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GDT: Buffalo at Boston (3/8/2012, 7:00pm)


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It seems easy to sum up the comments generally occurring on the board lately...


All of the players suck, the front office sucks, the coaching sucks, the peanut guy sucks.


Look, they underachieved this year. Get over it. The talent was basically there, but the spark was not. The NHL was not overflowing with a lot of extra talent during last year's FA period or this year's trade deadline.


That being said, I see it as a coaching problem. When the team came out in Oct almost everyone was like..."YEAH, WE"RE GOING ALL THE WAY!!"


People had hope for good reason. There are talented players on this team. Players that for the most part have good resumes' either with the Sabres or with other teams. Someone has to take that diversified talent and bring it together. That mostly falls on the coach. Lindy has served the team well as a player and a coach, but if there are to be any major changes, you have to start with him.


My take from following the comments is that we dont have one sniper, one playmaker, one king of defense, and even our superstar goalie is now marginal. If all that's true, then blow up the team, start from bare bones, and deal with 3-4 rebuilding seasons. The better solution is to move Lindy to the FO, get a new coach, and keep the roster largely intact.


ohhh dangerous words, nfreeman and weave will be most displeased...

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Yeah, amen. Let's go right back to Lucic head-hunting Miller and putting Miller on the DL for weeks, as to the lack of support the team lends the goalies. Miller himself had more fight in him AFTER getting hit than the entire rest of the Sabres team had in them.


That episode indicated huge fundamental problems with this team that have still not been addressed or corrected by Ruff or Regier. Major changes/shake ups are needed.

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Yeah, amen. Let's go right back to Lucic head-hunting Miller and putting Miller on the DL for weeks, as to the lack of support the team lends the goalies. Miller himself had more fight in him AFTER getting hit than the entire Sabres team had.


I never saw anyone come to Vaneks aid last night. If that was Bostons best goalscorer getting rocked numerous guys would have stepped forward to send a message. This team is full of pussies who won't go to war for each other. Since the deadline we've gotten smaller and we have been pushed off pucks,pushed around and lost puck battles all night. We are going in the opposite direction of the rest of the league while everyone adds heart and soul guys with physical and mental toughness we bring in smallish skill guys who can't play without the type of players surrounding them that every other team in the league has loaded up with. It would literally take one game in the playoffs for the opposition to soften this team up.

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Pssst. We scored one goal.




You can't play the kid once since Jan 18th and expect much more than what he gave tonight.


Also true.


I was at the game tonight.... a few observations. (Not many, because most of the posts leave little more to be said).


1. Boston fans were awesome. I did not have one bad experience or snide remark made all night, despite wearing my Tyler Myers jersey and a Sabres hat. One cute little kid gave me a funny cheap shot. I really enjoyed the night and the atmosphere because of the fans, who were all cordial and good-natured.


2. I texted all night to my buddies that Vanek was sleep-walking. He never engaged in this hockey game and there was virtually no effort throughout. And I am not kidding. Away from the puck, he was Herman Munster. When he got blasted, it was fitting because he was listless, unaware, and a non-factor the entire game until he got drilled. I felt he deserved that hard-hitting wake-up call.


3. The bigger the game, the smaller Derek Roy. And I don't mean his stature.


4. Drew Stafford was Thomas Vanek in another jersey. No effort, no desire. Short spurts of nothingness. Roy and Stafford will never contribute to a championship in Buffalo.


5. Boyes competes hard in the category of uselessness... with Roy and Stafford as his main competitors.


6. There were very few Buffalo fans in attendance. I am sure a weekday game is a factor, but I maybe saw six or seven other people with Blue and Gold. And I tried hard to find more.


7. This is Darcy's squad. These are his players. I think we can draw conclusions. One good trade deadline in 14 years is not enough to warrant an extension. Best wishes, Darcy.


Good post. I too thought Vanek reverted to his coma after a strong game vs. Carolina. And Stafford was even worse. I noticed in the 3rd period he got bounced down to the 4th line for a few shifts and Tropp took his spot with Hodgy and Ennis.


Wasn't the reason they brought him in was to increase the offensive output?


It's only been six games, it just happens to be a very unimpressive six games by Hodgson. They gave up a lot for him and it would be nice to get some type of return on the investment during their fight to make the playoffs.


