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Darcy Regier leaving Coyotes Organization-Confirmed


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I mean, it was a 10 year period. Is that really that impressive? Especially when 1/2 the league makes the playoffs?


I have to disagree. Coaches are fired all the time, he had to have known he would have to fire Lindy someday. Would you have the same view if the firing took place under Golisano? (i.e. if Lindy's tenure wasn't so long here)


Not many make the final 4.


I don't think Ruff was the problem really. No. The fact that Lindy was coach for a very long time does not matter to me.  Sure coaches are hired to be fired, but DR said he would not do it.



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Not many make the final 4.


I don't think Ruff was the problem really. No. The fact that Lindy was coach for a very long time does not matter to me.  Sure coaches are hired to be fired, but DR said he would not do it.




No kidding. in the same period (roughly 2002-) I grabbed a couple records just to see: Toronto: no Final 4. Ottawa: one Final-4 (and SCF Final loss). Montreal: one Final-4. Those are the first 3 I picked, and Ottawa is the only one that's better (by virtue of going to the SCF). It's not like Buffalo is some sad-sack for only going twice.

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Does anyone have any insight as to why Darcy is leaving the organization?


I haven't read anything other than "personal reasons" but I'm curious what that means in this case.


No insight to share. I'd be surprised if any details emerged in the near term.


Personal issues usually means bad stuff. Most commonly, it's a serious illness, either for the person leaving or for a close family member.

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I mean, it was a 10 year period. Is that really that impressive? Especially when 1/2 the league makes the playoffs?


I have to disagree. Coaches are fired all the time, he had to have known he would have to fire Lindy someday. Would you have the same view if the firing took place under Golisano? (i.e. if Lindy's tenure wasn't so long here)


It was a 10-year period that included 6 years after his owner ripped the heart out of his team through cheapness and incompetence -- which, BTW, was the 2nd time an owner did that to Lindy's team during his tenure.


I agree with your 2nd point though -- I don't think it was a dishonorable move by Darcy to fire Lindy.  Those are the rules of the road.


What does this mean? 


The 2005-2006 Sabres may have been my favourite incarnation of the team ever. Recency bias, yes. But what a ride that was. Bad (*awful*) luck with injuries is really all that prevented that team from hoisting the Cup.


Oh, yes.  Certainly during my adult life.  Unforgettable.


Interesting. I wonder if Ruff just wasn't up for the rebuild and was given a golden parachute. Darcy hung around but eventually got the same treatment?


I don't think so, because both of them wanted and obtained jobs after being fired by the Sabres -- and generally speaking the coach/GM's new salary is netted against the one being paid by the team that fired him.

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Not sure what role he could possible fill if he did. But if he did..... I'd have no problems with it, as long as he's not above GMTM.

I would, the man was absolutely clueless.


He won a few trades early in his tenure, rode his reputation as a "great trader" ever since the Briere deal, and then drove the franchise further and further towards the bottom ever since.


Apart from two seasons in which the rules were dramatically changed, his teams went nowhere without the greatest goaltender ever in net to carry them.

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I would, the man was absolutely clueless.


He won a few trades early in his tenure, rode his reputation as a "great trader" ever since the Briere deal, and then drove the franchise further and further towards the bottom ever since.


Apart from two seasons in which the rules were dramatically changed, his teams went nowhere without the greatest goaltender ever in net to carry them.

It's the second half of my statement you must include to see my perspective. Darcy works well with others, is loyal to a fault, and I personally think did well considering most of his scounting was nickeled and dimed to death by Galisano's accounting staff.


If I was GMTM I would welcome someone like that to my staff.


Plus, he's a good human.

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I sorta just fired that off. I recalled reading that (well, I thought I recall reading that) was one of his reputed strengths when he was hired in AZ.

No. The take was that he was able to field a competitive team on a shoestring budget.

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Does anyone have any insight as to why Darcy is leaving the organization?


I haven't read anything other than "personal reasons" but I'm curious what that means in this case.

According to the article on ESPN, he and the GM were not on the same page. The quote from a team source is "it simply didn't work out and it was a mutual parting of ways". Sorry I can't link it right now but the article is on the ESPN NHL site.
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