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Tough words by the softest team in the NHL

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An obscene gesture could very well hurt someones feelings. Damn good thing it never happened to this sabres squad. How can the N.H.L. in all their wisdom determine that a nasty hit to the head somewhat from behind and an obscene gesture deserve the same discipline? Mickey Mouse league leadership comes to mind.

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The need to respond Saturday night! The response has to be vicious to a point where teams around the league take notice. Every "star" player on the Blackhawks has to have a bulls-eye on their backs. This is not just about Pomminstein. It's about Pomminvile! It's about Vanek taking a slash across the legs and getting knocked out of the playoffs and the slash he took a week earlier against the Sens. It's about Gomez running Miller behind and ending the Sabres playoff chances. Those instances and others like them need to be addressed once and for all. If they are not they will continue to happen to the Sabres. If they end up paying a fine and taking a couple of suspensions so be it. The long term gains will greatly out weigh them.





If you remain quiet and read this post closely, you can hear Steve Moore's neck breaking....

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Did you even see the play? If you only watched the ice level replay, then this is what it looked like. But there is no perspective in that replay, it looks like a nice clean hit from the side. It's the camera 1 shot that shows it was from behind. The actual mechanics of the hit I have no problem with, but it was absolutely from behind and therefore dirty.


It was a stupid play and he needed to be jumped at the time. He isn't the type of guy with a history of dirty play, and even Miller says he understands why he took the hit. He anticipated Pominville getting the puck and turning. 0.5 seconds later and it would have been as pure as could be. This isn't a thug act and not the type of thing you want to war over. Go find a top 6 Hawk forward and drill him cleanly next game. If they want to fight, fine....but this is like when a pitch gets away from a pitcher who was throwing inside. No need for a brawl. Plunk the other team in the ass next inning...walk to 1st base, and that's that.


I'm one of the first to call for firing back. But dirty? Like I said, I've seen Mair crosscheck people headfirst into the boards 20 times. Because nobody almost needed a trache is why it was never brought up as an issue.

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It was a stupid play and he needed to be jumped at the time. He isn't the type of guy with a history of dirty play, and even Miller says he understands why he took the hit. He anticipated Pominville getting the puck and turning. 0.5 seconds later and it would have been as pure as could be. This isn't a thug act and not the type of thing you want to war over. Go find a top 6 Hawk forward and drill him cleanly next game. If they want to fight, fine....but this is like when a pitch gets away from a pitcher who was throwing inside. No need for a brawl. Plunk the other team in the ass next inning...walk to 1st base, and that's that.


I'm one of the first to call for firing back. But dirty? Like I said, I've seen Mair crosscheck people headfirst into the boards 20 times. Because nobody almost needed a trache is why it was never brought up as an issue.


But isn't the entire game about players making decisions in a fraction of a second. 5sec is actually a really long time for a hockey player to make one. He made a bad decision and deserved the penalty. He deserved the suspension, although I think it could have been a little longer.


I agree about the retribution, though. Every team has players that get hit. Every team has players that get injured. I don't see teams taking any more shots at the Sabres than any other team. Just go out and win and hit someone if you get the chance.

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But dirty? Like I said, I've seen Mair crosscheck people headfirst into the boards 20 times. Because nobody almost needed a trache is why it was never brought up as an issue.


Well, isn't that the problem--- as voiced in Miller's comments? Perhaps he timed the hit for what he was anticipating Pominville was going to do, but ultimately that's not exactly something that can be predetermined by the checker. It's extraordinarily careless considering the possible outcome being that someone may need a "trache" or worse. The fact that so many players (including Mair) have gotten away with such potentially dangerous hits without tragic ramifications doesn't preclude the NHL from better protecting it's players in advance.

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Well, isn't that the problem--- as voiced in Miller's comments? Perhaps he timed the hit for what he was anticipating Pominville was going to do, but ultimately that's not exactly something that can be predetermined by the checker. It's extraordinarily careless considering the possible outcome being that someone may need a "trache" or worse. The fact that so many players (including Mair) have gotten away with such potentially dangerous hits without tragic ramifications doesn't preclude the NHL from better protecting it's players in advance.

Especially when the people running the league and calling the games are bigger blockheads than the people saying that hit wasn't dirty.