Also true. Pretty passes are nice but really irrelevant unless they result in goals. And he's been less effective in the last 3 games than he was in his first 3 games.


In the game for 50 minutes.


Bad passing.


This team just needs to score more than 2 goals to win these games.


I agree on this, but there's a reason they only scored 1 goal and only put up 20 shots. Their forwards aren't good enough. Not even close.


A few other game notes:


- I thought Enroth played well.


- The Sabres came out looking like they were fully buying in to the built-in excuse of back-to-back games. Boston dominated the first period. The Sabres got some life out of Pommer's goal, which was really their only scoring chance in the first period, played pretty well in the 2nd period and then got dominated again in the 3rd.


- They didn't play as badly as they did vs Winnipeg, but that was still an unacceptably poor "effort" by the Sabres' forwards. Stafford and Vanek did zero. I think most of the rest of them hustled more than they did vs Winnipeg, but it wasn't nearly enough to overcome a tightly controlled game.


- And this brings me back to the key flaw in this team: the forwards aren't good enough, neither on the forecheck nor in skilled play, to win tight, playoff-style hockey.


- Did anyone see the hit Myers put on Marchand in the 3rd period? MSG had some kind of camera glitch and missed it -- they just had RJ's call and then Marchand getting up pretty slowly and gingerly making his way to the bench.


- Another very solid game by Sulzer. Nothing flashy, but a nice, steady, competent defensive game. He had the 2nd most ice time on the team.

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I never saw anyone come to Vaneks aid last night.


I wondered about that - I didn't get to see or hear the entire game - but it doesn't surprise me at all - although it disgusts me. How can the Sabres go to Boston two times in a row, and both times have one of their STAR players put on the DL, and NOT respond forcefully????


I'm guessing this attitude comes from, and starts with, Ruff.

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It seems easy to sum up the comments generally occurring on the board lately...


All of the players suck, the front office sucks, the coaching sucks, the peanut guy sucks.





Actually, I think the peanut guy brings it every night. No complaints with his effort.

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i reject this completely.....


what is he doing in practice ?...just loafing around ?....if this is true, then shame on the coaches for not keeping him sharp.....seems to me it would be pretty easy....you telling me all the shots taken in practice are at half speed or something....players aren't really trying to put the puck in the net.....i've been at practices.....there are hundreds of shots taken.....somehow the 30 he faces in a real game are different ??


What practice? As far as I can tell the team hasn't had a regualr practice in several weeks. The only practice Enroth has had are game day skates, which are not regualr practice, and a few optionals when the team had a day that wasn't spent traveling. Enroth looked amazingly sharp considering how little activity he's had.

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i reject this completely.....


what is he doing in practice ?...just loafing around ?....if this is true, then shame on the coaches for not keeping him sharp.....seems to me it would be pretty easy....you telling me all the shots taken in practice are at half speed or something....players aren't really trying to put the puck in the net.....i've been at practices.....there are hundreds of shots taken.....somehow the 30 he faces in a real game are different ??


The difference between the shots he faces in practice and those he faces in a game are miles apart, to think otherwise is just so wrong. Practices sometimes go for half an hour 45 minutes, to think that a goalie is facing "hundreds of shots" is a huge exaggeration and if it was true, it would be so counter productive to a goalie to work that hard in a practice, he would be so fatigued he wouldn't be able to skate out on the ice for a game. After the game Enroth said that he was tired by the 2nd period, there is no practice that can compare what a goalie (or any other player) has to face in a game or keep you in game shape without playing.


I never saw anyone come to Vaneks aid last night. If that was Bostons best goalscorer getting rocked numerous guys would have stepped forward to send a message.


This has been a problem with the Sabres and I honestly thought getting Regehr would help bring some toughness to the team, but he has been a huge disappointment to me in that regard, I've seen him numerous time turn the other way when the pushing and shoving start, sure he may deliver checks, but I thought he would of brought more of a nasty attitude to the team.

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You can't play the kid once since Jan 18th and expect much more than what he gave tonight.

