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Sabres To Unveil Jerseys Today!


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Oh come on. Give me a break. You have just convinced me that Buffalo fans will complain no matter what. Listen, I'm all for complaining about the slug, because I think it's horrible, but the Sabrse organization just gave us what we have been asking for for 15 home games! And now THAT'S not good enough, because it's the blue, and not the white?


Seriously, I'm done with this jersey BS. It is what it is, and if the jersey looks good I'm buying one.


I bet the white jersey would outsell the blue ones 100:1... I think it is a valid point. When I think of the old jersey's I think of the white ones. I'm pretty sure everyone does. I have to force myself to remember they are talking about the blues not the whites.

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I was thinking either 11 or 16... can't get 7. martin's a family friend, and that would be weird. Maybe i'll get 39 if he decided to retire for good in the next few weeks. If not, i'll wait a couple years, since he retires 3x as much as bill parcells.


Now you know Rick Martin as well? I swear you've dropped Ruff and Quinn as family friends also.

Who is next? Perreault? Golisano? Pat LaFontaine is my uncle.....oh and Dominik Hasek used to bang my aunt back in the day. John Tucker? My dad's hunting buddy.


Anyway, Quinn is a friggin idiot. I've gone down to HSBC Arena during the season and saw the original blue and gold road jersey for sale at the Sabres Store. I almost bought one in March.


Secondly, I can give two shits if Reebok is coming up with some form fitting, new age, whiz bang, whateverthe#%^$#! new jersey design. The Slug sucks.. with words, with sabres, with naked women on it, or with Angelina Jolie riding it. Its horrible. I don't believe a new form fitting uniform is going to make the slug look better. Maybe they'll package the slug next to a picture of say, Jimmy Durante and then in contrast, the slug won't look so bad. On second thought, Jimmy Durante's schnoze looks more like a Buffalo than the slug. Oh well, its a thought.


Oh, I forgot Corp, Doug Allen cuts my grass when he's not belting out the anthems at HSBC


I used to feel this way, but for some reason I have come around to really liking the blue ones. I remember as a kid thinking they looked bad on TV, but when I went to a game in Montreal they looked outstanding in person.


I agree. The blue ones look great in person. On TV, they looked black. I remember in 1991-92 after the allstar break, the home teams wore their darks. I attended a few games at the Aud then and inperson, the blue jerseys actually looked blue. I like it.

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Fushetti, there's no use. I've taken shots at Corp, and the man is unflappable. He refuses to flap. He has ice water in his veins, which comes with growing up next to the guy who was in charge of the ice at the Aud. :)


hehe actually my grandmother lived across the street from the guy who drove the Zamboni in the late 70s ... TM8-PL16 and I were in the upper golds at an open practice and he saw us and waved ... we thought it was the coolest thing ever... of course, I was like 9 and he was 6 so ... we were easily amused.

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Rumored Full Logo

this is the shot of the wordmark thats been floating around. while i think it does manage to make the slug look a bit better ... so would dipping a piece of #%^$#! in platinum.


theres been some thoughts that this lockup (wordmark and logo together) will act as the crest on the jersey ... if thats the case, its pathetic. its a testament to just how weak this brand and logo are, that they can only be displayed in one specific manner to make any sense to anyone. however I don't really think it is .. I think one of two things is gonna happen here:


1) this logo can clearly be seen as designed specifically to be on shoulders (as the comparisons to the San Diego Chargers logo makes ... and thats designed specifically for a helmet shape, and shoulders useage). in this case, I'm seeing the shoulder logos being larger than any normal jersey, and in which case (at least in my minds eye), ugly ... looking like "jerseys of the future", which no hockey fan could like.


2) the unique thing will be will be the striping as being crossed sabres ... in one of my original concepts, I worked with making the current striping into sabres. I ended up never liking the result and seeing it being too contrived and 'experimental'. Imagining the side panels of this ( http://newblueandgold.com/old/jerseys/jersey_04_home.jpg ), and striping to basically meet in the middle and thus become sabres, rather than just a unique striping pattern that I believed gave the impression of a buffalo head, or simple horns.


neither of these solutions I like, or can see how they would come off as right for the team, and holding any sense of history in them. My fear is that whatever they come out with will appear to be these 'future jerseys' and just end up looking like a rejected rollerball team.

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I think I just might buy a new Anaheim Ducks jersey, not because I am a fan of the team or their new logo/colors. I just respect that A) they had a sports branding firm come up with "dozens" of concepts and the fans, players, owner and management had input on the final choice. B) They scheduled the release of the new logos/unis right after the Finals were over, while interest in hockey was still high. C) When they made their selections in the draft, the draftees pulled on the new jersey to have their pics snapped. D) when the season opens, the fans in the Pond will have already had three months to buy all new jerseys, flags, caps, etc. That could amount to a heap of cash. You have to support marketing smarts like that.

