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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Oops, gamecenter not center ice. I've been watching this year via Gamecenter on my PS3, and ditched cable. The games are in much better quality that Comcast was providing, but during the season I couldn't watch games on VS/NBCSN, NHL Network, or Comcast Network (Flyers). Not that big a deal until the playoffs, where the entire schedule went blank because NBC is showing all the games (apparently) on their hench-networks.
  2. Now that 'all' the games are on national TV, Center Ice is comepletely useless if you don't have cable. I may have to weigh that as to whether I buy it next year.
  3. FWIW, he did caveat that in non-command economies (like Western democracy) the government doesn't have much effect. Those two examples above are quintessential examples command economies so they don't really count. I figured (in my very layman understanding) that the government can't do a lot to help the economy, but it can surely screw it up. But not even close to how badly banks can screw up the economy. If you notice,several of the larger depression/recessions have been directly related to banks getting greedy and using unsound financial practices.
  4. There no way that horse is winning with Mike Smith weighing him down. http://coyotes.nhl.com/club/player.htm?id=8469608
  5. *super-like* Someone more cynical would note that a GM of an #1 seed that lost in the first round confirmed it. Until I see Hodgson tweet or whatever and making waves, I couldn't care less what anyone from his former team says.
  6. Letting your operating system handle iSCSI connections. It just doesn't work right, causing systems to hang when rebooting them.
  7. So how were the WGR interviews different? The fans themselves were able to ask those questions, and the team management was able to spin their answers just like they would if TBN, WGR, and other media staffers were asking them. Gilles picked up on a rumor on the intertubes that Lindy Ruff was coaching the tough out of Kassian, he figured he could turn him around. Of course.
  8. Somehow I missed this for the last 4 years: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnzoqVxBqu4 Thanks to the gf for putting that in my head for the next few days.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1c4QZGQw5o Curse you Kevin Nash! (yes, I know)
  10. Software iSCSI and Redhat: is it so much to ask that your operating system not hang on shutting down?
  11. Things that are awesome: THIS SOUND! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGWyK5ZgT3E I could never justify running straight pipes though.
  12. Ah, thought it might be that. I saw some very pretty churches when I was over in the UK, including the one in "St. Mary's Butts" (*snicker*). http://en.wikipedia...._Mary%27s_Butts http://en.wikipedia....Reading_Minster I have a nearly identical picture as this one of the Church in Portchester Castle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Portchester_Castle_outer_bailey_from_the_keep,_2010.jpg Yep, that one just got added to my list, thanks! I have to be careful with those sorts of books, I often start getting ideas about rides to take after reading them. I haven't been reading anything of note. Magazines, documentation, etc.
  13. Couple for today: Doing fairly major system maintenance on Friday the 13th: great idea, or greatest idea? Went out to the garage to hose down the brake calipers for the Honda and ended up taking the key cylinder out (gotta get extra keys made), pulling the tank off, and pulling the carburetors. That's the last of the disassembly stuff before I start putting it back together. Until I decide to make it into an adventure bike, cafe racer, or street tracker, that is. I'm really getting to like being out in the garage, to the point of offering to help fix friends' bikes.
  14. Weekend is looking good in these parts, 70s tomorrow, 80s Sunday.
  15. Better clip: http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c3#/video/bestoftv/2012/04/11/ac-ridiculist-dyngus-day.cnn
  16. My biggest stress right now is the caliper on my second motorcycle is frozen. #FirstWorldProblems are awesome.
  17. The Count was a great read to me. I read it several month ago and I'm glad I did. Zen is also a great read, I need to re-read it again it's been years. Maybe it'll be especially poingnent with the old Honda I'm working on. :) I might be stirring up a hornets nest, but what happened in the UK and USSR that he's warning about?
  18. No, I missed the Haggis ride down here awhile back and haven't had a chance to get back over to NJ for that purpose. I made a 'haggis-inspired meatloaf' recently, which was fine but nothing special. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/food-and-wine/recipes/haggis-meatloaf/article1880640/
  19. I forget what it's called, but I believe there's a traditional 7-course feast for Christmas Eve, of which pickled herring is one. We do a shortened version at our house, mushroom soup, herring, potatoes from the dutch oven, and pierogi. I think kaputzka is supposed to be in there somewhere, but my side of the family doesn't do that.
  20. The pickled is a lot different than sardines. It's pretty unique and to a certain degree an aquired taste. My one girlfriend remarked "Ugh, the things I put in my mouth for you." on first try. I too always had it at Christmas Eve and New Years Eve dinner, it's a Polish tradition.
  21. This is on my 82 Honda bike, I'm not even sure I can get new calipers for it. I'll be scouring the classifieds unless the penetrating oil loosens it up. (That's what she said.)
  22. Frozen caliper piston. I can't even budge it with a c-clamp.
  23. MattPie

    The Charts

    What if it's a sonic screwdriver?
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