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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. I should have been more specific with the streaming thing before: I don't have cable, so does anyone know of an audio/video Internet feed for the draft? Thanks!
  2. There's rumors of it, but who knows.
  3. Oh yeah? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4szGxaKF8Qw
  4. Not for nothing, but I just looked and it claims 73 F for Halifax right now. That sounds pretty perfect for me. :) It was 80 F at 8am today, with the high in the mid-90s (F, again). And I'm not even in the south.
  5. Anyone have a good internet streaming idea for the draft? Doesn't need to be video, I wouldn't mind listening to it while I'm doing chores Friday night. Would it be on WGR?
  6. I find hockey tape is a little nicer than duct tape (and apropos for this forum). Gives a little bit and being cloth-based breaths better so the skin underneath doesn't get clamy.
  7. Yep. There's youtubers videos out there with the original words. Anyways, I never thought of it as a loss, since it was reasonable that the UK could have taken the colonies back. I suppose that's the best definition of a tie, both sides feel they won. Except here, where everyone thinks a tie is a loss. :-)
  8. Off to Buffalo this weekend for some family and girlfriend time, fantastic.
  9. While I'm excited that I got tires for my bike mounted and balanced yesterday, that's only 1 of a bazillion bike and house projects I need to get done.
  10. It's not that new of a concept, people keep rehashing the same ideas in books, probably for as long as books have been written. :) If you're looking for art, you need to get away from Hollywood and the local megaplex. There are a lot of medium-budget movies with 'stars' being made, you just have to look for them.
  11. Beat me to it! Young Frankenstein is 1974, but deserves an honorable mention. And no one has mentioned the Great Escape yet? Steve McQueen may be the one person cooler than Dean Martin.
  12. I was wondering about that. :) Camping: good. Beer: good! 10's of thousands of people with you: not as good. After camping at the BMW rally last year in a field in the sun with 10,000 other people, I'm questioning the benefits of large scale camping.
  13. I think you're mistaking the 1% (or whatever the real number is) of gay people with the fairly large portion of the population that support gay rights but aren't gay. For me it's more or less a belief system. We're in trouble if we start discriminating on belief systems (with the usual caveats about directly harming others, etc.).
  14. (at 1:19) I'm confused as to how these two statements fit together. :)
  15. Really? That's the last time I'd do updates. If something goes wrong I'm stuck here Friday night, or all weekend if it goes really pear-shaped.
  16. Rented house in the 1000 Islands, 14 friends, 1 girlfriend, 3 cases of beer (that's not all the beer, of course).
  17. Honey Badgers. They don't care. :(
  18. Heh. A friend the other weekend found a small snake in his car, dangling from the mirror. At 75 MPH. After dropping to the floor it did the 'cobra' thing where it coiled and pulled it's head back.
  19. If you want to be sneaky, paint the bottom. They'll probably not notice it until it's too late.
  20. How do you get 'conservative == bad' from 'nothing wrong with being conservative'? I'm not trying to be confrontational, just trying to figure it out. Like most things, liberalism and conservatism are things best taken in moderation.
  21. You might try Kipper Snacks or Brisling Sardines (both canned and at most grocery stores). They'll have that stronger smoked fish taste, and are high in Omega-3. Also, Pesto salmon. Super easy, super good: Oven on 425. Salmon on foil on a baking sheet. I fold up the edges to contain the oil that'll roll off the fish for easier cleanup. Spoon on pesto, 1/4" thick or more is about right, depending on how much like basil. Bake for 15 minutes. Make some other side while it's in the oven (sweet potato whole for 6.5 min in the microwave works). (oh, and make sure you don't contaminate the jar of pesto with the fishy spoon)
  22. Been there several times, the pizzas are always good. Be warned though that they're not Buffalo-style pizza, much thinner. But some interesting topping combos. Apparently there's a Facebook page for 'Aurora Brew works', which is supposed to be coming. FB comment: "Love the enthusiasm! As for the details, we'll be a craft beer store & tasting bar. Keep an eye out for activity near the roundabout. Things are certainly moving fast at ABW - Fast enough to open as early as mid-June! If you haven't already, please "like" our page and introduce us to your friends. We couldn't be more excited that you're excited. Cheers!"
  23. Wow, I'd hit those shows in a heartbeat if I was nearby. I've seen both (Reverend Peyton *opening* for FM, actually), and they're fantastic. I got nothing planned. I only have a few friends that still do shows regularily so it's fallen off my radar. I have a friend locally that plays so I've been to a few of their shows lately. I saw "the Motet" on a whim a few weeks ago. Kinda of a new Motown-style/funk act, they happened to cover a lot of Grateful Dead at this show. A lot of fun, although the 10 minute jam-solos got to be a bit much after awhile. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAQGrAj5BlA
  24. Clever wordplay. On a whim, I picked up a bottle of Bulleit Rye awhile back and liked it a lot. Had Bulleit Bourbon the other day, and I might finally be making a transition away from the sweetness of the bourbon since I really prefer the rye.
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