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Roy Allegedly Pops Connolly at Miller's Event

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The only thing that doesn't add up is that why would Roy wait until a charity event, to do it infront of media and fans, and not during a meeting, locker room, practice, ect....

My guess is that they were having some fun in the dressing room and Derek gave him a donkey punch,.. makes perfect sense.

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Connolly is one concussion away from retirement. Why would Roy do that. I watched him play in last years post season series against Boston. Roy got banged a couple of times in each game early and then disappeared for the next 50 minutes , so i do not think Roy has the b==== to slap a midget no less tiny tim..

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Ruff had the funniest line. Something like, "I almost wanted to walk in here with an ice pack on my hand."


Funny, until you think about the passive-aggressive nature of the comment. So Lindy is more than happy to continue a joke at Tim's expense, more than happy to have the focus of the fans' discontent be on Tim, rather than where it really belongs?


I bet Connolly didn't laugh.

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Ruff had the funniest line. Something like, "I almost wanted to walk in here with an ice pack on my hand."


Funny, until you think about the passive-aggressive nature of the comment. So Lindy is more than happy to continue a joke at Tim's expense, more than happy to have the focus of the fans' discontent be on Tim, rather than where it really belongs?


I bet Connolly didn't laugh.

TC should be laughing all the way to the bank. I have 4.5 million reasons why.

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1. If it happened, it may have been the result of pent-up frustration at Connolly's attitude & play throughout the year. Or maybe Connolly was drunk(there were drunk Connolly sightings again Saturday night, but I guess you can't blame a kid for blowing off steam with a four-day break ahead).


2. Donuts cost almost a dollar now. Sad. I like that expression.




As much as I want Connolly off my team, I want Roy to stay focused this year. he's up there with the likes of Steven Stamkos, Sidney Crosby , Henrik Sedin and the Richard's. That's where he needs to stay, not answering questions about Connolly's eye.


Man up Timboy, meet the press and tell what happened.

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As much as I want Connolly off my team, I want Roy to stay focused this year. he's up there with the likes of Steven Stamkos, Sidney Crosby , Henrik Sedin and the Richard's. That's where he needs to stay, not answering questions about Connolly's eye.


Man up Timboy, meet the press and tell what happened.


This is totally unsubstantiated, but I have friend who dates a flight attendant who said Gloria Allred was on the connecting Pittsburgh to Buffalo flight this morning, and her head was shaved.


Seriously, chz, it's already been revealed what happened. He had a wardrobe malfunction backstage at the catwalk. Something involving ropes and pullies and a Kevin O'Connell mannequin, I dunno.

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Ruff had the funniest line. Something like, "I almost wanted to walk in here with an ice pack on my hand."


Funny, until you think about the passive-aggressive nature of the comment. So Lindy is more than happy to continue a joke at Tim's expense, more than happy to have the focus of the fans' discontent be on Tim, rather than where it really belongs?


I bet Connolly didn't laugh.

Where exactly is this coming from?


Here is Lindy's quote from the Buffalo News:


Derek did not touch Tim Connolly," Ruff said. "What happened was he had an incident that was related to something that he was going to perform at the charity event. It's fairly funny. If he wants to tell you, he can go ahead. It has nothing to do with fighting. It has something to do with what he was trying to practice for part of the program, and he wasn't very good at it, obviously.


Was there something else to support your accusation?

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Sorry. I used to count on Ink for such things, but it seems like he's been emotionally dead since the loss of the co-captains. I miss those three guys.



I want to know why El Crusho isn't at the arena passing around the 20lb Reynolds Wrap Cup.


Speaking of passing things around the arena....before the game now they pass around a nice 15'x35' Sabres flag in the lower bowl...sort of like a crowd surfing thing. I am so tempted to bring a big ol' jar of Vasoline and then watch the horror as 40 people sprint to the washroom at the same time.

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I want to know why El Crusho isn't at the arena passing around the 20lb Reynolds Wrap Cup.


Speaking of passing things around the arena....before the game now they pass around a nice 15'x35' Sabres flag in the lower bowl...sort of like a crowd surfing thing. I am so tempted to bring a big ol' jar of Vasoline and then watch the horror as 40 people sprint to the washroom at the same time.


Ah, 2006. For a brief, shining moment on a hill, there was Camelot. Then Sabretooth's head went back, and to the left.

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Sorry. I used to count on Ink for such things, but it seems like he's been emotionally dead since the loss of the co-captains. I miss those three guys.

The fact that my job has me making decision that impact millions of people and I'm directly responsible for a few dozen lives rather than the old cushy pencil pusher job I had, has really drained me of time, energy and wit.


Not to mention I'm not married to the emotionally vacant ###### anymore. I now invest myself in real life rather than living vicariously through the internets. (damn you chz!).


BTW, biodork is next on my landscape of fantasy Internet hookups. Rrrrrr...

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Sources tell me that TIMMAY was trying to secure his spot on the team and got poked in the eye by LINDY's.......


I don't think that's Lindy's bag. If I had to guess...Lindy's vice is that he has multiple flasks hidden around HSBC.


Now Darcy on the other hand.....I sort of get the same vibe from him as the prohibition agent on Boardwalk Empire.

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I still can't believe Vogl took the FOXNEWS approach to Twitter.


He also whined recently about having to blog during the game, whereas other writers in the press box were just watching the game and taking notes the old-fashioned way.


Jesus Christ, he's being paid to watch a hockey game and use the coolest technology ever invented to write about what's happening, live, he's right in the middle of a great communications revolution, and he's complaining. There are about 10 million people who would love that gig. But of course he's not shy about telling us where the best saviche can be had in Atlanta. Wonderful.

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He also whined recently about having to blog during the game, whereas other writers in the press box were just watching the game and taking notes the old-fashioned way.


Jesus Christ, he's being paid to watch a hockey game and use the coolest technology ever invented to write about what's happening, live, he's right in the middle of a great communications revolution, and he's complaining. There are about 10 million people who would love that gig. But of course he's not shy about telling us where the best saviche can be had in Atlanta. Wonderful.



The Buffalo News is loaded with substandard writers.


Bucky is a joke and just sits around and waits for something bad to happen.


Jerry Sullivan is probably off his Xanax which makes for great radio but terrible print.


Vogl is just an over-privileged blogger.


The only reason I pick up the Buffalo News is for the crossword.

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