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Everything posted by shrader

  1. 1. I went with Pysyk. Just a gut feeling there. He's in his 3rd pro season and is a bit older than Girgensons (the other main option for this question, in my mind). It should be the point where hopefully he springboards his career. 2. Ristolainen. I'm not so much thinking 2014-15 but this year and beyond. He'll be main guy playing on the team this year with the chance of becoming a top pair d-man. If he can become that guy, they'll be in much better shape. 3. Reinhart is the highest ceiling guy on the team right now. By "turning into a really good player", I interpret that as becoming the player you are projected to be. His projection should be superstar, and who wouldn't want that on their team.
  2. I played in a pickup league with him. He was a total hack. He once flattened me behind the net because I was "too close to his goalie".
  3. I always talk about how the circular logos are best. I have to say, that's a nice twist on the circular concept.
  4. If we are going to take this beyond players and name coaches/front office, I don't think there is any bigger disappointment than John Rigas.
  5. Only if they let me pipe in the theme song while I do it.
  6. My wife gets paid every other week, so there will at least be money coming in. The goal is to not touch a penny from her paycheck though and live off of mine. So the first couple months will be tricky, but once I get used to it I'm sure it'll be fine. I tend to pay most bills around the same time anyway. And in complaints, this is now two jobs in a row where I have an AC vent blowing directly down on me. It's a freezer in this cubicle. I suppose it's better than the 90+ degrees outside the buildingn right now, but it gets annoying. I leave a zipup fleece on my chair when I go home, but that doesn't stop my hands from being cold.
  7. And here is a perfect example of why the NCAA sucks. If this were to actually happen, every single player on BU's who skated in that game would automatically be suspended for one year.
  8. Laziness I like being able to see the map and that's not happening with a phone.
  9. I had an older Garmin where you had to pay for map updates. I never actually did that over the last couple years so they were out of date. It never mattered much in Boston though. Now down here in NC, my first drive home from work, the GPS didn't know that the highway I was on even existed. So I had to cave and pay for newer maps. I had two options, $50 for a one-time update or $89 for lifetime updates. I'm not sure why anyone would go for the first option, especially since there seems to be a lot of new development in this area and it will soon enough be outdated. New ones with lifetime map updates were on sale at Best Buy for $95 (and I had a 10% off coupon), so I wound up buying a new one instead. So yeah, their prices online do seem to suck. It must be nice when a company has you by the balls and you don't have any other options.
  10. It's a completely different story, but with my new job, I get paid monthly. That check is going to be nice, but it kind of sucks not getting one yet. We just dropped a bunch of money on the move to NC and buying a car and some other stuff. There's a massive credit card bill just waiting for that check on monday.
  11. I still have no idea how Calgary thought Abbotsford was a good idea. They had to fly everywhere, even when Winnipeg (which was still a long flight) was in the league. On top of that, Abbotsford was right next to Vancouver in BC and was clearly Canuck territory.
  12. I'll look at it from a different angle. Is there anything more disappointing when hearing that the Sabres just traded Hasek, only to find out that the return was only Kozlov and some picks? Then again, maybe this line of thinking belongs more in the most disappointing moment category.
  13. I'm going to offer a darkhorse candidate for most disappointing player. Thanks to the way he arrived in town, Slava Kozlov deserves consideration.
  14. Where's LGR to post the clip from Wayne's World where Alice Cooper explains the origins of Milwaukee?
  15. I lived about five minutes away and I've never heard of it.
  16. It's a section on craigslist where people who weren't brave enough to say it up front instead can go and say they want to sleep with someone they bumped into randomly somewhere. So basically you should start searching for some guy posting on there about how you gave him wood.
  17. Keep an eye on missed connections over the next couple days. It will be an added bonus when you show up in there.
  18. So if every team needs to meet once over the course of the season, you're asking for at least a 31 week season. That would be hell on earth for any of the players.
  19. The kid from South Park with diabetes?
  20. I will admit right up front that I haven't read many of them. That said, I feel like they would give Dallas credit for the star alone since it is a symbol for Texas. Sure, they ripped off the cowboys, but by that criteria, it is a symbol for the area.
  21. How many actually do represent the city without spelling it out? Not many are coming to mind. Us, Detroit, Colorado (although that's more a product of the team name), Washington... I'm sure people will list others but it doesn't seem all that common to me.
  22. Thanks to this post, I have learned that the Maineiacs no longer exist. Still, I imagine the process now being a slightly bigger headache to the canadian kids, especially with the volume that is going to hit customs that day.
  23. Since the majority of the players are canadian, I'll be curious to see how they react to now being forced to go through customs.
  24. Ok, minor complaint here. I hate that they mentioned him in the same sentence as Kariya. He put up that 100 point season as an 18 year old FRESHMAN. Short of a near miracle, no one should be mentioned alongside him. At least not any modern day player.
  25. Players can talk all they want. Just look at Parise/Suter from two years ago. They straight up admitted that they talked about the idea during the middle of the season.
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