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Everyone who wants to blame Regier...


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It would be interesting to see Larry Quinn try and put the reins on a blowhard like Brian Burke. There would be a press conference within minutes and Burke would incite the fans and the press to run Quinn out of town regardless of his paltry ownership stake. A G.M. should have total control over hockey decisions. Unless he's Mike Milbury. Regier is a dove when what we've needed around here is a hawk. You can say he went too far into the small skilled forwards with speed but at the same time he was doing that other teams were still drafting big skilled guys and in hindesight we have fallen behind in that regard. Now we try to catch up and wait for more of Regiers projects to develope. Its the Regier cycle.

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Even if he did that, Quinn/Tommy-boy still sign the checks. Darcy can offer the moon and stars to a free agent but Larry has to okay it. Darcy could be the greatest GM in the NHL but you'd never know it if Larry Quinn won't back him up.



And your point is that Darcy would stick around under those conditions, and my answer to that is, if that's true, then it basically shows that Darcy and Larry agree on things. Because if he didn't agree with Larry's meddling, he'd have gotten out of here already. And he'd easily have landed a job somewhere else in the NHL by now, so long as he left here not having blown his top to the media. No, the logic here is clear. He's in Buffalo and has no qualms about what Larry's vision has him doing or not doing. Personally I see him as a big lazybones, perfect for this organization and perfectly happy here.


Ans bunomaniac is spot on in his post above this one. SPOT on.

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How is it different? What career advocates disrespect to the person who signs your check?



The general dynamic. Regier as a GM of a professional sports team is not the equivalent of a office manager or a manager of a McDonald's. As GM Regier should be the last word in all things hockey related. Quinn should stick to arena operations. If Regier is allowing a unqualified Quinn to influence hockey decisions he has no one to blame but himself for the results.

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And your point is that Darcy would stick around under those conditions, and my answer to that is, if that's true, then it basically shows that Darcy and Larry agree on things. Because if he didn't agree with Larry's meddling, he'd have gotten out of here already. And he'd easily have landed a job somewhere else in the NHL by now, so long as he left here not having blown his top to the media. No, the logic here is clear. He's in Buffalo and has no qualms about what Larry's vision has him doing or not doing. Personally I see him as a big lazybones, perfect for this organization and perfectly happy here.


Ans bunomaniac is spot on in his post above this one. SPOT on.

I'm not saying Darcy is the god's gift of GM's. I'm just saying you can't judge a GM without considering the management layers above him. And anyone who thinks an NHL GM can just walk away from his gig is a disingenuous tool.


Besides, arguing about Darcy is like arguing about paint colors when the house is falling apart. Quinn is the real problem. As long as Larry Hockey is running the Sabres, nothing will change.



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It would be interesting to see Larry Quinn try and put the reins on a blowhard like Brian Burke. There would be a press conference within minutes and Burke would incite the fans and the press to run Quinn out of town regardless of his paltry ownership stake. A G.M. should have total control over hockey decisions. Unless he's Mike Milbury. Regier is a dove when what we've needed around here is a hawk. You can say he went too far into the small skilled forwards with speed but at the same time he was doing that other teams were still drafting big skilled guys and in hindesight we have fallen behind in that regard. Now we try to catch up and wait for more of Regiers projects to develope. Its the Regier cycle.


LQ would never hire a manager who would stand up to him.

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think about this. correct me if im wrong though. quinn gets fired by the rigases. we then go to the stanley cup. everything seems good with the sabres. then the rigases f up. quinn comes back and everybody complains since then. he let briere drury and campbell get away. also traded lafontaine a while back. only good thing about quinn was 05 06. and even in that year the sabres got lucky cause of the rule changes. maybe quinn really is the root of all the problems. i say fire ruff and quinn there garbage. i dont mind regier but if he got fired too then oh well.

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And anyone who thinks an NHL GM can just walk away from his gig is a disingenuous tool.

