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Rangers at Sabres 12/10/11 7:00PM


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Players in my dog house (and hopefully Lindy's):

- Ennis. Basically Maxim Afinogenov with a 1/4 of the scoring ability (and that is saying a lot). VERY trade-able.

- MAG. Bottom line: he should never play an NHL game again when Weber/Myers come back.

- Enroth. Don't need to explain myself. 2 weeks of rest equals that???

- Erhoff/ Leino. Yeah, way to earn your money boys.


I thought Ennis may have been the Sabres best forward tonight. He created a number of chances and fired quite a few good shots on the net, just didn't have any reach the back.

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Players in my dog house (and hopefully Lindy's):

- Ennis. Basically Maxim Afinogenov with a 1/4 of the scoring ability (and that is saying a lot). VERY trade-able.

- MAG. Bottom line: he should never play an NHL game again when Weber/Myers come back.

- Enroth. Don't need to explain myself. 2 weeks of rest equals that???

- Erhoff/ Leino. Yeah, way to earn your money boys.


Agreed with MAG, Enroth, and Ehrhoff. Nothing about Ennis's game tonight screamed "Afinogenov" to me. He was practically invisible, which isn't a good thing by any stretch, but he didn't rag the puck and dipsy-doodle around the zone like Max did. Overall I see the comparison, but tonight it wasn't there.


Leino has been playing the best he has all season and has been solid since being put on a line with Adam and Kassian.

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Enroth having a rough night and the team couldn't bail him out. One goal in three periods against a back-up won't normally win you games. The first and second periods were good, though, and the Sabres were in it until the third.


Not a good night for Kassian, either. But you have Vanek, Pominville, Ennis, Stafford, Roy and Leino out there. Someone needs to score those second and third goals. I'm not happy with Ennis' play right now. Some bad decisions, including shooting the puck right into Biron's chest.

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No, I don't know if you've noticed but this is the first time we've spent to the cap...ever? let alone four years.


It's also the first year under Pegula.


What's the justification for Lindy? I understand there have been injuries and very few guys are actually playing worth their money but why is he untouchable? He's never won us a cup! He finally gets the chance to use actual high priced players and where's that getting us?


Blame it on the players all you want, and that's obviously justified. But where do you draw the line with Ruff? All I know is he's a perfect 0-12 with Stanley cups, and that looks like it's soon to be 13.

That's complete bull$hit. This team spent a lot of money under Golisano. It's not the amount it's how you spend it.

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Players in my dog house (and hopefully Lindy's):

- Ennis. Basically Maxim Afinogenov with a 1/4 of the scoring ability (and that is saying a lot). VERY trade-able.

- MAG. Bottom line: he should never play an NHL game again when Weber/Myers come back.

- Enroth. Don't need to explain myself. 2 weeks of rest equals that???

- Erhoff/ Leino. Yeah, way to earn your money boys.



I think Ennis was the best Offensive player on the ice for the Sabres tonight, that line looks like it is starting to click, 14 SOG's tonight, Ennis had 7 of them and has been playing a lot smarter the last 3 games. Don't forget that he's just getting back from over a month off, the goals will start coming, especially if Lindy keeps that line intact and let's them get used to playing with each other.

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Wasn't that many games ago that we were all commenting on Enroth's weak 5 hole.





That sounds kind of wrong, doesn't it? :unsure:

He may be overcompensating which is leaving the high glove side open. He is still a young goalie and is going to take his lumps. I would still trade Miller in a heart beat if a true #1 center came back in return.

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At least Enroth doesn't hide after a crappy game and owns up to what he did during the game. And I am NOT saying Miller does that, all I am saying is that it's big of Enroth to do so.

There does seem to be a maturity he displays in that regard. Part of what makes hm very likeable as a player.

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Best decision I made during the game...


I started watching Caine Mutiny on TCM between the 2nd and 3rd periods, and only switched back to see the score at 3-1. That was the last time I checked.


PS If you have never seen Caine Mutiny, check it out. :thumbsup:


Boggy, one of his best flicks I dare say........

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Gaustad goes to the net? :unsure:

Frequently. As do most forwards on the team. They just aren't bulls in a china shopesque. Goose is a good player, just not the player everyone wishes he would be. Not really his fault, although his initial impressions left us salivating.


Kassian will be this player. Luke Adam has shown flashes as well. I say it's time to move some of the old guard and get the kids in the lineup. (when fully healthy, if that ever happens)

I'd love to see Adam, Kassian, Tropp, McNabb in the lineup full-time. Move guys like Stafford, Ennis, Gerbe, and MAG to make room.

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Sabres played a pretty good game tonight and Enroth sucked the life out of them. My biggest complaint is the extra pass they keep making instead of shooting.


Enroth, what the he'll was that?!

Enroth sucked the life out of the Sabres by making "the extra pass they keep making instead of shooting?' Even if Enroth "shot" more I don;t think it would help his shooting percentage.

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