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Bucky Gleason's Column on 11/17/11


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This is the same type of whining that takes place over at TSW every time Sully writes something negative about the Bills.


Not really..


I think Bucky's a good one, he's no hack and his writing has gotten more insightful and more mature over the years. He's had some truly beatifully written columns in the last year. And even in that piece he wrote some things I very much agree with.



But even though he has access to players and the media room, and even though there wasn't a first person narrative, the media room comment begins to border on gonzo. Do we need to know how the sausage gets made? Miller is a guy with a brain injury at the moment and not a media dodge. He probably shouldn't have been saying anything Sat. night. But the Lucic stuff was a once a year gift for writers that you aren't going to get from pros very much.


But pursuing the narrative that Miller has lost the room? How's an athlete supposed to respond to that. I dunno.


How many people could honestly answer a "When could you tell your co-workers stopped appreciating you?" question if you knew all your co-workers would hear the answer?



(aside from the Bucky column.....I would say never try to curb a goalie's personality.....or Hasek might attack. ;) )

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I didn't have a problem with Bucky writing about the teammate's remarks. Bottom line IMHO is that one of Miller's teammates saying stuff like that to a reporter is newsworthy. I didn't really like the "lip was quivering" statement. I thought it was a cheap shot, pretty subjective and basically neither here nor there.


I did have a problem with the teammate saying what he said, and I agree 100% with the bolded part.



That it (the little birdie) was a player in conjecture. Even if you believe it to be a true report of an actual statement, it very well could have been someone from the staff or a visitor to the room.

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I've seen the exact opposite from him far too often though. He'll jump into most hits (probably a culture of the game thing more than anything). He seems to continue punching downed opponents regularly. He's also one to celebrate post fight pretty often. There is zero respect in his game as far as I'm concerned.


All that with the NESN feed.....ewww, I'm cringing.

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Agreed but he's dead so we have to remember him in a positive light.


That being said Kelley was much better than Bucky is or probably ever will be.


It may very well just be a product of different eras. Now we can read hockey writers from all over the two countries. Back in Kelley's days at the News, those sunday columns were pretty much the only exposure I got to stories around the league.


All that with the NESN feed.....ewww, I'm cringing.


I'm so glad I'll be in mid-drive to Buffalo during that game next week and listening to it on XM instead of dealing with Edwards.

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"chemistry" is NOT the problem....in fact, that word is usually used when you simply can't explain the reason results do not meet expectations.


these are the Sabres real problems:


#1- MENTALLY WEAK - too many times this team makes mental mistakes...they beat themselves....bad penalties, out of position, risky pass versus a safe one, "we didn't play the system" (god, i hate hearing that one, how stupid can these guys be?)


#2- EFFORT - i'm talking about hits, checking, blocked shots, hustle plays to loose pucks or lack thereof.



SOLUTION: currently the sabres are at their best killing penalties...why?...because they play the system (mentally strong)...they give maximum effort....they might as well play like they are a man down the entire game and counterpunch for scoring chances. currently, they give up way too many odd man rushes and breakaways.

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Bucky writes that Miller was near tears before the media was admitted into the locker room after the Boston game. Why is that so unbelievable? I'd be upset too if I was Miller. Someone was quoted anonymously? Do you want to be the teammate that goes on record of what goes on behind closed doors?


This is the same type of whining that takes place over at TSW every time Sully writes something negative about the Bills.



NEWSFLASH... Bucky is a columnist. Columnists state their opinions. That is their job.


"Why is this so unbelievable?" See you fell right into it. Sounds reasonable so lets run with it.


Let's just assume Bucky was drunk and lonely when he wrote this one and move on. :thumbsup:

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The other option is for the Sabres to make some Lucics by employing the same secret eastern european training techniques used by Lucic and female olympic swimmers in the eighties.


This is the third or fourth time I've seen a reference to Lucic being an Eastern European; he's from Vancouver.

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When I read this, I read it in Bucky Gleason's voice and imagined him saying it with a his eyes closed and a stupid grin on his face. This guy loves stirring up $#1+ The whole article just made me mad. Oh, and a little birdie told me Bucky cried at his desk because the other sports writers in town don't like him and he called them out in a column last year. See how dumb it sounds!

