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Rangers at Sabres 12/10/11 7:00PM


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Sorry to go off topic, but why are all of us schmucks w/o avatars suddenly subjected to he-who-must-not-be-named on every post?


I was wondering the same thing, so I immediately changed my profile to include an avatar. Now if we can just stop giving up shorties ..... :wallbash:

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Can we please put miller in so we can win



Maybe put him at the point on the PP. There's no doubt that Enroth should of had that,, but there's no excuse for how terrible the PP has looked tonight, it doesn't even seem like there's a man advantage. With the first goal, I doubt that Miller would of made that save seeing it was high on the glove hand side, Miller's kryptonite.

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The pass Kassian made at the end of the first across the blue-line in the offensive zone landed right on the tape of a Rangers forward and sent them in on a 4 on 2. Everyone should be crucifying him. Oh wait, he's only been up for a few games so this is the "in love" stage. The "hate" stage comes after he's been here a while. Got it.


I don't post much, but that's just terrible...

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The Sabres other than Enroth have played well enough tonight for it to be at least tied. Dam Enroth


Scoring one goal in almost three periods is still pretty lame. Our team is basically Vanek and Pominville......and a bunch of other stuff. And two good goalies (even if Enroth is sucking tonight).

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