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Very classy tribute to Olympians. Miller got a loud standing ovation by Pitt fans, nice gesture. Before Crosby was introduced they showed a replay of the goal -- smattering of boos during the video and then just polite applause for Crosby. Sorrry Sid, Team USA before Penguins.

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Same old Sabres. Lalime keeping them in it, no offense from the guys that matter. Could Pominville once, just once, not fire the puck straight into the goal tender's chest?


Yep. They looked asleep at the switch for most of the period.

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Ok. Cobwebs out. Lucky to be down by only one. Started to come on last few minutes of the 1st. Quick score on the PP to start the 2nd and we're on our way to a 4-2 win.




Yep, could really use a PP goal right away to get the crowd out of it...

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Yep, could really use a PP goal right away to get the crowd out of it...


Wonder how many times opposing fans say that about HSBC Arena?


Someone needs to administer a breathalyzer to Lalime. Staggering around like Fred Sanford.

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Same old Sabres. Lalime keeping them in it, no offense from the guys that matter. Could Pominville once, just once, not fire the puck straight into the goal tender's chest?

Pominville is good at that.

And he's one of Lindy's star pupils, he rarely passes, the guy fires the most useless shots from anywhere and everywhere on the ice.

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Same old Sabres. Lalime keeping them in it, no offense from the guys that matter. Could Pominville once, just once, not fire the puck straight into the goal tender's chest?


He does that a lot actually...They just miss the net completely.

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Could these guys be any more inept on how to execute a power play? This is beyond coaching. They seem to have no clue how to cycle the puck to move defensemen around and get down low. Firing the puck from the outside on the powerplay is useless unless you're a sniper, which none of these guys are. If you don't pressure the box then you're not going to score, it's not that hard. :wallbash:

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