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GDT - ST LOUIS @ BUFFALO 11/19/13 7pm


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Okay, so Ennis was good minus his penalty taking issues and random legs being stuck out. Myers looked decent and it was nice to see Nolan talk to him. Girgensons and Foligno together sure are something to watch. Zemgus won't be denied and Foligno had some moments of the same. Those two could be really good in a few years. Moulson and Leino had good moments tonight as well.


So the bad part was McBain and Weber. Weber just got back so maybe we shouldn't be surprised but he needs to step up. McBain needs to stop sucking the giant balls he did. I thought Hodgson was crap for most of the night and I am starting to think trading him is not a terrible idea... this maybe a knee jerk reaction but he pissed me off tonight.

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idk why anyone is really that surprised. This team lacks talent. It lacked talent when we had 4 rookies here and it still lacks talent when they leave. This year still will be up and down and probably crappy but we just played St Louis who is probably 1 of the top teams in the league and if they didn't make the conference finals than their GT weakness must of caught with them because outside of that they are rock solid.


Nolan's press conference was about 2mins and consisted of him saying St Louis is better and they played better.

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Larsson and Ristolainen are just not NHL players right now. Zadorov would have been ok, but it sounds like they would rather him dominate on a good team and coaching staff for another year. Grigerenko is a big ol' ?. At least they can get him time in Rochester and maybe bloody his nose a bit to wake him up.


McBain, yes....not a fan.


Weber....let him get going with Nolan. He was stuck with headcase Myers early on. Now Teddy is hugging Tyler. Weber just needs to be trusted for a few weeks.


Ennis was scrappy from what I saw. He threw 2 hip checks in the last shift and avoided one with swiftness when retaliation was abound.


Like I said the other night...Miller didn't trust these guys to keep up the energy level. Pat and Ted have a month to get these guys in gear consistantly or else Miller will go. So far of my question marks under Nolan, Ennis and Myers have answered the bell. Lieno has sort of. Hodgson, Stafford and Moulson leave me wanting.


I think you will see a trade happen in 2 weeks or so if it isn't a wholesale wakeup. I agree with getting the kids out of here and did since day 1. It's a shiny new toy to us if they stayed.....it's ruining heads and maybe careers for them.

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Well they can't say they weren't ready to play tonight! Ennis scoring what 10 seconds into the game. But in all honesty St. Louis is a solid team but I still think they need to make a move down the line to take the next step. Los Angeles is a better team than St. Louis and play just as physical if they need to.

Don't expect Ted to work miracles with this current squad. Pat and Ted are watching what players will play hard when pushed and what ones won't. I still think it's going to be at least 3-5 years before this team makes the playoffs. It's like an expansion team right now. The only thing that's in Buffalo's favor is there not good and should land a high pick and the quantity of picks coming in the next two drafts.

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Much like the last time you said this....at least the first 10 seconds was worth it.....


The team does look better under Nolan then it did with Rolston. Same result, but that's expected. And should be noted, the Blues are a great team, and a legit contender to win the Stanley Cup. The Sabres roster will look much different then it did when Nolan/Patty took over last week to opening night in October of 2015. It'll be almost a new team.


Now that most of the kids are away from this trainwreck that Darcy build, losing isn't the worst. Reinhart would be a great addition to this team going forward.

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Wish Z had one more game. Favorite player now. I am looking forward to a new feeling in the stands tonight. Maybe my section will even let a out a cheer!



I would not count on it unless you go to a Toronto or Montreal game this year. The atmosphere was great on Friday but that was Nolan's first game and Toronto in the house. I really don't expect much of an atmosphere change until at LEAST mid year next year.


Sadly I was alone in my cheers in my section. But cheers were many and loud and kudos to some whackjobs that were a group of about 15 or so under the press box. Those guys were out for fun tonight and had it. Worse though were the looks I got from the weird family beside me and my wife that looked at me and then muttered something like, this guys cheering?? WOSRT was below us in section 112 or whatever it is directly behind the Sabres home end 1st and 3rd period. That section was 80% sitting when the military member was introduced tonight. F You to all of you who chose to remain seated.

Thank you to all service members for all you do! :-)


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It is going to be interesting to see how we can accomplish the stated goal of building through the draft. I know they have openly stated the importance of high draft picks. This year is a given. No worries on that!!


However, I see PL & TN (and whoever the next GM is) as being too competitive to not try to win next year. Laying down for one year and trying to fix DR's mess is understandable but to lay down for two years is a different story. This honeymoon won't last that long.


Get the remaining dead weight out of here, sign Ott, trade Miller and Moulson, draft a top 6 forward, and go to camp trying to win. I don't want to spend another year hoping to lose for a 25% chance at McDavid.

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However, I see PL & TN (and whoever the next GM is) as being too competitive to not try to win next year. Laying down for one year and trying to fix DR's mess is understandable but to lay down for two years is a different story. This honeymoon won't last that long.


I think your tune will change once they do trade Miller and Moulson away. Even if they draft Reinhart, who is to say he will make the opening night roster or even make a Sean Monahan impact?


I don't think we'll be anywhere near the level you think we will be on next year but i also don't think we'll be bad enough to be part of the Conner McDavid sweepstakes.

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