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Pommer is fine, he needs to get over it. It's not the end of the world. Time to move on. Should he make comments about it? Sure. To pretty much demand the league suspends a player? Riiight. That's not up to Miller. The last thing we need is him giving the Hawks more bulletin material for the spanking they are about to give us on Saturday night. Besides, all the talk, and i bet Lalime will be in Sat night for the whooping. Maybe he can sit on the bench and worry about the well being of the team.


It doesn't matter whether or not Pominville is fine. That whole period where they're gathered around while Pominville's down on the ice is one of the toughest thing for any teammate to go through. That alone warrants any comments saying that those kind of hits need to be eliminated. Lost in your mini-rant on this subject is the fact that Miller is 100% right. If that makes him soft, then so be it.

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It doesn't matter whether or not Pominville is fine. That whole period where they're gathered around while Pominville's down on the ice is one of the toughest thing for any teammate to go through. That alone warrants any comments saying that those kind of hits need to be eliminated. Lost in your mini-rant on this subject is the fact that Miller is 100% right. If that makes him soft, then so be it.


Just so I'm clear on this, Miller was ASKED his opinion, right??


I mean, he didn't hold a press conference and declare his feelings, did he?


I applaud Miller for answering the question honestly, wright or wrong. In this case, he was right... :)

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Miller is right on this one. He's basically saying that if a guy with 20 mins in penalties can make a bad decision, unfortunately for him he's going to have to pay. And once again the NHL shat the bed.


2 games is a joke. Miller is saying, send a message. If a 20 min penalty guy gets 12 - 15, then the league must really mean business this time.


Instead the guy gets the same amount of rest that the NYI gets for motioning suck this. The NHL is a joke when it comes to discipline.

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But isn't the entire game about players making decisions in a fraction of a second. 5sec is actually a really long time for a hockey player to make one. He made a bad decision and deserved the penalty. He deserved the suspension, although I think it could have been a little longer.


I agree about the retribution, though. Every team has players that get hit. Every team has players that get injured. I don't see teams taking any more shots at the Sabres than any other team. Just go out and win and hit someone if you get the chance.


The biggest mistake was assuming Sekara could execute a pass with more oomph than a squirt level defenseman. If the pass comes any faster than a trickle...it's a clean hit.


I have no problem with the penalty...and I won't say he shouldn't be suspended. It comes to intent. He didn't intend to hit Pominville from behind. Much like a safety that explodes a receiver who doesn't have the ball on a tipped pass....the timing would have been perfect if the pass connected. That's why it isn't dirty. Does anyone here for a second after seeing all the evidence think he was going, "Alright....I'm going to go paste that guy from behind full blast into the boards when he doesn't have the puck!"? No....it was a careless play and someone could have been seriously hurt. If that is suspendable...fine. But to call out the dogs long term makes no sense.

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If you remain quiet and read this post closely, you can hear Steve Moore's neck breaking....

I think it's sound of Pomminstein's face hitting the glass, or maybe Miller's or Vanek's ankles?


How many Sabres have to be knocked out of games before a response is deemed necessary? Miller's injury cost this team a playoff spot. Vanek's may have cost the team a playoff series. You would think at some point "fans" would like to see the Sabres stop being the leagues punching bag. Or is that some "fans" like to see Sabre players helped off the ice?

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I didn't see the game live, but I did watch the replay numerous times. I've been watching hockey since I can't even remember, and I have to say my jaw hit the floor when I saw the replay. That is easily one of the worst hits, whether intentional or unintetional, I have ever seen. I just hope Pomminstein recovers ASAP. And that hope is for him, not the Sabres.

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I didn't see the game live, but I did watch the replay numerous times. I've been watching hockey since I can't even remember, and I have to say my jaw hit the floor when I saw the replay. That is easily one of the worst hits, whether intentional or unintetional, I have ever seen. I just hope Pomminstein recovers ASAP. And that hope is for him, not the Sabres.


How about that hit MacArthur laid last year?


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How about that hit MacArthur laid last year?




Should have gotten 10 games or more for that. I don't care who does it, what team, the NHL continues to miss the boat. 2 games for a gesture, 2 for plastering a guys face into the boards?? The NHL is a mess when it comes to discipline.

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Teams know we are soft and we've proved it time and time again that if you come at us with hard hits, we will just lay down and die. We did it again last night. We want no part of that type of game. Being a team that shys away from games that are physical, our power play is just as pathetic. So, why wouldn't teams go after us like that?