Oh OK, so that's how we're going to play? Listen, you obnoxious automaton, I didn't say that Darcy should quit being a GM and go sell hot dogs on the street corner. I merely pointed out that if he were truly as frustrated by Larry Quinn's "meddling" (as of yet completely unproven anywhere, no matter how many people have bought into it, including myself), Darcy had plenty of GREAT opportunities to go GM on another NHL team. His resume with the Sabres, albeit sans Cup, would have landed him a job anywhere there was an opening, and there have been plenty of those in the last four years.


No, the dude and his boss are equally to blame for this mess. Nothing but conjecture says otherwise.

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Oh OK, so that's how we're going to play? Listen, you obnoxious automaton, I didn't say that Darcy should quit being a GM and go sell hot dogs on the street corner. I merely pointed out that if he were truly as frustrated by Larry Quinn's "meddling" (as of yet completely unproven anywhere, no matter how many people have bought into it, including myself), Darcy had plenty of GREAT opportunities to go GM on another NHL team. His resume with the Sabres, albeit sans Cup, would have landed him a job anywhere there was an opening, and there have been plenty of those in the last four years.


No, the dude and his boss are equally to blame for this mess. Nothing but conjecture says otherwise.

Mute, please watch where you step on this one. PromoTheRobot's been here a long time. I may not agree with everything he says, but namecalling him like that to such a nadir is really frowned upon around here.


Granted, I'm not a mod, but I'd say at least 95% of the posters on here show a measure of respect and decorum around here toward others. We will have our disagreements, but "obnoxious automation" is really uncouth. It's just one of those unwritten rules around here that you just don't point blank bash someone like that.

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I'm not saying Darcy is the god's gift of GM's. I'm just saying you can't judge a GM without considering the management layers above him. And anyone who thinks an NHL GM can just walk away from his gig is a disingenuous tool.


Besides, arguing about Darcy is like arguing about paint colors when the house is falling apart. Quinn is the real problem. As long as Larry Hockey is running the Sabres, nothing will change.



Yeah, I know it's football, but I understand how Redskins fans feel about Dan Snyder. The Redskins were successful when Jack Kent Cooke owned them. Things haven't been the same since Mr Cooke died, IIRC.

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Mute, please watch where you step on this one. PromoTheRobot's been here a long time. I may not agree with everything he says, but namecalling him like that to such a nadir is really frowned upon around here.


Granted, I'm not a mod, but I'd say at least 95% of the posters on here show a measure of respect and decorum around here toward others. We will have our disagreements, but "obnoxious automation" is really uncouth. It's just one of those unwritten rules around here that you just don't point blank bash someone like that.

I was only playing a word game. Robot = automaton. No offense was meant. Besides, calling people "disingenuous tools" is considered fairly obnoxious, I'm sure, amongst such distinguished company, is it not?

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I was only playing a word game. Robot = automaton. No offense was meant. Besides, calling people "disingenuous tools" is considered fairly obnoxious, I'm sure, amongst such distinguished company, is it not?

It could be, but even when some of us vigorously disagree with each other, we at least try to show each other a modicum of respect toward one another. If we really step over the lines, either one of the mods or the HMFIC will step in. I've seen it happen, and so have others. Granted, there's quite a bit of snarkiness around here, but rarely is there any sort of extreme condescension. Last time that happened, username NHL_opinion (sp?) was gone just as quickly as he got here.


I don't think you've reached that point yet. Just trying to help out.

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for everyone who thinks that Regier is the worst GM in the sport etc etc, here's some perspective on the Sens GM Bryan Murray whom we love to hate - (some Loafs apologists chimed in too)