On the other hand, the Sabres elected to wait (for whatever reason). Bills camp is now open, the Conference Finals are a fading memory and now there is a logo controversy. Isn't it just like Buffalo to take a simple task and turn it into a total fiasco?


-Ed <_<

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Rumored Full Logo

My fear is that whatever they come out with will appear to be these 'future jerseys' and just end up looking like a rejected rollerball team.



Hey, what's wrong with Rollerball? Wouldn't you love to hear the crowd as HSBC chanting "Maxim A., Maxim A!" while Max skates around with the cup, the ice littered with bodies and smashed motorcycles?


Chills, man... chills! :D

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2) the unique thing will be will be the striping as being crossed sabres ... in one of my original concepts, I worked with making the current striping into sabres. I ended up never liking the result and seeing it being too contrived and 'experimental'. Imagining the side panels of this ( http://newblueandgold.com/old/jerseys/jersey_04_home.jpg ), and striping to basically meet in the middle and thus become sabres, rather than just a unique striping pattern that I believed gave the impression of a buffalo head, or simple horns.


I'm pretty sure they were going for that effect on the black/red jerseys. The top diagonal stripe on sides meets at a point at the shoulder. They don't actually cross, but if you extended the stripe past the bottom of the jersey, they would intersect.

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The full logo looks more like a beer bottle label. It's just missing the ingredients and the surgeon general's warning about drinking and driving.


Seriously, it looks like a font we'd find on a bottle of ice beer or something. I truly hope this isn't the lettering. If so, it just says to me that designers think they can throw whatever they want Buffalo's way and we won't care one way or the other. If this is the lettering I will not by the jersey. Third jersey here I come.

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I think I just might buy a new Anaheim Ducks jersey, not because I am a fan of the team or their new logo/colors. I just respect that A) they had a sports branding firm come up with "dozens" of concepts and the fans, players, owner and management had input on the final choice. B) They scheduled the release of the new logos/unis right after the Finals were over, while interest in hockey was still high. C) When they made their selections in the draft, the draftees pulled on the new jersey to have their pics snapped. D) when the season opens, the fans in the Pond will have already had three months to buy all new jerseys, flags, caps, etc. That could amount to a heap of cash. You have to support marketing smarts like that.

On the other hand, the Sabres elected to wait (for whatever reason). Bills camp is now open, the Conference Finals are a fading memory and now there is a logo controversy. Isn't it just like Buffalo to take a simple task and turn it into a total fiasco?


-Ed <_<


Actually all the reports that I've read have said that Anaheim has nothing to sell. Their stuff won't be available till September too. The Sabres are waiting because, as Quinn said, they want to be able to open the team store to fans immediately after the unveiling ceremony. Anaheim was also a different situation because it wasn't just the uniforms that changed, it was the ownership and the nickname too, which is probably why they did it so soon. Plus if you want to talk about crappy logos, Anaheim doesn't even have one right now. All they have is a word mark and jerseys that look like Penguins rejects. But feel free to buy one if that's your thing. I'll wait for a Sabres Alternate/Throwback.


Interest in hockey is still high in Buffalo even as we approach August. When they unveil the jerseys interest should be even higher with the season about to start. It actually makes some sense to wait till September because typically the Sabres get pushed into the background once Bills season starts. Why unveil the jerseys, have them unavailable to the public, and have it be forgotten till September like Anaheim did? The unveiling of the jerseys will give the Sabres a big push in marketing during a time when they typically are an afterthought.

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Actually all the reports that I've read have said that Anaheim has nothing to sell. Their stuff won't be available till September too. The Sabres are waiting because, as Quinn said, they want to be able to open the team store to fans immediately after the unveiling ceremony. Anaheim was also a different situation because it wasn't just the uniforms that changed, it was the ownership and the nickname too, which is probably why they did it so soon. Plus if you want to talk about crappy logos, Anaheim doesn't even have one right now. All they have is a word mark and jerseys that look like Penguins rejects. But feel free to buy one if that's your thing. I'll wait for a Sabres Alternate/Throwback.


Well, the Anaheim jerseys won't be shipped until Septmeber, but you can buy T-shirts, caps, etc. already (check out the pix of their team store on the day the new uniforms were unveiled:



Will I really buy a Ducks jersey? Probably not. It's just that they seemed to do things in a very organized, smart way. You've got to respect that. Here in Buffalo, no one seems to really know what the heck is going on. For a cash-strapped team like the Sabres, they could use every dollar they can get from merchandise sales. The Ducks will have a three month head start. As for the vintage jerseys, I already bought mine (in white) two years ago. I'd buy a blue one, too when they come out.


-Ed <_<

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If that thing is the crest, we're going to be the laughing stock of the league... again.


