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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Now if you want to talk about some slander/libel....
  2. Sulzer played pretty well with Ehrhoff for the weeks he was here, I'm not sure if someone would be better in that slot, but like the FES line, you don't break things that work willy-nilly.
  3. What's the process for moving back up? I assume you been champions each year since?
  4. You should have sliced off a piece, it's really good hot or cold.
  5. I don't understand, how does this reflect badly on Lindy Ruff? ;)
  6. So who's this Agent Frenzy person and why are they locked up?
  7. On Chara: no, it's not fair to try to figure out what was in his head at the time. At least in that case we could watch the event and discuss. The links you're making, while facts, at best make a tenuous argument that it's *possible*, more so than someone completely outside the situation would possibly know. But, in the America it's apparently completely acceptable take a couple facts and make up a story as you feel fit. It just puts you on the level of talk radio, and that's not a complement.
  8. Your goat has been gotten friend. In this matter, Drane is either trolling you or delusional that what he said was within the realm of good taste or moral (or likely out and out illegal, as you point out). But nothing you say is going to stop this line of conversation. Drane: you're better than this, I hope it's just trolling.
  9. They were posted (perhaps by you) on this or another thread within the last week or two.
  10. Sometimes, the people that come in,overcome the odds, learning something about themselves. Documentary:
  11. If you look, they're kind of working outward from Syracuse. Rochester, then Manhattan (market size, I'd think), then Troy and now Buffalo. I've been to Roch, Syracuse, and Manhattan. Mine was the only bike at the Manhattan one that evening, Wimps! Although some might say I was crazy for riding a couple hours in some rain in October for the privilege. I would tend to say they don't. :)
  12. I believe most neighbor-states have some sort of reciprocity agreement where you only pay one states' taxes (the home state, IIRC). I know PA and NJ do, and I can't believe so many people live in NoVA but work in DC "because the taxes are cheaper" if DC and VA don't have something worked out[0]. I work a bit in VA each year, and when filling out my expense report there's a statement something like "if you plan on working in the state for more than x days (30, maybe?) on the same assignment, you may have to pay taxes in that state". But PA and VA wouldn't have an agreement in place since they don't share a border. [0] Incidentally, I hear most of the Flyers' players live in Camden, NJ since that's where the practice facilty is.
  13. The scene: high-dollar steak house near State College PA. Big-wigs wining and dining. Terry P: Cliff, this is a fantastic fund raiser you got going on here. The house red is great! Cliff B: Thanks Terry! Hey, so Jerry likes feeling up little kids. Terry P: What, really? Do you think you should call the cops? Cliff B: Nah, JoePa is handling it internally. Terry P: Coo. I'm sure that's exactly how it happened. People can barely keep a trade secret in the NHL, how do you think the likely dozens of people you're hinting are involved could keep this secret for ten years?
  14. I needed court shoes for volleyball a couple years ago (my Chuck Taylors weren't cutting it). You'd be surprised how hard it is to find non-ugly basketball shoes.
  15. Saw a lapsed friend trying to defend this on FB the other day. I thought about replying "The only way this conversation goes is: "JoePa: He did what? ... Call the F'N cops."", but I don't know her well enough any more to bother.
  16. I just want the shiny clothes the future is supposed to bring.
  17. Darien Hatcher was tough and mean too, but that didn't mean guys wouldn't skate around him. McNabb is not an offense minded D, so if his D needs work, he's not going to make the team regardless of how well he hits.
  18. I haven't seen any of my local friends in nearly a month. :(
  19. It's 30 years each way, 1955, 1985, 2015.
  20. I think it's a combo of the wings and beef, how many places can you get very good beef (I would probably say best) and very good wings?. The beef is the stronger of the pair.
  21. I have one too. Actually, I might have tossed it in the recycling a little while back, I'll have to check. I was using it to scoop cat litter previously.
  22. They picked up an 'elite' goaltender that had a definintion year of mediocrity. If you think Miller is average, you should really watch some of the Flyers games (which I did, due to location). I don't know Brzyz well enough to know if this was an aberration or his normal, but shakey goaltending is a quick way to sink a team.
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