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If you get information from an unnamed source, phrase it as "an unnamed source close to the team informed me...". Don't use "a little bird told me..". That just strikes a tone of total bitchiness that most male sports reporters should avoid.


And if you are accusing athlete of crying, how about questioning that athlete to get his reaction to your "little birdie" info.


Finally, he writes an article about the Sabres poor effort against the Devils, but spends half of the article calling out a guy who didn't even play in the game.


As a Sabres fan, I'm very interested in the evolution of team chemistry. It's a great story line that began in the offseason.


Unfortunately, the only thing I gained from Gleason's article is that his favorite television show is probably "Glee."

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ok, so I finally got around to reading the "article". I feel like Bucky felt slighted by something or someone, and totally has the arrogant, I know more than everyone else attitude throughout that article. He barely relates to chemistry (I'm sorry, but pointing out the same thing over and over again about how the team plays harder in front Jhonas isn't the only chemistry on the team...there's the individual lines, and their meshing too).


He's beating a dead horse...(LIGER! quick, what was your dead horse beating analogy?) He has some sort of thing against Miller, and it just makes his opinion column that much harder to read. If your going to call a guy out for crying, at least make it sound like you have a pair between your legs instead of sounding like a tatteling 3rd grader! oy!


I have no problem with any paper writing a negative article or opinion column about the Sabres, as it helps keep a lot of people humble, but some of the last few articles from the Buffalo News have been garbage, especially the last two Bucky ones.

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Gleason needs to work on his writing - not from a technical perspective. I just don't think I've read a single compelling thought from the man's mind. He's excessively verbose and his narrative voice talks in circles. Not fun to read.


A great hockey writer like Jim Kelley engages the reader. Reading Bucky is no different than getting hockey opinions from a barber during a haircut, or chatting with your neighbor about yesterday's game - most of the time it's not particularly dumb, but you don't really glean anything about the Sabres or the sport of hockey.

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The only thing Bucky has against Miller is that "we invite you guys in here" comment. Miller tossed an arrogant response at the reporters and Bucky's throwing arrogance right back. It's no different than the games Kelley and Hasek used to play.


Like I said upthread, an athlete won;t win a battle with a reporter. The reporter always gets the last word.

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The only thing Bucky has against Miller is that "we invite you guys in here" comment. Miller tossed an arrogant response at the reporters and Bucky's throwing arrogance right back. It's no different than the games Kelley and Hasek used to play.


Like I said upthread, an athlete won;t win a battle with a reporter. The reporter always gets the last word.


He said allow....not invite.


invite it a C on the prickiness scale.....allow is an A-

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This is the third or fourth time I've seen a reference to Lucic being an Eastern European; he's from Vancouver.

Yes,he is a 1st generation Canadian of Serbian heritage...which is enough to make an obscure,poorly constructed, attempt to use his lineage in a humorous way to highlight the fact he is physically overdeveloped and a skilled thug who specializes in cheap shots. It is time for the NHL to deal with players like him or return the game to the players so they can once again self regulate . The NHL needs a real random drug testing program.

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what would you stance be on "we permit you..."?


Sully is flaming him on GR about this right now.


I listened to that. Sully sounded like a kid who got punched by the bully and wouldn't punch back. And I am definitely not part of the normal "hate Sully" crew; he just sounded totally weak on the whole thing. As did Schopp. And it may just be that Miller is right.

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I listened to that. Sully sounded like a kid who got punched by the bully and wouldn't punch back. And I am definitely not part of the normal "hate Sully" crew; he just sounded totally weak on the whole thing. As did Schopp. And it may just be that Miller is right.

I like Sully's outrage as misdirected as it may be. Miller does come across as a whiner though. He needs to work on getting back to game shape and quit with the soundbytes. As was stated before the media will always get the last word.

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I like Sully's outrage as misdirected as it may be. Miller does come across as a whiner though. He needs to work on getting back to game shape and quit with the soundbytes. As was stated before the media will always get the last word.


The media definitely will get the last word. Picking a fight...ink by the barrel...all that.


But it doesn't mean that the righter is write. (Wait, did I rite that wright?)

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