They didn't need much more from Enroth, they needed more from the guys playing in front of him. (You can replace this most nights with Miller instead of Enroth too, the problem hasn't been goaltending on the Sabres end, its been the guys paid to score on the other teams goaltenders)


But isn't the Job of a Backup goaltender to playing few games (usually less in the final stretch for teams trying to secure a playoff spot) and come in off of long periods off? Most teams only have a "regular rotation" when they don't have a clearcut starter (Toronto, Ottawa right now, etc.) while teams with a "Starter" (Montreal with Price, Rangers with Henrik, Flames with Kipper, etc.) play the starter until they play a team that can allow them to give the starter a rest, or if the starter struggles, or they locked up a playoff spot

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I never saw anyone come to Vaneks aid last night. If that was Bostons best goalscorer getting rocked numerous guys would have stepped forward to send a message. This team is full of pussies who won't go to war for each other. Since the deadline we've gotten smaller and we have been pushed off pucks,pushed around and lost puck battles all night. We are going in the opposite direction of the rest of the league while everyone adds heart and soul guys with physical and mental toughness we bring in smallish skill guys who can't play without the type of players surrounding them that every other team in the league has loaded up with. It would literally take one game in the playoffs for the opposition to soften this team up.


It was a clean hit. Was someone supposed to get an instigater penalty over a clean hit?


I would have liked to see a big hit returned on a Bruin of substance though. Turnaround is fair play and all that.

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After Terry's little whoa is us speech claiming injuries are to blame, you think he does a complete 180 and holds people accountable for the on ice disaster?


I think it's a possibility if they don't make the playoffs. The underlying theme when listening to Terry and Ted is how the rash of injuries prevented anyone from getting a look at the squad they assembled last summer. They've been pretty healthy since the break and the final three months will have served to give them the look they needed. Add the pressure of a playoff push and they're getting a better look at how these guys either rise or fall to that challenge. I'm not convinced that Pegs and Co. are simply blind fanboys afraid to make a change. They've given Darcy a heck of a lot of rope to hang himself.



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I think it's a possibility if they don't make the playoffs. The underlying theme when listening to Terry and Ted is how the rash of injuries prevented anyone from getting a look at the squad they assembled last summer. They've been pretty healthy since the break and the final three months will have served to give them the look they needed. Add the pressure of a playoff push and they're getting a better look at how these guys either rise or fall to that challenge. I'm not convinced that Pegs and Co. are simply blind fanboys afraid to make a change. They've given Darcy a heck of a lot of rope to hang himself.



While I agree i don't think we'll see a management change this offseason. A few personnel changes but that will be all.

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In the game for 50 minutes.


Bad passing.


This team just needs to score more than 2 goals to win these games.

Agreed...they could have won if it weren't for a few bad passes/turnovers. If we can put together another 5 game win streak, we'll be in a good place....and the energy of this thread will entirely diiferent. We're NOT out of this!!

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i reject this completely.....


what is he doing in practice ?...just loafing around ?....if this is true, then shame on the coaches for not keeping him sharp.....seems to me it would be pretty easy....you telling me all the shots taken in practice are at half speed or something....players aren't really trying to put the puck in the net.....i've been at practices.....there are hundreds of shots taken.....somehow the 30 he faces in a real game are different ??


Well with that being said, I think you can say that the intensity levels are at two opposite ends of the spectrum. The energy levels are off the charts, especially when you're playing in your own end for the majority of the game, as the Sabres did last night.

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Bad passing.


The Sabres passing of the puck resembles the passing of gas after a garbage plate - it sloppy and it stinks!!


Darcy continues to build this team for the European league while the rest of the NHL is going back to old time hockey, big and tough. A couple small fast guys is okay, but when your top 6, or in the Sabres case top 9 are all small and spineless, you are not gonna have any shot at the Cup in this league. Foligno, McNabb, Brennan, Finley, Tropp are probably all psyched about their future in professional hockey as their size and playing style is a guaranteed ticket to a franchise other than Buffalo as long as Darcy is in charge. I'm staring to think DR drafted these guys just for trading leverage.

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The Sabres passing of the puck resembles the passing of gas after a garbage plate - it sloppy and it stinks!!