Just read this post which kinda shows a disturbing trend in the NHL, at least for Sabres fans... aren't we the ones who always seem to be on the losing end of these types of hits... I agree that Kaleta isn't scaring anybody and neither is Miller, as much as I hate to admit it, but there has to be more to it than just coincidence and a lack of a real heavyweight goon. I mean, we did have Peters for a while didn't we?

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The biggest mistake was assuming Sekara could execute a pass with more oomph than a squirt level defenseman. If the pass comes any faster than a trickle...it's a clean hit.


I have no problem with the penalty...and I won't say he shouldn't be suspended. It comes to intent. He didn't intend to hit Pominville from behind. Much like a safety that explodes a receiver who doesn't have the ball on a tipped pass....the timing would have been perfect if the pass connected. That's why it isn't dirty. Does anyone here for a second after seeing all the evidence think he was going, "Alright....I'm going to go paste that guy from behind full blast into the boards when he doesn't have the puck!"? No....it was a careless play and someone could have been seriously hurt. If that is suspendable...fine. But to call out the dogs long term makes no sense.



Bull$hit - its a dirty hit even if pominville has the puck on his stick - you can't run a guy from behind headfirst into the boards no matter the circumstances. Hjarlswhatever has every opportunity to pull up and cruise on by when the puck didn't get there before he did.


Pommers can't put himself in that position, though - He has to be facing out of the zone looking back to his defenseman with his stick down waiting for the pass - he can then see the guy coming and defend himself. Even your first year squirt wingers are taught that. You are asking for trouble when you leave yourself vulnerable like pommers did. No, I'm not blaming the victim, but it needs to be pointed out. Its probably why this 20 penalty minute man got such a hard on when he saw pommers in this vulnerable position - Most NHLers are too smart to ever put themself in that position. Just because Pommers is a Lady Bing candidate doesn't mean everyone else is.

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IMHO, the hit was in the back and it was a dirty play. It reminded me of the hit Ovechkin put on Briere a few years ago.


I also think the Sabres are far from the softest team in the NHL. I might've agreed with it 2 years ago (when, as DeLuca rightly points out, Miller was hit on a dirty play by Gomez, effectively killing their chances of making the playoffs, and Tallinder and the rest of the team didn't respond), but not now. Since then, they've added Grier, Niedermayer, Morrisson and Myers. They still don't play an intimidation game, but very few teams do at this point.

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I think it's sound of Pomminstein's face hitting the glass, or maybe Miller's or Vanek's ankles?


How many Sabres have to be knocked out of games before a response is deemed necessary? Miller's injury cost this team a playoff spot. Vanek's may have cost the team a playoff series. You would think at some point "fans" would like to see the Sabres stop being the leagues punching bag. Or is that some "fans" like to see Sabre players helped off the ice?


Responding immediately is quite different from planned retribution.


The guy was punished with a penalty, a suspension, and now what??


George Laraque's hit on Nathan Paescht was retribution for a previous games hit on Malkin.

The elbow broke Nate's jaw.



Anyway....this quickly devolves into thuggery....you address these things immediately...but not like Todd Bertuzzi. You can fairly question the league's response,

but you can't call a team soft for not retaliating in a planned manner in a subsequent game.

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Responding immediately is quite different from planned retribution.


The guy was punished with a penalty, a suspension, and now what??


George Laraque's hit on Nathan Paescht was retribution for a previous games hit on Malkin.

The elbow broke Nate's jaw.



Anyway....this quickly devolves into thuggery....you address these things immediately...but not like Todd Bertuzzi. You can fairly question the league's response,

but you can't call a team soft for not retaliating in a planned manner in a subsequent game.

Yes you can and it would be accurate! If they don't respond on Saturday they might as well rip the BUFFALO off the front of the third jerseys and replace it with PU$$IES!

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Responding immediately is quite different from planned retribution.


The guy was punished with a penalty, a suspension, and now what??


George Laraque's hit on Nathan Paescht was retribution for a previous games hit on Malkin.

The elbow broke Nate's jaw.



Anyway....this quickly devolves into thuggery....you address these things immediately...but not like Todd Bertuzzi. You can fairly question the league's response,

but you can't call a team soft for not retaliating in a planned manner in a subsequent game.


I agree 100%


The Sabres need to leave the guy himself alone. If you want to make a statement...forecheck, keep guys off of Miller, and lay some clean hits that make the highlight reel. If Myers wants to run at Kane with a big hipcheck...that's fair game. Hell, Mike Ramsey did it to Gretzky in an All-Star game if I remember.

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