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Everyone who wants to blame Regier...


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This is the name of the game folks, any thing else is merely a red herring and everyone of you knows this.


Darcy Regier is the General Manager of the Buffalo Sabres. The "buck" (hope I spelled that rght) stops with him.

At the end of the day, all obstacles being considered, Darcy Regier "HAS NOT BROUGHT LORD STANLEYS CUP TO BUFFALO"!

This to me says it all. Any can analysis what has happened, but it takes the right the person at the right time to put it altogether for a championship.

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...well, do so if you want, but please read this first (this is not a new article):



OK. I read the article. What's the point? I'm sure less people like Quinn than Regier. How does that make Regier capable of building a Stanley Cup Champion? This team will be going into 2010 spending over $50 mil on a roster that Regier put together. A roster that will have pretty much the same deficiencies it had last season and possibly more if he doesn't get off of hi as$ and get a major move completed.


Accountability is the right word. Until accountability is injected into this franchise the steps towards building a Stanley Cup Champion will never happen. Someone needs to walk into Regier's office and tell him that his plan for building a Championship team isn't working. Someone needs to demand Regier's accountability.

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This is the name of the game folks, any thing else is merely a red herring and everyone of you knows this.


Darcy Regier is the General Manager of the Buffalo Sabres. The "buck" (hope I spelled that rght) stops with him.

At the end of the day, all obstacles being considered, Darcy Regier "HAS NOT BROUGHT LORD STANLEYS CUP TO BUFFALO"!

This to me says it all. Any can analysis what has happened, but it takes the right the person at the right time to put it altogether for a championship.



The buck actually stops with TG. If he feels that DR isn't doing the job he wants him to do, he will fire him. As long as DR is the Gm, the obvious implication is that ownership is happy with his performance.

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...well, do so if you want, but please read this first (this is not a new article):




I remember reading this when it came out. I'm not going to re-read all of that again. I'm not that far over the transom, whatever that means.


I continue to be left with these questions: if ownership is so bad, and Regier is such a good GM, why is he still here? And if ownership and management are so bad, and Ruff is such a good coach, why is he still here?


They're all co-conspirators. This Gang of Four has hijacked my team, has it and me by the short hairs, and won't let go. It's making me progressively more miserable. Only one thing is going to liberate us -- the day OSP sells the team. They've considered offers and probably still are. LQ has admitted it. Hopefully it won't be long, but OSP will probably try to squeeze the last penny out of the thing.

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The buck actually stops with TG. If he feels that DR isn't doing the job he wants him to do, he will fire him. As long as DR is the Gm, the obvious implication is that ownership is happy with his performance.

I was referring to personnel decisions, but you would be correct tom. TG is the one that needs to make the decision to fire Regier.

I honestly believe we are going to see the last year of the Ruff/Regier era this season. I believe niether one of them gets signed past this season and it isn't soon enough in my humble opinion.

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So whats this article on Quinn got to do with Regiers ineptness as an N.H.L. g.m.? If what you're trying to say is that Regier can't make hockey decisions because of Quinns meddling then it still falls on Regier. If this is the case then Regier has no integrity as a person and should have developed some principles and some backbone and stepped down because of the interference. I don't believe thats the case. I think Regiers got free reign and does'nt have the cajones to pull of the moves that will get this team to the promised land. We've all seen the 12 year window of opportunity afforded Regier and we've all seen the ultimate failure to get the right pieces in place. Its time for a change and if Quinn selling his part in the team is the catalyst needed to affect that change then so be it. If Darcy is such a successful G.M. he'll land on his feet. This team needs a new vision by someone that is capable of getting the job done.

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Static I agree with you on the Regier/Ruff era coming to an end this season or following this season. I mentioned as much in another post and was admonished for my opinion. I actually believe Ruff would be collateral damage because of Regiers 'slow hand' but if he is so be it. All things come to pass and the same fear of letting go of 'his' players that affects Regier affects many Sabres fans.

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So whats this article on Quinn got to do with Regiers ineptness as an N.H.L. g.m.? If what you're trying to say is that Regier can't make hockey decisions because of Quinns meddling then it still falls on Regier. If this is the case then Regier has no integrity as a person and should have developed some principles and some backbone and stepped down because of the interference. I don't believe thats the case. I think Regiers got free reign and does'nt have the cajones to pull of the moves that will get this team to the promised land. We've all seen the 12 year window of opportunity afforded Regier and we've all seen the ultimate failure to get the right pieces in place. Its time for a change and if Quinn selling his part in the team is the catalyst needed to affect that change then so be it. If Darcy is such a successful G.M. he'll land on his feet. This team needs a new vision by someone that is capable of getting the job done.


