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GDT: Sabres at Ducks 2/29/2012 10PM


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Why does roy go to the boards in the o zone with 12 sec left instead of passing back to the point where his d is standing on the blue line scratching their balls waiting .pass or put it on net geez..what a f----- puck hog

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He certainly skates better than advertised.


He has a little more speed than I expected, but his stride is goofy. Not very efficient. I'd say he's about as fast as Stafford.


He could stand to spend the summer at the Amherst Arena or whatever they're calling it this week.

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I dozed off for the entire second period. I hate late games. :angry:

Even with that 40 minutes of sleep, I have no confidence that I will still be awake for the final horn.


Not sure if you have kids or not. I planned ahead, my wife worked till 8 and I don't have kids. Therefore I took a nap after work from about 530 to 615 and I feel fantastic right now haha. Tomorrow morning may be a different storey though.

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Ok. I just lost the last five minutes while playing around with the search function.


Sabs look good. I need sleep, and the aforementioned sedative combo is starting to kick.


Hope the Sabs win! Even more, I hope for sweet, sweet sleep.....

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