Darcy continues to build this team for the European league while the rest of the NHL is going back to old time hockey, big and tough. A couple small fast guys is okay, but when your top 6, or in the Sabres case top 9 are all small and spineless, you are not gonna have any shot at the Cup in this league. Foligno, McNabb, Brennan, Finley, Tropp are probably all psyched about their future in professional hockey as their size and playing style is a guaranteed ticket to a franchise other than Buffalo as long as Darcy is in charge. I'm staring to think DR drafted these guys just for trading leverage.


And George Bush intentionally let the World Trade Center get destroyed to go to war in the Middle East to make Cheney richer through contracts to Halliburton. And Obama is a socialist plant turning us into the USSR. And aliens are abducting humans for cross-breeding and will take over the world. And the rapture is happening on December 21.


Did I miss anything? These ridiculous conspiracy theories have to stop.

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In the game for 50 minutes.


Bad passing.


This team just needs to score more than 2 goals to win these games.


I agree, although Boston carried much of the play, the Sabres were very much in this but for two bonehead passes in their own zone. That's Boston's game though, like a patient hitter in baseball, they work the count and wait for a mistake and usually hit the home run when it comes. When Boyes missed that golden opportunity in the slot right after the Pommer goal I knew that would be a huge miss, the Sabres simply cannot afford to miss on those.

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And George Bush intentionally let the World Trade Center get destroyed to go to war in the Middle East to make Cheney richer through contracts to Halliburton. And Obama is a socialist plant turning us into the USSR. And aliens are abducting humans for cross-breeding and will take over the world. And the rapture is happening on December 21.


Did I miss anything? These ridiculous conspiracy theories have to stop.


Conspiracy theory? Lol, it's the DR theory and he has stuck by it for too long now. Tell me how DR has built this team then to make a deep run into the playoffs? And if you think this team can go far in the playoffs you need to put the pipe down. I suppose the Bills are gonna win a SB with Ryan Fatpaycheck at QB as well in your mind.

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Conspiracy theory? Lol, it's the DR theory and he has stuck by it for too long now. Tell me how DR has built this team then to make a deep run into the playoffs? And if you think this team can go far in the playoffs you need to put the pipe down. I suppose the Bills are gonna win a SB with Ryan Fatpaycheck at QB as well in your mind.


Congratulations on not even addressing what I said. I said nothing at all about building the team for a long playoff run, or thinking they're capable of it. You said you were starting to think Regier only drafted our big physical players for trade bait, and I said it was a completely ridiculous conspiracy theory with no more evidence to support it than the other ridiculous conspiracy theories I listed. Plus I'm sure signing Joe Finley was exactly for trade bait, I bet Columbus is itching to get their hands on him in a Nash deal! :doh:

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Congratulations on not even addressing what I said. I said nothing at all about building the team for a long playoff run, or thinking they're capable of it. You said you were starting to think Regier only drafted our big physical players for trade bait, and I said it was a completely ridiculous conspiracy theory with no more evidence to support it than the other ridiculous conspiracy theories I listed. Plus I'm sure signing Joe Finley was exactly for trade bait, I bet Columbus is itching to get their hands on him in a Nash deal! :doh:


Trade bait doesn't always have to be about how many points a player has. Did Vancouver want Kassian because he was lighting up the scoreboard? They said they wanted him for his size for the playoffs and his potential upside. Who's to say Finley won't become a good NHLer someday? He is a serviceable, stay at home D-man who leads the Amerks with a +13 in 40 games. The fact he is 6'8" and can throw with anyone in the NHL if need be doesn't hurt either. Most teams have and want one or two big tough guys no matter how they produce offensively.


I don't know how often you get to see the Amerks play, but the team this year does not look like a typical DR team which is promising if he keeps these guys around. But when he trades one of the teams most promising prospects the Sabres have had in a long time, before seeing how he develops is disturbing. And what's he get in return, another smaller player who hasn't done squat for the team. This is just par for the course w DR. I don't know what he sees in all these smaller players, but watching them get thrown around is getting pretty old.

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And George Bush intentionally let the World Trade Center get destroyed to go to war in the Middle East to make Cheney richer through contracts to Halliburton. And Obama is a socialist plant turning us into the USSR. And aliens are abducting humans for cross-breeding and will take over the world. And the rapture is happening on December 21.


Did I miss anything? These ridiculous conspiracy theories have to stop.


I really don't think he was serious. Rather just making a point.

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