Yeah, I'm saying there's some meddling, and there shouldn't be. (Keep in mind Rene Robert's line from last summer; he sees it, too.) I think Darcy Regier's best trades came when Quinn wasn't around. Quinn's minority position does not guarantee him a job; Golisano can fire him if he wants to. He should. He won't.

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Yeah, I'm saying there's some meddling, and there shouldn't be. (Keep in mind Rene Robert's line from last summer; he sees it, too.) I think Darcy Regier's best trades came when Quinn wasn't around. Quinn's minority position does not guarantee him a job; Golisano can fire him if he wants to. He should. He won't.

If Regier is so weak that he allows Quinn to overrule any hockey decisions Regier makes what does that say about Regier? Quinn and Golisano fulfill their primary functions, the checks clear. This roster falls on Regier. He allowed Vanek to hit restricted free agency and got burned. He overpaid for Pominville. He inexplicably re-signed Connolly. He threw away draft picks for Rivet. He decided to choose Drury over Briere without having Drury locked up long term.


Is Quinn a jerk and the least qualified person int he city to make a hockey decision? Yes! It doesn't Excuse away the half-as$ed job Regier has done. Not using free agency as the building tool it is and not getting trades done that improve this hockey club falls on Regier and his core beliefs on how to build a team.

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So whats this article on Quinn got to do with Regiers ineptness as an N.H.L. g.m.? If what you're trying to say is that Regier can't make hockey decisions because of Quinns meddling then it still falls on Regier. If this is the case then Regier has no integrity as a person and should have developed some principles and some backbone and stepped down because of the interference. I don't believe thats the case. I think Regiers got free reign and does'nt have the cajones to pull of the moves that will get this team to the promised land. We've all seen the 12 year window of opportunity afforded Regier and we've all seen the ultimate failure to get the right pieces in place. Its time for a change and if Quinn selling his part in the team is the catalyst needed to affect that change then so be it. If Darcy is such a successful G.M. he'll land on his feet. This team needs a new vision by someone that is capable of getting the job done.


I'm all for giving people a chance to succeed...and by many markers, Darcy's time in Buffalo has been a success overall. But the final pieces of the puzzle to make the Sabres a Cup contender just haven't materialized and ultimately that falls at the leadership's feet. If you look at the Buffalo teams (and any teams, for that matter) that go deep in the playoffs, they're nasty, tough to play against every night and they have players made for big moments. How many guys on Buffalo's current roster fit that bill?


The conference final teams with Dru/Briere were great, no doubt...but they didn't have that nasty edge needed when you get deep into the playoffs.


Darcy has done things in fits and starts and occasionally grabbed at straws (Raffi for a 2nd round pick was stupid). He's also been somewhat lucky at times -- Miller becoming a top goalie out of the 5th round comes to mind.


With some other GM's seemingly taking Darcy's lunch money...it seems to me that you would look at the job Ray Shero has done in Pittsburgh. Doesn't hurt when you start with Crosby and Malkin...but to put the right complimentary pieces around the team is critical. Same goes for Stevie Y's start in Tampa...he's resigned St. Louis before he could hit the market and knows it is important to lock up the face of the franchise, not hide behind some internal "that's-no-the-way-we-operate" mantra. If you want to keep your core guys in tact, you sign them.


Bottom line -- the fanbase is rabid in Buffalo...and standing pat isn't going to cut it. Things aren't going to get better for Tim Connolly here, much as they weren't going to get better for Afinogenov. This time, you'd think Darcy would see the writing on the wall and get what he can for TC and move on. The fact that Cody McCormick played four games in the playoffs and was one of the top four forwards on the team is embarrassing, no offense to Cody.


That's a verdict on Darcy -- as Lindy said often "we need our best players to be our best players." Well, we need our GM to be one of the best to bring a Cup to Buffalo. I don't think Darcy is one of the best.

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I love how the same discussions get recycled every year, yet the fans continue to spend and the team continues to tread water.



I think this upcoming year has the potential to be the worst period in Buffalo sports history since '84-'86. Put the boys at GR on suicide watch, because come December, this city will be ready to revolt.