Don't worry we already are, but not regarding the new logo. Nationally it's been reported how everyone is whining about it and comparing it to our reaction to 'No Goal.' Immaturity and nonsense websites. I read a few articles and thought nothing of it, but I got 3 calls today regarding the stories out of California, Texas, and Florida. ::::sigh:::

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For a cash-strapped team like the Sabres, they could use every dollar they can get from merchandise sales.


I've got a suspicion that they will come out smelling like roses on this. I just hope they did it on purpose and there will be plenty of those 3rd jerseys available...

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Don't worry we already are, but not regarding the new logo. Nationally it's been reported how everyone is whining about it and comparing it to our reaction to 'No Goal.' Immaturity and nonsense websites. I read a few articles and thought nothing of it, but I got 3 calls today regarding the stories out of California, Texas, and Florida. ::::sigh:::


All too true...but, IF the new logo hadn't been leaked early (on purpose?) and IF the Sabres would have had the new design ready to reveal right after the playoffs were over and IF the team would have gotten input from fans, players and ownership (like the Ducks did, not that their logo is all that great), we wouldn't have had anything to whine about. I blame it on the fact that nothing ever seems to get done in Buffalo without a lot of discussion.

There are other teams who have had to bear the cross of a bad logo. The Canucks, Islanders, Coyotes, Capitals and Nordiques (well, it wasn't bad - no one knew what the heck it was) all had to suffer with cruddy logos at one time or another. They all seemed to survive (well, the Nordiques became the Avalanche, and their logo is OK). We'll get through this. I think the key is that from here on in, let's lie low, wait for the final product to be revealed, and go from there.

Someone else on this forum said it first: I don't care if they wear their wives' dresses, as long as the team WINS.

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reebok and 'sleeker' are two things that never should have been introduced in to hockey. it was one of the last sports (aside from Anaheim) that most of the teams have stuck to a classic look. football and basketball caved several years ago and i thought hockey could hold out - too bad I was wrong


Here are some jerseys designed by a shoe company to make them look "better":








Do I really need to post more?

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Sorry if this has been discussed in another thread -- I haven't waded through all of the hundreds of posts. But... is it possible there was no plan to use the old LOGO again and the idea of wearing the throwbacks for 15 games was in response to the outrage over the leaked logo? Most of us have learned just recently that you can't have a third jersey until your new primary jersey has been used for a couple of years. So obviously there couldn't have been a plan to use the old logo on a third jersey THIS SEASON. Was the plan from the start to wear the old jersey as a throwback? Given the fight with the league that LQ talked about, that doesn't seem plausible either. The league doesn't want teams wearing throwbacks for that many games. When did the fight occur, anyway? Two years ago? Or two weeks ago? Doesn't the lack of "product" for the announcement indicate that the idea of using the old logo was hatched very recently?


Finally, did I hear right, or did Larry hint that there wasn't a strong consensus for creating a new logo versus returning to the original? I thought he said something like, "We went back and forth, it could have gone either way." That would make the slug even harder to accept, if it was created after, in effect, a coin toss.

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Sorry if this has been discussed in another thread -- I haven't waded through all of the hundreds of posts. But... is it possible there was no plan to use the old LOGO again and the idea of wearing the throwbacks for 15 games was in response to the outrage over the leaked logo? Most of us have learned just recently that you can't have a third jersey until your new primary jersey has been used for a couple of years. So obviously there couldn't have been a plan to use the old logo on a third jersey THIS SEASON. Was the plan from the start to wear the old jersey as a throwback? Given the fight with the league that LQ talked about, that doesn't seem plausible either. The league doesn't want teams wearing throwbacks for that many games. When did the fight occur, anyway? Two years ago? Or two weeks ago? Doesn't the lack of "product" for the announcement indicate that the idea of using the old logo was hatched very recently?


Finally, did I hear right, or did Larry hint that there wasn't a strong consensus for creating a new logo versus returning to the original? I thought he said something like, "We went back and forth, it could have gone either way." That would make the slug even harder to accept, if it was created after, in effect, a coin toss.

I believe he said that there was never any thought of returning solely to the classic logo as they want to continue to move in a new direction.


As for the "third jersey" it is actually part of the "vintage jersey" program available to teams that have been around a certain length of time. The Sabres have been eligible for it for some time now. It was a loophole the Sabres were able to exploit to try and satiate fans. That is why it is "unaltered" and the colors will not match the pants and socks. He claimed in two years the colors will be changed to match the pants and socks, exactly the NHL mandated time required to have a third jersey.


The fifteen games is pretty exciting, though. The maximum any third jersey can be worn is 15 games, so they went for the maximum, again showing (me, anyway) that this was just a ploy to make fans feel better. Perhaps they did have to fight with the NHL to an extent to have vintage jerseys for fifteen home games, but I think the NHL saw the ruckuss here, saw the possibility of losing money if they said "no," and allowed it to help the Sabres (and themselves vicariously) with a bad situation developing here.


All in all, I honestly believe this was a spur of the moment (or week or two) decision on the part of the front office to placate fans.

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