  • So the Sens are now going to win the division, conference and Cup with this move because the farm team is bursting with Calder Trophy prospects who only need a brilliant coach to develop them - and a chance to become super novae with the big team ? Yawn.
  • so Sens fans like Bryan Murray? This guy cost you Heatly, he traded a first rounder for Mike Comrie, lately he's been rattling sabres about Spezza wanting a trade. This guy has done nothing but drive this franchise down and you folks want more? Well, you're welcome to him. Enjoy Gonchar and his fat guaranteed contract, especially when he's injured again. There's a reason Detroit and Anaheim won cups AFTER he left.
  • And Murray signed the king of inconsistency Alex Kovalev. Nuff said!
  • As for Murray not talking....lol......ask Spezza about what happens in closed door meetings with Murray......and who talks about what to the media.:) Murray has built a dynasty of players wanting out the door and out of the city.....Burke has cleaned out the country club and charted New directions.:)THIS season will tell the tale of how Burke is doing......the Sens......well....expect more of the same....earn a playoff spot and then exit. How much longer can the Sens organization tolerate Murray? A GM who has been successful at laying blame on everyone....players....coaches....but never on him.Burke on the other hand....stands up for his decisions.....takes the blame if the team is not performing and sets out to right the ship. If players or coaches are not performing to expectations.....they hear about it....up front and either improve or get moved on. Not much of a second chance with Burke and not out in the media before they hear about it. BIG difference. In my opinion....the Sens have had a few teams over the years that could have and possibly should have Won the Cup....but Never have. Leafs haven't really been close to a Cup since winning in 1967....a loooooooong time ago. Leafs have a well documented history of failures......including last season until the clean up started. Now....they are on a course with youth and a plan/system to take some steps forward. It won't happen overnight.....granted...but the process has started with Burke at the helm. Fiery and fiesty he is.....just as he describes how his team should be.:) He wants a team that other teams don't look forward to playing....'truculence' appears to be his favorite term. We shall see what we see.....starting this season.

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And now Paul Hamilton is defending Regier... LOL This is Rich: http://bleacherreport.com/tb/b5gDs


Once again, Hamilton misses the point. Given the under performers on this team, Kennedy isn't the one who should have been let go. Stafford would have saved more Cap space.

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And now Paul Hamilton is defending Regier... LOL This is Rich: http://bleacherreport.com/tb/b5gDs


Once again, Hamilton misses the point. Given the under performers on this team, Kennedy isn't the one who should have been let go. Stafford would have saved more Cap space.


Weird that the WGR page somehow got "folded into" Bleacher Report. Also weird that Paul would admit he has defended the team for years because it has spent close the cap, when it hasn't, not unless "close" doesn't mean what I think it means.

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And now Paul Hamilton is defending Regier... LOL This is Rich: http://bleacherreport.com/tb/b5gDs


Once again, Hamilton misses the point. Given the under performers on this team, Kennedy isn't the one who should have been let go. Stafford would have saved more Cap space.

There has been a change in Hamilton since he started doing some play by play while RJ is on vacation.

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Stafford would have saved more Cap space.

They have over $5 million in cap space already, do you really think they cared about Stafford giving them more. It's about real $'s; Stafford would have cost ("money burned") over twice as much to buyout. Of course, buying him out would have saved $1.5 million of his salary (vs. $667k of Kennedy's) that might have been put to better use elsewhere. I saw enough at the end of last season that I'd rather see Kennedy-Roy-Vanek (with Ennis on the second line or swap those two) more than start another year with Vanek-Roy-Stafford. Heck, they could even have given Kassian a 9-game tryout and, if it worked out, still have spent less with Kennedy and Kassian on the books.


Note: not disagreeing with the idea, just the justification provided.

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The buck actually stops with TG. If he feels that DR isn't doing the job he wants him to do, he will fire him. As long as DR is the Gm, the obvious implication is that ownership is happy with his performance.

Yea, and the job Golisano wants Regier to do is SAVE him money. Golisano doesn't care about a championship. If he did, he would tell Regier to spend spend spend. And Quinn's job is to MAKE Golisano money. TG is nothing but a fat greedy swine.

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Yea, and the job Golisano wants Regier to do is SAVE him money. Golisano doesn't care about a championship. If he did, he would tell Regier to spend spend spend. And Quinn's job is to MAKE Golisano money. TG is nothing but a fat greedy swine.



Golisano is a businessman. The goal is to make money.

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Defending Darcy Regier




Interesting read actually, although I don't agree with some of the analysis.


So basically he wants us to cut Regier some slack for making a few common sense moves? Yeah, sure, those will help me forget how much I hate half the team.

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