If the Sabres stand pat, watch out. Last year they had more good luck than bad. Connolly played a full season. Miller was in a zone and was able to ride his focus and success from the olympics. Hecht had a good season after disappearing for years at a time. Injuries to key players in general were absent. Ottawa and Boston had horrible early seasons that allowed the Sabres to get a jump start on things. Pretty much....it was a good year and they were still only able to win 2 playoff games in the past 36 months.


The Sabres "core" are no longer young. Most are in their late 20's, and a few are in their 30's or mid 20's. Myers is the only bright spot with TRUE hope. When a person makes it to 27....30....32....and not only hasn't figured out how to become a leader, or in some cases, is a net negative in the maturity department......those things don't change. The leaders on this team are over the hill. Grier had a nice effort in the playoffs, but he was constantly a step slow on the defensive side. Rivet is willing, but last time I looked a bum arm doesn't leave you flatfooted. Lydman was a steady force on D that will be missed. Mair and Ellis play hard, but all smoke and no fire make for cold dinner. Gaustad had all the potential in the world to take this team by the throat, but Lindy watered him down. Kaleta improved...now his game is only 30% circus sideshow instead of 65%.


Tell me......for the 4th year in a row....WHO WILL LEAD THIS TEAM????


A 160lb goalie can only do so much. Remember...Tim Thomas won a Vezina 375 days ago......



Bottom line....

Quinn is a sociopath who only cares about achieving HIS goals.

Regier is a patsy who only cares about doing just enough to justify his cushy job, yet not enough to have a real chance at a championship.

Ruff hasn't had a skilled player with leadership ability in so long that he now overcoaches to the point of numbness.



I am positive about a lot of things in life, but when the sports teams I grew up loving are hijacked by a bunch of politico, greedy slimeballs....and have talent evaluators that either have a head or a thumb up their backend.....it's impossible to be a passionate supporter.

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I love how the same discussions get recycled every year, yet the fans continue to spend and the team continues to tread water.



I think this upcoming year has the potential to be the worst period in Buffalo sports history since '84-'86. Put the boys at GR on suicide watch, because come December, this city will be ready to revolt.


If the Sabres stand pat, watch out. Last year they had more good luck than bad. Connolly played a full season. Miller was in a zone and was able to ride his focus and success from the olympics. Hecht had a good season after disappearing for years at a time. Injuries to key players in general were absent. Ottawa and Boston had horrible early seasons that allowed the Sabres to get a jump start on things. Pretty much....it was a good year and they were still only able to win 2 playoff games in the past 36 months.


The Sabres "core" are no longer young. Most are in their late 20's, and a few are in their 30's or mid 20's. Myers is the only bright spot with TRUE hope. When a person makes it to 27....30....32....and not only hasn't figured out how to become a leader, or in some cases, is a net negative in the maturity department......those things don't change. The leaders on this team are over the hill. Grier had a nice effort in the playoffs, but he was constantly a step slow on the defensive side. Rivet is willing, but last time I looked a bum arm doesn't leave you flatfooted. Lydman was a steady force on D that will be missed. Mair and Ellis play hard, but all smoke and no fire make for cold dinner. Gaustad had all the potential in the world to take this team by the throat, but Lindy watered him down. Kaleta improved...now his game is only 30% circus sideshow instead of 65%.


Tell me......for the 4th year in a row....WHO WILL LEAD THIS TEAM????


A 160lb goalie can only do so much. Remember...Tim Thomas won a Vezina 375 days ago......



Bottom line....

Quinn is a sociopath who only cares about achieving HIS goals.

Regier is a patsy who only cares about doing just enough to justify his cushy job, yet not enough to have a real chance at a championship.

Ruff hasn't had a skilled player with leadership ability in so long that he now overcoaches to the point of numbness.



I am positive about a lot of things in life, but when the sports teams I grew up loving are hijacked by a bunch of politico, greedy slimeballs....and have talent evaluators that either have a head or a thumb up their backend.....it's impossible to be a passionate supporter.

Seems like you are doing a pretty good job of it. Many of us may be angry, frustrated and tired of Status Quo. We are not without passion.

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it seems to me that you would look at the job Ray Shero has done in Pittsburgh. Doesn't hurt when you start with Crosby and Malkin...but to put the right complimentary pieces around the team is critical.

I never look at Pittsburgh for comparison because they start with Crosby and Malkin. A GM would have to try hard to not do well with what the start with and the Sabres won't intentionally do what is needed to get a similar start (i.e., be really, really bad for several years when some of the best players come up though the draft.) The Penguins actually had trouble lately getting those complementary parts. Word is that they are looking for a more traditional third-line center, so that they can move Malkin or Staal to wing. I appreciate some of the moves that they make; I just think it's a bad team for Darcy to model his team after given the situations of each.


