16. You didn't have internet at work and your productivity went *down*??? Yep, you sweat out a lot of sodium, which you need to replace. The technical term is hyponatremia, but it's commonly known as water intoxication or poisioning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication Complaint: back to the office for the first time since June 21st, I could have used more time.
  17. Looks like you're mostly correct on both parts, the purchase is kind of correct: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holland_Land_Company And the name appears to be correct: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo,_New_York I knew about the land company part, but I never caught the name. I guess the Dutch are lucky we let them keep Amsterdam, NY as-is.
  18. My BMW R1150R. It just keeps going (knock on wood), 54k on it right now. The Honda is still in progress, I haven't gotten much time to work on it. You're telling me, riding all day in the 90s isn't a great time.
  19. Gerbe isn't listed, they could use him.
  20. You know, even old New York was once New Amsterdam.
  21. That is fantastic. On that same note, if anyone wants me to ride their motorcycle(s) around for them, I'm sure we can work out payment options. I'll supply my own gear. Fantastic: 10-day bike trip starts tomorrow. In rough order of states: MD, VA, NC, TN, maybe GA and AL, KY WV, OH, NY. Riding the mountains.
  22. I should have been more specific with the streaming thing before: I don't have cable, so does anyone know of an audio/video Internet feed for the draft? Thanks!
  23. There's rumors of it, but who knows.
  24. Oh yeah? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4szGxaKF8Qw
  25. Not for nothing, but I just looked and it claims 73 F for Halifax right now. That sounds pretty perfect for me. :) It was 80 F at 8am today, with the high in the mid-90s (F, again). And I'm not even in the south.
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