Teams like Detroit and NJ are closer to situation that Darcy faces, so I look at them for comparisons. They build from within, but also make big external moves when needed.

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Seems like you are doing a pretty good job of it. Many of us may be angry, frustrated and tired of Status Quo. We are not without passion.


I have passion when it comes to the teams, but not a drone-like, living in denial support of the organizations that, "true fans" have, one of which I am told I am not. I was angry four years ago. Now I have just accepted the fact nothing will ever change with the Sabres until the fans stop spending, like I have. Just reading that article again reminds me of what a luciferian jackass oversees this team. I'd rather have a liquored up John Muckler at 80 and attached to life support make the hockey decisions than the duo of jokers we have at the top.

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If Regier is so weak that he allows Quinn to overrule any hockey decisions Regier makes what does that say about Regier? Quinn and Golisano fulfill their primary functions, the checks clear. This roster falls on Regier. He allowed Vanek to hit restricted free agency and got burned. He overpaid for Pominville. He inexplicably re-signed Connolly. He threw away draft picks for Rivet. He decided to choose Drury over Briere without having Drury locked up long term.


Is Quinn a jerk and the least qualified person int he city to make a hockey decision? Yes! It doesn't Excuse away the half-as$ed job Regier has done. Not using free agency as the building tool it is and not getting trades done that improve this hockey club falls on Regier and his core beliefs on how to build a team.


I don't think all of those decisions were Regier's but fine; fire both Regier and Quinn. But just firing Regier will not solve anything. It only will give us another name to bitch about.

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Maybe we're approaching common ground here.


Perhaps a poll, or a pole, would be in order.


You can keep or get rid of all of the following -- Golisano, Quinn, Regier and Ruff.




Get rid of


Galisano (he did this area a favor by buying this team)


Get rid of

Regier, Quinn


On the bubble


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Now I have just accepted the fact nothing will ever change with the Sabres until the fans stop spending, like I have.


chin up. these guys have to retire/die at some point.

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You can keep or get rid of all of the following -- Golisano, Quinn, Regier and Ruff.


OSP - keep/don't care...indeed, he saved the franchise in their hour of need.


quinn/regier - get rid of. the fanbase deserves to know that this franchise is about winning a cup, and complacency is not good enough.


ruff - keep. he's demonstrated ability in coaching mid-level talent towards the ultimate prize several times, including game 6 of the cup finals and three other ECFs. he's the andy reid of hockey, maybe? his goaltenders are his donovan macnabbs (hasek/miller). a lot of folks are deriding him now, but the truth is, this team isn't stocked with half the talented as those teams he took deep in the playoffs. he'll do more with what he's given than any other coach...that is my opinion. it's just a gd shame management can't give him anything to call a legitimate team (mix of talent, toughness, leadership, and cohesiveness).



i used to be one of those fans that kept the faith until the final horn blew (and to some point, i still am), but seeing the sabres get knocked around in this year's playoff round really struck home for me. the guys on this team are not built for the playoffs, the two month grind of winning another 16 games. a change in philosophy is necessary if this franchise is going to get back to being a legitimate contender. whether that philosophy change is needed at the very top, with golisano, or in quinn/regier, i am not sure. i am sure, however, that lindy ruff has done more for this franchise than any other coach, and i'm not positive that anyone else out there today could do better with what he's given season after heartbreaking season.

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I could repeat my post on another thread about how the Sabres always manage to stay in the middle of the league and so always have hope to sell because it's applicable to this discussion.


While the fiasco of Briere/Drury is fading in the past, it should be noted that Darcy is now on an upswing. His stated goal last year was making the playoffs. He exceeded that by winning the division. So there is no way he will be replaced at this point.


If the team has a total collapse this year and misses the playoffs, THEN you might see some kind of administrative move by Golisano. But that will be a year away...at best.

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I could repeat my post on another thread about how the Sabres always manage to stay in the middle of the league and so always have hope to sell because it's applicable to this discussion.


While the fiasco of Briere/Drury is fading in the past, it should be noted that Darcy is now on an upswing. His stated goal last year was making the playoffs. He exceeded that by winning the division. So there is no way he will be replaced at this point.


If the team has a total collapse this year and misses the playoffs, THEN you might see some kind of administrative move by Golisano. But that will be a year away...at best.

I highly doubt it.

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